Thursday, September 29, 2011

AFRICAN GODDESS: an ancient tale

And what of Sophia, of Wisdom, of the Holy Spirit, Comforter, Counsellor, Redeemer? Well people say She is here, residing within each and everyone of us as a sleeping potential, an inner life force, known widely as the Kundalini (serpentine) energy. This unique energy resides in the sacrum (sacred) bone. It is said that She can be awakened if one truly desires it so. It sounds like a dream but that’s what this music seeks to proclaim and celebrate. -Joseph Ben Israel


BEAUTY: two stories of

Ukraine beauty on sofa

Tyra Banks, model & business woman

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zoe Yadira Saldaña Nazario, actress Avatar

...Her born name is either Zoe Yadira Zaldana Nazario or Zoe Yadira Zaldaña Nazario; her father is from Dominican Republic while her mama Asalia Nazario is from Puerto Rico. Zoe Saldana can speak Spanish and English fluently, she had to move to Dominican Republic with her family when she was at the age of 10. Saldana spent more than seven years in Dominican Republic; she attended a high-status dancing school there and joined the ballet dance class...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MANHOOD DISCUSSION: Fatherhood & Prophets

an African woman holding her child's heart !!!!

“King is always finding ways to uplift, praise, honor, and exalt his wife. It is a teaching, a spiritual practice young cats should grasp if they wish to understand the essence of manhood, and the energy of being a caretaker, a husband talking a love song to his wife as man, a priest-warrior.” - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Mereana Taki in front of dark background

In my Nativez World all visionaries who see far and work near, are also noted as Prophets. In our Nativez tongue it would be Matakite ~ Mata = eyes, kite = to see. Matakite. He uses a certain oratorical range of devices, turns it inside out on itself and gives irony and sledge hammered impact. All cultures have their Prophets, their respective due is given especially those able to rally the people through oratory which speaks straight to the Soul. Rongo is our Deity of peaceful pursuits and cultivation so symbolizing two conjoint things in ourselves as younger Kin.

(1) Peace is an INNERessence. (2) Like every sacred Garden of potential it knows seasons and cycles of change, transformation, transition and dormancy. The full range of life's seasons is also Peace's own seasons and cycles.

These are my words and eye take full responsibility for them. Ocean Sister ...Ngaronoa Mereana Taki in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Native art from Indigenouz Fellowzhip

Monday, September 26, 2011


Mrs. Black North Carolina, Sandra Dubose-Gibson

Mrs. Black North Carolina in 2011 Sandra Dubose-Gibson by Rick Armstrong in black dress !!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

COMPLAINT addressed

Anonymous, after all the posts you have read of mine you drew the conclusion that I am a pervert? A lot of thought, prayer, study, and consideration of a variety of factors goes into every post I submit. I have a targeted audience in mind for this blog: young men. These are young men in need of direction beyond the mediocre fare allotted to them; young men I work with year after year. At times the level I am come from exceeds their state of consciousness. I am aware of this, but I am keenly aware that women read my posts here, on Facebook, and other blogs I have, and I know young men need Elders to tutor them at high levels. I was why not them, and this medium is for their generation not mine.

Art, photography, sculptures tell powerful stories from and to the archetypes we come from and aspire to evolve from. A woman’s body clothed or not tells numerous stories in an instance. Those stories talk to states of being, various maturity levels, levels of pain, and in a glance arouse blood, dark memories, or inspire poetry, art, and begin courtships, or challenge the best of a man to wrestle with his darkness to kneel in the illumination of her dynamic. Sometimes I notice that certain images arouse what ails a soul: A trickster’s tale!

It is a simple fact that women populate the spiritual spaces to evolve spiritually far beyond men who tend to stagger behind in this realm. Being aware of this and an avid student myself of several disciplines, and a father of grown children I am deeply aware of the concepts of sensuality, female innocence, sexuality, and the perversions of sex, and women’s body. If I was a pervert I’d be a predator, and probably dead by now of disease, witchcraft, or knife. If I were a pervert you wouldn’t have read, and at times, studied my words so intensely. I am a man in a continuous state of learning.

I want to be kind because I am not angry about your response. I am not attacking you in response to your honest assessment of the picture of Cherokee. Cherokee is a contradiction, and if you click the tag: Sacred Feminine you will find the connection I was making. There are several streams of consciousness throughout this blog. Cherokee is the disconnection story. It is a vital, tragic and poignant story lived by women and men who base their relationships upon conflict. She is a porn star. Her story is laced with tragic contradictions, but she is important to the teachings of young men trying to raise themselves in a culture that cannot and is incapable of honoring the Sacred Feminine, or even understanding the ideal.

I hope you continue to read my blog, and speak your mind. Without it how can we grow together? – Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Saturday, September 24, 2011

SACRED WHORE SERIES: Gnostic & Hindi practices

Responsible sex between two self-aware, individuals can help them separate and differentiate between physical lust and soul love. The experience can create more clarity in the relationship. Even if the relationship isn’t intended to be long term, responsible, consensual sex can be beneficial.

In times past, in some Gnostic and Hindu practices, ‘temple whores’ were incorporated into meditative practice as a way to achieve spiritual union between the male and female. Here, the word whore does not mean a lustful indulgence in eroticism. When honored, the sacred prostitute was ‘virgin’ in the original sense of the word (one-in-herself); a person of integrity whose welcome for the stranger was radiant, self-confident and sensuous. Her purpose was to bring the Love of God into direct contact with mankind. Sexuality and the religious attitude were inseparable.

Jungian psychologist Nancy Qualls-Corbett describes the Holy Whore as "a woman, who, through ritual or psychological development, has come to know the spiritual side of her sexuality; her true Eroticism, and lives this out according to her individual circumstances.” By this definition, a Sacred Prostitute uses sex as a means to enlightenment; a way to experience God.

The Sacred Prostitute is a woman who has reclaimed her Self and reconnected with her own self-will; she has reclaimed the sacredness of her body. When a woman reprograms her thinking from the dogma she has been fed and has come to accept as truth, she frees herself to explore her deeper sacred, sexual feelings; those feeling that are just waiting to be tapped.

If women felt more in control with their sexual selves and how to connect with God through their sexual selves, it is speculated that the divorce rate would decrease because it would force men to see women in a new and different way, making the sexual relationship more sacred.

If we as humans saw each other in this new way, relationships would change dramatically, and change quite possibly for the better. by Rich Ernest

(A rework of an earlier post by Santee Featherarms)

Friday, September 23, 2011


Brazilian actress Alice Braga in Terminator

Brazilian actress Alice Braga

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Cosetta Chantal
 a Sacred story

“There is a point water blends with the Earth, our Mother. That moment is often brief, and goes unnoticed. Noticed, the moment can extend the length of time, expand the merger, and bring form to the intangible elements of water and Earth. Other times breath (Air) is inhaled, or breathed into the form and a dream comes true, a force shifts and moves with all four elements, and Creation stirs the fires and the will to live is stronger than Death. The moment Life is stronger than Death Love emerges. It is amazing the mysteries of this Lifetime, and times past. Our words speak Life into forms as vast in scope and range as a smile, a mate, a laugh, a large building. It is incredible to be a Woman, I think. It is incredible to be a man, I know.” – Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Cosetta Chantal

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Jungian psychologist Nancy Qualls-Corbett describes the Holy Whore as "a woman, who, through ritual or psychological development, has come to know the spiritual side of her sexuality, her true Eroticism, and lives this out according to her individual circumstances." By this definition, a Sacred Prostitute uses sex as a means to God/dess and to enlightenment. Fundamentalist Christians believe that the door to the kingdom of heaven is opened to those re-born of fire and water. Occult traditions such as Tantra, and magickal orders which esteem the Holy Whore, persuade us to experience our divinity by immersing ourselves in the fires of sexual passion and the baptismal waters of sexual ritual. Sexuality becomes sacred when the Goddess residing in every women is honored. - Santee Featherman 

brown sista Queen


Goddess form enlightened


“The times we are living in has given rise to the realization of and the manifestation in more and more women of the Goddess, her form of religion and spirituality has ushered a deep sense of right within the authorities of their wombs.” ©Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Goddess Venus
Goddess form of a big black model by Terry Richardson

Goddess praised in Africa

Goddess figurine


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Lucy Nethery of Norwalk, Connecticut. was on Regis & Kelly show the summer of 2011 for a makeover. In her early '60's, a new job, and single she was humble, by admission, about her appearance. With and without the makeover the show gave her she was captivating, and memorable to me. A softness traced paths through her acquired toughness for big city life, and a ruggedness from the American frontier played contrasting games within her. However she is viewed a deep throbbing of an even cadence within her is audible making her believable as a woman, a Stands-Besides-Me-Woman.

I wish I could have found a picture of her on the show. Her dress revealed what her subtleness naturally concealed and revealed simultaneously: a natural form designed by a life drawn by her living, and the dream of that life lived. Now for a man looking for a mate that means something in a language men understand within themselves about what they need in a Stands-Besides-Me-Woman!

A man needs two eyes to look at a woman: one to see her and the other to look at her. A man needs one eye to desire her, and a heart to capture her heart. A woman needs a wellspring to conjure, and to discern the truths in a patriarchy where the vines that seek to run up her leg are difficult to differentiate: one may bear fruit the other may sprout thorns.

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Sacred Medicine Wheels

Mario Sharapova
"It is an annoying technique: air brushing. I like watching the aging process because it requires the viewer to change, to alter their own perceptions to see the evolution of soul, beauty, and the ideas of soul, and beauty change." ~ Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Helen Mirren & Queen Elizabeth together

BLACK WOMAN: bria myles

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own and you know what you know. And YOU are the only one who'll decide where to go." ~ Dr.Seuss

Monday, September 19, 2011


Native American woman Regina Lakota Sioux
“Regina, the Hawk feather, the black paint, the strength of form and body strength under control by your spirit and your imagination tells a story of regeneration, rénaissance, and dark powers in the light of our ancestors' dream of today.” - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories


Turtle Medicine from Moon Flower Wallen's site

“I know a lot about Turtle from his ancient stories. His storytelling style is easy to read and listen to in the forest. Held captive as a pet Turtle doesn't tell his stories with clarity.” – Gregory E. Woods

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Megan by Zanita


“One of the most fierce personalities I know is also one of the top sales professionals in the country: George Wheeler Jr. We are friends, and for a time worked in commercial finance, and started a few businesses. It was tough working in that envirorment given my particular skill set, and personality. I studied under a rigid subscription to a code of thinking that made any student, and I was a student of sales, able to sale business to business, make cold calls, and approach anyone face to face.

As my mentor, George had daily rituals that began, ended and sustained his day. One, a chant, was a proverb, a reminder that ‘everyday in Africa a gazelle wakes up preparing to outrun the fastest lion, and everyday a lion wakes up to outrun the slowest gazelle.’” - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

POVERTY: Burkina Faso, West Africa

poverty - Burkina Faso Artisanal miner
 ... the Conflict of Western wealth is in Africa in this photograph of an artisanal gold miner covered in dirt from a day's hard toil in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The local miners extract gold ore from lodes and gravel beds at the base of narrow circular shafts up to 40 metres deep. They extract the ore by conventiontal gravity sluicing, but more and more are turning to primitive cyanide leaching methods that are harmful to the local community and environment. Stock photography by Peter Flindell.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

POVERTY: Alabama

The 9th poorest state in the United States is Alabama. There is a deep spiritual tradition of hatred, betrayal, spirit crushing in Alabama. It, like the deep South, is held by energies of belief and practice. I wonder how that affects the physical wealth of a community, a family, or the individual? - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Miss Alabama USA for 2011 Madeline Mitchell
Miss Alabama USA Madeline Mitchell Reunited With Man Who Saved Her Life (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post Ellie Krupnick 8/16/11

On Thursday morning "Good Morning America" served up some tear-jerking, feel-good TV with the story of the beauty queen who was saved from a fiery car crash by a passing truck driver.

20-year-old Madeline Mitchell is described lovingly by "GMA" as "the pretty Alabama girl who loved horses, cheerleading and most of all, beauty pageants." She was about to compete in the Miss Alabama USA pageant when in September 2008, she lost control of her car while driving and plummeted into a 40-foot ravine, her car catching on fire.

In what the clip describes as a miracle, Walmart truck driver Gary Lewellen passed by just seconds after the accident, pulled over, used a fire extinguisher and called for help.

Mitchell was in a coma for 12 days after the accident, suffering from multiple injuries. But, as "Good Morning America" so poignantly puts it, "Her right leg was shattered in 12 places, but left unbroken was the dream that had seemed all but lost: to be Miss Alabama USA."

In November, Mitchell was crowned Miss Alabama USA and will compete this Sunday in the Miss USA pageant. But before that, "Good Morning America" reunited her with a good luck charm -- Lewellen.

Miss Alabama USA 2011 Madeline-Mitchell
9. Alabama

- Median income: $42,218
- Poverty rate: 16.1 percent (tied for 9th highest)
- Without health insurance: 14.4 percent (21st highest)
- Unemployment rate: 10.0 percent (10th highest)

Alabama has one of the worst poverty rates in the country. Combined with an unemployment rate of 10 percent and a median income of just $42,000, state residents are in truly awful shape. While unemployment in most of the country has dropped in recent months, it has actually increased in Alabama. State Governor Robert Bentley, acknowledging the dire circumstances state residents face, has begun a “road to economic recovery” campaign aimed at creating jobs in order to pull the state out of depression. In an interview in the Andalusia Star News, Bentley says he hoped to create 10,000 new jobs by the end of the year, but that it would be challenging.

TROY DAVIS: a story of justice

Troy Anthony Davis

“There is something within the culture of law and prosecution that bristles at the notion of being wrong, and losing a case to the right thing to do. If we are to change anything change our value of life, and the way we believe about life.” – Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 

Troy Davis, a drawing of

Friday, September 16, 2011

POVERTY: North Carolina

North Carolina is reported as the 10th poorest state in the US of A.

Miss North Carolina USA 2011 Brittany York

We like to cover our blight, and poverty is a blight, to create appearances that don't reveal the blight. We also like to pretend our root problems don't exist, and the South has mastered the art of condemnation in the Lord's name, and been learning to adjust to gay communities, educated Negroes, enterprising Indians, integration, and a shrinking economy.

North Carolina is a beautiful place. I love going there. I sometimes dream about living there. I have visited the state a few times, and I am by no means deeply invested in its culture, politics, or its history. But, I do know enough of the history to appreciate its wild beauty with a calm eye, and brace against the subtle hatred from educated whites, and poor rednecks, and the suspicious but friendly Blacks, and the Cherokee people's open contempt for Blacks and Black Indians. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Clarence E. Lightner, first popularly elected Mayor of Raleigh, North Carolina
Clarence Everett Lightner (August 15, 1921 – July 8, 2002) was the first popularly elected Mayor of Raleigh, North Carolina and the first African American elected mayor of a metropolitan (defined as having a population of 50,000 or more) Southern city. Lightner, a Democrat, was also the first and to date only black mayor of Raleigh, serving in office from 1973 to 1975.

His mayoral election gained national attention since only 16% of registered voters in Raleigh were black, and it was unique for a white-majority city to elect a black candidate for mayor. Even more surprising to some was the fact his race was rarely mentioned in the campaign. Lightner came of age in an era when most blacks in the South were still disfranchised, was elected to the City Council two years after passage of the Voting Rights Act, and was elected mayor six years later. Lightner was a man of "dignity and perseverance", who brought people together when he entered public political life, as he had for years in his community work.

In a 1976 book on Southern politics, authors Jack Bass and Walter DeVries wrote "Perhaps no political campaign better reflected changing attitudes on race than the 1973 mayor's race in Raleigh, in which black City Councilman Clarence Lightner won support from a coalition of white suburbanites concerned about urban and suburban sprawl."  [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
Mrs. Black North Carolina 2011 - Sandra Dubose-Gibson

10. North Carolina
- Median income: $43,275
- Poverty rate: 16.1 percent (tied for 9th highest)
- Without health insurance: 16.7 percent (13th highest)
- Unemployment: 10.1 percent (9th highest)

North Carolina has one of the lowest median incomes in the country. It does not perform much better on other metrics related to poverty. There have been a number of programs implemented to help combat poverty in the state recently. One example is the No Kid Hungry program which aims to end childhood hunger in North Carolina by 2015. According to information from the program, “more than 1 in 4 children in North Carolina do not get sufficient food.”

Mrs. Black North Carolina Sandra Dubose-Gibson 2

BLACK ACHIEVEMENT: a British singer

black beauty of Keisha Buchanan

"Singer Keisha Buchanan colors the landscape, and musicscape of the international stage as a British singer and member of the band Sugababes. Her family is from Jamaica and she's cousin with Simon Webbe, former member of Blue. Great claims to fame, but my biggest concern about young artists is the claim to be artists without the commitment growing each year to deepen themselves with the ancestry of their craft." ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories


“I haven’t made myself familiar with the particulars of Troy Davis’ case, but it reeks of a smell common to what ails the United States of America, and the soul of Black folks. I work at the beginning of the problems with our youth, and deeply entrenched within the thinking of our young people are the structures of idealogies that triggers and maintains our system of slavery, and keeps it going. Our beliefs, our faith in Christianity, our pressing need to be accepted by white Americans, and our sense of entitlement are in our actions, and reflect in our children’s actions leading them into prisons, and for a select few, the slow process to sit on death row.

What is our spiritual responsibility? That is more important a question to ask and address than our customary walks back and forth upon the cultivated lawns of our tired discourses. What are our spiritual responsibilities? For a people who have created so many dances from the depths of their African spiritual roots, and traditions why are we dancing to someone elses’ dance around what ails our souls, our children, our men, our women?” – Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Sgt Dakota Meyer

Read his story, ponder his words, and look into his face and ask the questions that were not asked in the public arenas about war, invading Iraq, war sickness, soul loss, and American foreign policy in the years following the attacks on New York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon in Washington DC in 2001! Look at him and listen to him as a parent!! 

BIG BLACK WOMEN: Mothers of Creation

big black model by Terry Richardson !!!!

Big Black women are all over the African Diaspora either embracing themselves, denying themselves, being themselves or starving themselves into the form of insecure white women, or there are combinations of the four that are defining what African men loved, and revered in their women, and white explorers, in the past, who marveled at and gasped in awe steeped in disbelief at their forms.

Today there is an onslaught of spit, venom, contempt, and caricatures heaped upon the image of big black women who shaped the original designs of the Goddess, fertility, sexual powers, and gave sensuality to the form of Earth Mother’s energies. Why?

Why lies in the answers to the questions about sacredness, avoidance around slavery, and the cultural shame of white men raping Black slave and free women with aplomb throughout their history of interaction with our people. Why is about the inability of African men to protect their women and children as men. The dignity of women, their rights is centered on the energies, and the restoration of dignity and deep respect for African women. Who are these women?

They are our mothers, grandmothers, and our birth stories. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of the Drum

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BLACK ACHIEVEMENT: pride, history & Keisha Buchanan

black beauty of Keisha Buchanan in pink blouse & floral shorts !!!!

I listen to the dribble of fashion critics on television the same way I listen to the squabbles of teenage girls in public: critically. The little girls are cute and innocent of the hardness of the women they are modeling, but doing damage nonetheless to someone’s self-esteem. After millieniums of being culturally reprehensible gossips in Western cultures have gained a foothold of legitmacy not because they generate good will, can be mistaken for importance, or have credibility! They have enjoyed decades of generosity from the public because they direct viewers, and readers away from the depth of their times, and away from the fundamental questions that need addressing into the folds of the magical world of advertistments, and consumption. Gossips get people to buy things they don’t need, and focused away from the essentials of community building, maturation, intellectual enforcement of standards, and deep spirituality.

The fisherman’s lure tricked countless fish to the surface despite the tales told by their ancestors, and parents. Despite the echos of fish in agony with sharp hooks in their mouths reverbating around the sphere of Earth’s waterways fish are caught by the lure of fishermen. There is an art to it, and the art is the enticement of instant gratification, and the easy exercising of the least amount of creativity, analytical capabilities, and the lack of the need to employ a kind heart. Gossips find relief knowing they can be cruel and invisible at the same time to someone who has achieved in their life. They like the energies they conjure up that downcast the upright and people who have ascended beyond the mundane.

The critics ripped this little girl, the British singer Keisha Buchanan to shreds over her shorts and blouse because it made her hips look bigger and out of proportion. They went further into insult, and envy declaring she did not know how to dress appropriately for her body type which is African!

Four and five centuries ago European women were envious, scared, and competing against African women in the dark continent they would never meet. Their men were coming home sexually aroused, and permanently changed by the bodies of naked Black women built from a celestial design, a prototype, a creation story that fashioned, birthed, and shaped world cultures. What a journey white women have taken in fashion from the oversized gowns with hoops to mimic the wide African women’s hips, and huge rear ends to the half-fed bodies of pale women prancing with the pretense of the grace and form of African women whose walks came from balancing babies on their backs, and loads atop their heads as they walked bare foot, or sandaled upon uneven terrain.

©Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories


singer Patti Smith, PHOTO CREDIT: Patrick McMullan via 

Singer Patti Smith made a comment about a gifted artist who did not become famous before he died in 1973 many people with vision need to hear, embrace, and understand. Henry Darger, born in 1892 was a prolific writer and artist who made a living as a janitor. He is famous posthumously for his 15,145-page, single-spaced fantasy manuscript called The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion, which came with several hundred drawings and watercolor paintings illustrating the story

Patti Smith sang at the benefit for Henry Darger in 2010. The event was held by The American Folk Art Museum. In between songs she commented on how artists who live in obscurity as opposed to the mainstream stay true to themselves and are at one with their Creator. They usually die in obscurity, never welcomed in their time, perhaps victims of independence who hold fast to their vision till their dying day.

art by Henry Darger

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Polygamous Marriage


“I watched an interview on the Regis & Kathy show today. I think I got the name right. They talked with the authors of a book: "Love Times Three: our True Story of a Polygamous Marriage" by Joe, Alima, Vickie & Valerie Darger.

Joe Darger is married to Alima, Vickie and Valerie. They live in Utah. Vickie and Alima have been married to Joe for 20 years, and in 2000 they asked their husband to consider marrying Vicki’s twin sister who had 5 children from a previous marriage. He did. This marriage added five children to the 7 that Joe and Alima had, and 8 to the union of Vicki and Joe, and dig this: Joe andValerie had 4 children together! That is 24 children!

I looked at their faces, and saw the deep satisfaction, the solidness of their lives together, and a host of questions rose to the surface. One of the obvious things I noticed struck me. Their unions developed a deeper sense of togetherness. The concept, and the action of these marriages under one roof developed a discipline unlikely to easily show up in too many mongamus marriages. This is a white family I might add, but their stories tied me into the marriages of the patriarchs of the Hebrew peoples, the Arabs I met, as a young man, in Morocco, and other countries, and the very few in the African spiritual community in Washington DC.

As Christians we aren’t allowed to publicly speak of the connections, but in societies outside of the Western tradition everything of life, including religion, spirituality, diet, sex, etc. are encircled within the family dynamics of plural marriages, and crucial to the state of those marriages, and the well-being of the children is the sanity of the adults….” - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

The book:


... walking down an alley Kristen did not know that despite being very good as a receptionist at an upscale hair salon she might lose her job because of the way she dressed around her breasts, and hair. Most people are reluctant, or afraid to tell people about their inappropriate attire, a booger, an open zipper, etc.

In this video a famous hairstylist is called to the salon to surprise Kristen and give her a make over.

Monday, September 12, 2011


... again Helen Mirren, one of my favorite actresses, and the most compelling of beauties in Hollywood. If anyone has not seen her 2011 movie THE DEBT go see it. It is a complex well told story of conflict and resolution. - Gregory