END of the year

Most readers have not been in my presence and don't have another sense of me and who I am. Through my musings, what I write about and the images I use there is a sense of me that is viable. Like anyone else the dimensions of self are more than one. This year is closing out, and many look back on their years with regret, or anticipation to get into the next year. I don't make New Years' resolutions anymore. They were too connected to other people's perceptions of me so I stopped making them. Instead I focus on the purpose I am in this life. The only times I was unsure of why I was alive were during the periods of my life I could not find a place my particular gifts fit in, or jive with the people I was involved with during those times.

I have a notebook that is detailed about my purposes in this lifetime, and I have a detailed prophecy about the why of my existence, and I have an analysis of my life from the perspective of Ausar Auset spiritual teachings. These three give me the words. I live the purpose. It is easy. It is easy living knowing the who and the why. How I know is directly tied to my childhood. There is no child who does not know why they came to this place, and I was no different. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12.30.13 

UNCS Clothing Co.

That is quite an image, a couple of old heads on powerful machines. Having lived their lives as young men it would be interesting to listen to and feel the power of their lives as they tell it, and sense what is related to them. . .

The Sporah Show
"Never set limits, go after your dreams and don't be afraid to push the boundaries..," #Sporah
Sporah is a popular TV personality in Tanzania. 

Healer's Hands

Ascension,: a prayer

"The Healer and the healing aspect of the hands comes from the divine elements we are composed of and come from..." - Gregory E. Woods, 2.23.13

Monday, December 30, 2013

Summer en vogue

Women Illustrated

AJ Almasi in a very sexy Wahb Beach Couture set shot for Women Illustrated. This image is the sole copyright and property of Wahb Mabkhout.

AJ Almasi in a one piece Wahb Beach Couture swimsuit by  Wahb Mabkhout.

African Creativity

The Na'Zeem Collection
Traditional style of Peruvian women. 

Color, color of soul, the look upon beautiful women, and the precious air they breath into the body of hope and dreams of a man are the binding force of the nature of good men. Character is built upon foundational beliefs. Beauty is perception and need. Appreciation is a prayer, and redemption is an action. Courage is mastery over fears, and commitment to doing the right thing is courage over fears. Conditions cannot control, or strengthen love if honesty does not have a place in a relationship. - Gregory E. Woods, 12.29.13 

Model sporting a Hausa Duffle bag made of Heavy wool/acrylic blend; unlined from the Na'Zeem Collection. The photographer is Aisha Butler of Jazzy Studios (JazzyStudios@gmail.com)


Sunday, December 29, 2013

NSA vs. Privacy

Lands' End

Model wearing a women's plus size half sleeve cowlneck sweater dress.  It looks black to me, but the designers claim the color is dark spruce heather. What the devil is that? Do women see color different from men? 

Judge Says That The NSA Can Listen To Your Phones

By Dr. Sinclair Grey III
Dec. 29, 2013

"I understand this deeply. In the short, we are screwed! There are a series of solutions, but they will remain dormant within us by our will and non action." - Gregory E. Woods 

So you thought your phone calls were safe. Think again. The National Security Agency’s program that collects records on phone calls from millions of Americans is lawful according to a federal judge ruling calling it ‘counter-punch to terrorism that does not violate Americans’ privacy rights.” This ruling by U.S. District Judge William Pauley of Manhattan disagreed with the ruling by another judge earlier this month questioning its constitutionality.

The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) had contended that the collection of data by the NSA program was unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution.  In his decision, Judge Pauley dismissed the notion.  With his decision, Judge Pauley noted that counter terrorism programs could prevent tragic events from happening such as September 11th 2001.

Judge Pauley said, “This blunt tool only works because it collects everything. Technology allowed al Qaeda to operate decentralized and plot international terrorist attacks remotely. The bulk telephony metadata collection program represents the government’s counter-punch.”

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor disclosed NSA’s program. Since his disclosure, there has been tremendous debate about how much leeway to give the government. [Snowden is in Russia under temporarily asylum]


“Pauley ruled 11 days after U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington, D.C. said the ‘almost Orwellian’ NSA program amounted to an ‘indiscriminate and arbitrary invasion’ that was likely unconstitutional.

Leon also ordered the government to stop collecting call data on the two plaintiffs in that case, but suspended that portion of his decision so the government could appeal.”

The ACLU contends that the NSA program violates the constitutional rights of Americans. According to their observation, it’s an ‘unwarranted dramatic expansion of the government’s investigative powers.’ The ACLU will appeal to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York.

“Stephen Vladeck, an American University law professor who specializes in national security, said if federal appeals courts in New York or Washington, D.C. ultimately accept Leon’s analysis, then it seems likely, if not certain, that this case will get to the (Supreme Court) by the end of next year.

President Barack Obama has defended the surveillance program but has indicated a willingness to consider constraints, including whether to give control of metadata to phone companies or other third parties. Intelligence officials have said this could prove costly and slow investigations.”

The privacy of Americans is a stake here. With calls being monitored to, from, and within the United States, it seems as though the debate will continue. Judge Pauley added in his ruling, ‘no evidence was found that the government had used bulk telephony metadata for any reason other than to investigate and disrupt terrorist attacks.’

“Larry Klayman, a conservative legal activist who brought the case before Judge Leon, called Pauley’s ruling an outrageous decision that ignores the legitimate fears of the American people and in effect rubber stamps a police state.”

The 1979 Supreme Court case – Smith v. Maryland was interpreted as people having ‘no legitimate expectation of privacy’ regarding phone numbers they dial.

The case is American Civil Liberties Union et al v. Clapper et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 13-03994.

Source: Reuters

Dr. Sinclair Grey III is an inspirational speaker, motivator, author, organizer and liberator of persons from all intellectual, social and cultural walks of life. He is a committed advocate for communal change. Email: drgrey@sinclairgrey.org. Follow on Twitter: @drsinclairgrey 

ORIJIN Culture


Orijin is "A Lifestyle", connecting all African descendants together through its culture Magazine and unique Fashion line. Follow us on Twitterhttp://twitter.com/orijinculture


Fotógrafo : Adalberto Gourgel

The good part of my childhood was spent watching women care for their children like this. Back in the States I grew up to wonder if the less 'modern women' touch their children and hold them how much and what is replaced within the child? - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

" O amor de mãe é o combustível que capacita um ser humano comum a fazer o impossível " -Marion C. Garretty

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Mother I see you.
The deeper of beauties is beyond the scope of carnal lust and into the registers of seeking, and fulfilling the needs of the soul, and the steadying of emotions, and imbuing one's spirit with harmonies, and meanings to the timbre of a mother's voice babies know, we sense, but cannot hear. The languages we learn of love, and how to love, and receive love comes through our mother's milk, her touch, her spirit, and deep within her eyes. 

Pity the 'modern' woman who sends herself off to lofty places to pretend to be above the fray, and aloof from the methodology of deep communion. She will miss out on the introductions to marriages, and retract herself from the plunges into what is mysterious. If she is too far gone within the pretense she will forget the languages she heard all around her while pregnant, and those speakers will become scant images she thought she saw. - Gregory E. Woods 4.28.13

" A medida do amor é amar sem medida." - Victor Hugo

Drummer Boy
from Telma Regina Garcia

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Taste of Kwanzaa

I’ve been observing Kwanzaa in a number of ways for over a decade. Kwanzaa is a holiday founded by Dr. Maulana Kerenga in 1966 as a way to bring the African-American community together. This holiday, roughly translated as “first fruits,” runs from December 26th to January 1st. Despite popular belief, Kwanzaa was not designed to be celebrated instead of Christmas.  It combines symbols and concepts from harvest celebrations of several different African cultures, including Zulu and Ashanti. Families celebrate Kwanzaa in their own way, often incorporating singing and dancing, African drumming, storytelling, poetry reading, and a large traditional meal. The observance gives African-Americans an opportunity to learn more about traditional African values and culture. 

What I’ve also learned over the years is that Kwanzaa provides fruit for the mind, body & soul that can be sustaining for more than those of us of African descent, but universally.  I’ll share the seven principles and their meaning, and also pose some questions that may be useful for all of us to consider this week as Kwanzaa progresses.

The principle for Kwanzaa Day 1 is Umoja, or unity. It guides us to strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.  I love the African proverb, “when spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.” It speaks to the power of community, and realizing that no (wo)man is an island. How have you been putting the principle of Umoja, or unity, into practice in your life?
Just because you cannot pronounce Kujichagulia, the principle for Kwanzaa Day 2, doesn't mean you can't practice self-determination. This is a perfect opportunity to break the chains of the victim mentality we all can find ourselves in. Some questions to consider are how are you defining yourself, naming yourself, creating for yourself, and speaking for yourself?
Kwanzaa principle for Day 3, Ujimacollective work and responsibility, reminds us to work together to make our communities better--our brothers' and sisters' problems are indeed our problems--or opportunities to serve. A recent discussion we had in a spiritual program I’m undergoing, The Path to Heart, is that when we serve others, we serve ourselves. Are you hearing the call to service? Are you listening? 

The principle for Kwanzaa Day 4 is Ujamaa, or cooperative economics, which means to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together. Think about this current holiday season as an example. Did you, or could you have supported local businesses, or those owned by those you know and love? How are you making use of your own skills and talents to create support for yourself?

The Kwanzaa Day 5 principle is Nia, or purpose. It means to see our collective vocation as the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. Let's also apply this individually and ask--how will I build and develop MYSELF and restore MYSELF--mind, body, and soul--to wholeness? After all, we must first build a strong inner foundation before focusing on outer constructs.

On Day 6 of Kwanzaa, we focus on the principle Kuumba, orcreativity. This means to do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.  I invite you to ask yourself, "What am I doing to create beauty and benefit in my world?" If you aren't satisfied with your answer, it's time to try something new. 

Day 7 of Kwanzaa shepherds in the New Year. It is fitting to start the year celebrating the principle, Imani, or faith. Why not make a commitment to believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle? Our thoughts are powerful creators, so what we believe, we can receive. 

This is a mere taste of the first fruits known as Kwanzaa. I hope you take some time to explore the principles more, and consider how putting them into practice may enhance the lives of you, your loved ones, your community, and the world. Happy Kwanzaa!

the Link

Elder's Wisdom

Elder's Meditation of the Day December 27

"When temptation comes, I don't say, `Yes," and I don't say, `No.' I say, `Later,' I just keep walking the Red Road - down the middle. When you're in the middle, you don't go to either extreme. You allow both sides to exist." -Dr. A. C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA

We need to practice controlling our focus. Whatever we focus on we become. We also become whatever we practice. We need to focus on balance. Whenever something comes along to tilt us off balance, we need to be grateful, because it allows the opportunity to practice our focus. Sometimes this is called temptation. Temptation in itself is not bad. What really counts is what we do with it when it happens. We need to practice controlling our focus and keeping our thinking focused on the Red Road.

Great Spirit, today, guide me through my temptations and allow me to focus on the Red Road.

One in Three spaces

If I was to title this shot I'd acknowledge the art of the photographer's concept as I see it. Something is upside down. The world is in reverse. Is she sitting atop space? Are the stars beneath her? Is she seeing within? Look into the black. What happens to form looking into black? 

I'd call this "Amongst the Stars in Space". I tip my head to the art of the photographer somehow placing the subject (Misa Campo) in more than one dimension. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 12.4.13

photographed by Van Styles of Misa Campo sitting crossed legged from an aerial view!
May 25, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013


"I am touched by the memories they stir within me, and the memories they will store within each other." - Alowan Chanteh Inyan Wichasha 4.28.13

from gallery of  Telma Regina Garcia
April 28, 2013

Probing Femininity

Feb. 7, 2010
Santiago Pin-ups


Thinking about the question, “What are the things women reveal to you in consultations about themselves, and their struggles?”

I see women struggling with mirrors: the mirrors of their children, their pasts, and how they are seen by other women, and judged by bosses, and co-workers, and men who may or may not want them. They wrestle with the reflection of God where they cannot see the Goddess for seeing a God who judges them, and their decisions contrary to the dictates of the patriarchs. Women wrestle with the meaning of the Punany in the context of fears.

My mother’s conversations were often probing and deep. One conversation spoke earnestly about not having the language for ritual and ceremony to have embraced to pass on to her daughter. Young women, often referred to as ‘hood rats’, struggle to find language that asks for the same connection to the divine forces that welled up within them during and after pregnancies. - Gregory E. Woods, 4.28.13 

Jan. 22, 2013

Reconciliation Gift

How The Antelope Maiden Was ReconciledHopi

Alíksai! At Zuni the people were living, and the 2 sons of the village chief were racing with each other. At a place called Aámusha some one dangerous (núkpana), lived. A path led by this place, and as the two brothers were racing they came to this bluff and when they were close by they heard some one call, "Come here. There is something beautiful here, come and see it. Oh, no, there is nothing there," the boys said. "Yes, come and see, there is something beautiful here," the voice replied.

So they approached closer, and they saw on the top of the bluff a beautiful maiden. It was an Antelope Maiden. She at once drew up the elder brother by a long, deep inhalation. She then said to the younger brother: "Even if you bring your beads here, the most valuable possession of the Zunis, I shall not give you back your brother, as I do not want your beads."

Hereupon the younger brother ran home. "Why do you come alone?" his father said.

"Yes," he said, "when we were racing there a beautiful maiden called us and then drew my brother up with her breath, on top of the bluff. "

Oh!" the father said, "Yes, some one dangerous lives there."

The father then told his son to go and hunt up the Pöokónghoyas and ask their assistance. He cut a round piece from the middle of a buckskin and made a ball which he tied to a stick; also an arrow, to which he fastened blue-bird and parrot feathers, and finally gave his boy some tobacco and then sent him (on his errand. Going south, he all at once heard some one calling, and saw Pöokónghoya and his brother, both being very small, wandering and playing around there. He went first to the house where Spider Woman (Só Wuhti),[1] the grandmother of the two brothers lived.

She called to the latter and said, "Stop, and come here, some one has come," but they at first did not listen; so she called again. They then came into the kiva and the messenger, handing them the presents, said to them, "This I have brought for you. Way over there lives a pretty maiden who drew my brother up to her, and now my father has made these things and told me to bring them to you in order to see what you thought about it and could do for us." They told him to go westward to the Mole, his uncle. They said he would come to a hollow place where a ladder was protruding, there the Mole lived, and he should see what the Mole thought about it.

So the young man went to the house of the Mole, who told him to go northward to his uncle. So he proceeded northward and came to a little opening in the ground from which there came a breeze. "This must be the place," the young man said, and thereupon a great strong wind came out of the opening. It was the Storm (Hû'k'angwuu), who then invited him to come in, so he went in and found a Hopi sitting in the house. He was a handsome man, nicely dressed up, wearing a bandoleer over each shoulder, also two buckskins tied crosswise over his chest. He wore a hurúnkwa on his head, a kilt about his loins, and had black lines on each cheek, while his body was painted up like the bodies of warriors. When they were seated, Hû'k'angwuu asked him why he had come, then he related his story.

Hû'k'angwuu then said: "Let us smoke, then we will see what we think about it." So he got out a large pipe and the young man smoked, swallowing all the smoke without again exhaling it. He then said to his host. "Itáha!"[2] "Itíwaya,"[3] the uncle replied; and then added: "You are surely my nephew. Now, what is it that you want? what has happened?"

He then said: "My older brother and I were racing there and came to a place where a beautiful maiden called us and she drew my brother up, and now my father sent me out to see whether we could do anything to get him back. Our beads, she said, she does not want."

His uncle then said, ''You go to Wálpi (a Hopi village distantly located), and see the Snake people there, who used to have snake dances here and were driven away from here to Wálpi when the snakes bit somebody, and see what they have to say about it.

So the young man proceeded to Wálpi, although it was far away. So he came to Wálpi and there found the Snake people. They were handsome and dressed up like warriors and like Snake people (Tcutcúcona).

When he had entered they asked him: "Why have you come here?" "Yes," he said, "we were racing there where we live, and coming to the bluff, Aámusha, somebody spoke to us and said: "You come here, come in here. There is something handsome in here," and then she drew up my elder brother, and now my uncle, Storm, told me to come here and see you. Now, are you the ones, and what now? What do you think about it?"

"We shall see," they said, and then began to smoke. The young man again swallowed all the smoke, which pleased the Snakes [4] and they said, "You are truly our nephew. What is it that you want?" '

'Yes," he said, "we were racing there and that maiden drew up my elder brother and said that she did not want our stone beads even if we would bring them.''

"Yes," the Snakes said, "she does not want them." The Tcutcúcona then showed him a báho, saying, ''This the maiden wants, she does not want beads, but she wants such báhos. You look at this báho well and then make one like it; or," they continued, "we shall make one for you. You take that along and then you look at it well and make báhos like it and give them to the maiden. These she wants." So he took one with him and returned home.

When he arrived at his home he showed the báho; they looked at it and then made a good many of them. With these they proceeded to the place where the maiden had enticed the young man. The young man, his father, the 2 Pö'okongs, their grandmother (Spider Woman) and Storm were in the party. Spider Woman had taken a seat behind the ear of Pöokónghoya. When they arrived at the bluff the father said, ''We have come to get my child."

"What have you brought with you?" the maiden replied.

"We have brought these báhos," the father said, and hereupon Storm raised them all up and lifted them on the bluff. The mána at once fled into her house, and Storm pushed the whole party into the house also. "What have you brought?" the mána again asked. "This we have brought, this here."

Whereupon they showed her the báhos. "Thanks," she said, "these I want. Of course I shall give him to you, but let us first play a game," whereupon she spread sand upon the floor." Now, you play first," she said. So the Hopi planted different kinds of seed in the sand and thrust the báhos into the sand around the border, whereupon the things planted grew up quickly. "Thanks," she said, "you certainly know something. These I want and you shall certainly take him along. But we shall race first, we shall follow the sun." So she and the young man that had procured the báho arranged for a race.

The young man mounted an eagle breath feather, the mána turning into a Tókchii (a swift snake, similar to the racer). They started together, but by and by the mána got ahead of the young man. They circled around the sun, started back, the maiden still being in the lead. Spider Woman then took a reed, pointed it towards the racers, and by a strong inhalation drew the young man forward, increasing his speed so that he arrived at the house first, thus having beaten the mána in the race. The mána then said, "You take him along, you have beaten me." Whereupon she drew him forth from another room. He was nearly dead. In the inner room were many bones of young men who had perished there.

The Antelope Maiden had been angry because no báhos had been made for her for a long time, and hence she had killed so many young men. But since these people now revived her báhos she was reconciled, and after that killed no more people, and the Zunis were freed from this danger.


Told by Tawíima (Mishóngnovi).

[1] Kohk'ang Wuhti (Spider Woman) is often called Só Wuhti (Old Woman or Grandmother).

[2] My uncle (on father's side).

[3] My nephew (on brother's side).

[4] The idea that swallowing the smoke, when smoking, is considered as an accomplishment, requiring special courage and strength, occurs in various Hopi tales.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

For Someone Merry Christmas!

Kandi Burruss
standing with a measure of supermacy from a joyful place of achievement. She is a songwriter of note and for some reason became a reality star. Be that as it may her personal qualities endear many to an essence of a purity of spirit, a delectable sense of soul beauty, and a developing capacity to figure out her mother-daughter relationship. 

Here is a clip of her new season: http://bit.ly/19SyPOK

Against our materialism Ubuntu

 Ubuntu, and similar practices and philosophies are being relearned as the sting of missionary work wears off. The missionaries were repulsed by views like this expressed in the worlds they explored over the centuries of European conquests. I remember these things as I help my people and other people remember their ancestors, and re-adjust themselves in their quest to keep their sanity, and not kill themselves ... Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 12.25.13

Arisen from the mist of ....

a mysterious encounter in the dark from Memnon TeZe Zaahir's gallery. 

Sometimes light comes from dark in a way you know in that moment it is not from our world. You know, if it is in the woods, quickly when the seen and  unseen collide, if indeed they can and do collide. Either way glimpses are given, and something within us remembers something we forgot... - Gregory E. Woods 12.25.13

Nicole Scherzinger

Experiencing Reality:Personal and Global

Laura Aida on October 6, 2010
for Areachicha magazine
Neuroscience explains that at birth, a child's brain has approximately 100 billion neurons. With maturation, the number of neurons remains constant but the synaptic connections between them develop with each new experience, forming a unique configuration of connections that personalize each one's brain, allowing us to interpret our reality through the framework of an individualized synaptic map.

As we see the flowering of women's circles on a local level, and technology encourages us to connect in cyberspace with others of like minds, no longer are we limited by geographical considerations. Is it possible that what we are witnessing is the transformation and evolution of humanity's synaptic map?

As patriarchal institutions are imploding- religiously, politically, financially and socially, a grassroots international connection between peoples is forming. These groups, local and global, are sharing personal stories and experiences, touching the hearts of those who listen. This teaching and learning experience is a natural and intuitive pathway to wisdom for women.

For American women who enjoy the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, now is a great time and place in which to speak our truth, so long denied us. It takes courage to step forward now that we have the opportunity- and we are empowering one another to take advantage of the moment.

In the place of patriarchal hierarchy, disempowerment and separation (of one from another, of ourselves from the natural world, and perhaps from God) a phoenix is rising- lifting us to the next rung in the ladder of evolutionary consciousness. For the first time, technology is making possible a rapidly growing network through which the human family relates and connects, creating a new reality - an empowering connection and celebration of diversity.

The past several hundred years have been tumultuous in the human story. The developing human intellect, beneficial in many ways, works best as a server rather than a master, one tool in our repertoire of ways of learning about our world. We have witnessed the worship of science and its heirs of mechanization, industrialization, consumerism and the ongoing tragedy of the colonization of less developed nations- through religion, culture and consumerism.

With the reawakening of the Sacred Feminine, we are remembering the joy of intuitive knowing, of mutuality, respect and relationship. We each have a part to play in this cosmic shift as we realize the importance of taking time- even a few minutes each day, to be present in our own lives, perhaps most easily done, by connecting, even for just moments a day, with the natural world. Everything we need to know can be learned from the trees in the garden or park. Rain, drought, sunshine or wind, day and night, they grow. They are. From them we learn presence and resilience. Their summer leaves sparkle in the sunshine, dancing in the afternoon winds. They fall effortless to the ground when it is time to release and make way for the new. Oh, at the end of each day, to be able to drop regrets, frustrations and upsets as lightly as they drops their leaves.

Just as each leaf dances to an individual melody of life in the community of the whole tree, in expressing who we are, we fulfill our individual destinies and expand the possibilities of the synaptic map not only of ourselves but of the whole human family. by 
November 5, 2010

a Discovery

... in the woods we found her. She didn't budge when we saw her. Her stillness was unsettling. Brad avoided looking at her. Tony didn't pay attention to the warning signs, and was the first one she killed. Me? I didn't stand a chance so I didn't move. I stood there. She held my gaze for a long time before she slowly turned her head and looked at something in the distance. Her apparent indifference was lethal and laced with implied danger.

I watched the sky change, and the sun fall, as did she. It was long minutes into the last hour before the sunset that she released me back into the consciousness of my body. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 4.23.13

Rock and a hard place ;)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Do Not Believe Question

Sofie Garrucho

Sofie Garrucho lounging October 13, 2013 

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Don't believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe anything because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find anything that agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. - Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)

Sofie Garrucho's first photo shoot for 2013. 2 of 1.

Bankrupting the Prison System pt. 1


The insight I want to lend to this discussion isn't new, but it is avoided as a topic. To fully grasp how the United States works understand the US is a corporation, and understand slavery is fundamental to its core, its function, its structure, and its existence. Without understanding slavery and the masters of the slave, and the slave mentality of citizens, or the commitment to the condition and continuation of slavery solutions won't come, freedom from bondage will continue as a hope, and a dream. Free the minds. Free the people. Teach ownership of not property, but ownership of one's image, and the process of freeing one's self will begin to take on creative processes of thought and action! 

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12.24.13

One of the responses to this article by Dr. Grey stirred me to write, "I used to subscribe to this theology and worldview until I realized it was the easiest way to avoid direct penetration into the work of Jesus, and was an acceptable way of being uninvolved in solving real and solvable problems. I was ashamed of myself at the time for holding onto a theology that distanced myself and its adherents from people on the planet, and realized if there was a judgement day I'd be judged for my arrogance, my laziness and indifference to others plight. The story of the Ten Talents became ever more a part of my thinking about my spiritual responsibility towards and for others."

What prompted me to write this was what a Mike Jackson said, " Dr. Grey hats off to you sir, but sadly only The kingdom for which we pray can help us! The Courage, Drive, Fight and numbers for which is needed to overthrow this Goliath is non existent  Dan.2:44 says that that kingdom will crush and put an end to all human ruled governments, and that is the only hope for mankind! This wicked, triffling demonic system that people wanna support belongs to satan and resembles its very debased rulers mentality, thats why Satan offered The Christ all the Kingdoms of the earth during his temptations of Jesus found in the Scriptures.

Jesus turn them down yet never denied them belonging to Satan, in Revelation the Dragon (Satan) gives its power to The Wild Beast (The United Nations) including all Human ruled government, the very thing Dan2:44 says Gods kingdom will Destroy! Jesus is now King of that Kingdom and is already starting to tear Satans entire, Commercial, Political, Economic and Social System apart, this is the reason they cant come togeather on anything, we are at the brink of great change in Government because the only one who has the power to change this level of wickedness has begun to make changes and he and his father Jehovah will remove ALL wickedness forever Psalms 37:9-11 dont put your trust in man who cant bring salvation to anyone. Study with the most disliked oragnization around who knock on doors to share the "Good News Of The Kingdom" free of charge with people! Who use Jehovahs Glorious name, who teach people to put faith in Christs reign as King time is running out Matt24:14 wake up and serve the true God whose standards elivate the morals , thinking and life of those who serve him and as Jesus stated from learning the truth Be set Free."

Sadly, this man is the voice for millions who stand back in Jesus' name and watch things happen. This theology justifies inaction. What do we do with this? Any clues? - Gregory E. Woods 


“Negroes —
Sweet and docile,
Meek, humble, and kind:
Beware the day - They change their mind.”
— Langston Hughes 

Langston Hughes at the typewriter. An important man, and mind during the Negro Renaissance period of our history, and fundamental to the Negro of the 20th century. Langston Hughes was deeply proud of his Indian blood, but given the nature of thinking around mixed blood Indians that abounds in Black consciousness that is a little known fact.
Lioness Daiba Sala


Sad commentary on the state of mind of our people in need of validation, and faulty belief systems.
- Gregory E. Woods 4.23.13
Has the average Black person become more than this?

A truth of mind.

Monday, December 23, 2013


The first Saturday of this month of December Maryland University hosted a Pow Wow. I should point out the Pow Wow was organized by a Native woman/educator, Dottie Chicquelo. Dottie made this one special with an unadvertised feature. Small, private and special ceremonies were occurring during the festivities. Chief of which was the honoring of the veterans which was publicly announced, but privately performed.

I brought my father for this specific purpose, and my sons, and daughter-in-law came. My first born son is quite a man. My son, Lemuel, is a veteran having served in the Middle East. My father, a former Army officer, and I have the distinction of training Lemuel's warrior spirit in ways he is becoming more aware of as he lives through his thirties.

The honoring of the Native soldiers we did this day was profound and simply laid out first in the opening of the Pow Wow, and later in the afternoon in private ceremony, which I don't like to and won't talk about in any specific detail. It is not proper to speak of certain things in public. It is dishonoring and not appropriate. This is our way. What I can say is that these honorings of our warriors dwarfs the feeble attempts of making a soldier without the balance of the mother's wisdom and nurturing influence of presence and powers unacquainted with the American approach to soldiering. Penny Gamble-Williams led this circle with her prayers, and presence, and the powers of a Grandmother in sacred service. I assisted present with my gifts.

May Creator continue to keep present in our minds the need for and the practice of training our children's warrior spirits when we see them, and may our traditions of balancing our chiefs, our healers, and warriors, and parents be more prevalent as the 21st century carries on.

These are my words. - Gregory E. Woods, African/Muskogee/Absaroka 12.22.13 

Honor another soldier

Most don't see them

My personal experiences with the Little People comes from my childhood forward. I never talked about them until I met a Romanian child who saw them all the time. First time I got to share the experience and look at them with someone else. Learned a lot from that boy. It was interesting and a compelling intrigue to his mother who'd been confounded by this boy's peculiar slant (for lack of a better word). She left an open invitation for me to come back and play with her little son. 

Can't talk more about them. They got their rules. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 12.5.13

2 nights before Christmas DAY

there are infinite possibilities upfront and ...  

... and from behind for a man, or husband of her choice in this black Pecado original baby doll outfit..


Jesus Daily
This African man's crusty feet in makeshift sandals from two water bottles is ingenious and reflective of a keen mind.

This African man's crusty feet in makeshift sandals from two water bottles is ingenious and reflective of a keen mind. You need to look into the man's eyes to see the poverty, or see his life, how he lives his life. Is there light in his eyes? Does he know the stories we think he does not know about? 

Too often Americans are pricked in their core with images of severe poverty and the gross outcomes of terrible diseases not indigenous to African peoples. What we are looking at in graphic images of poverty, disease, and murder is the aftermath of European conquest, the subsequent demoralization of millions of Black Africans by colonialism, and the continual theft of the African continent to meet our wants, needs and desires here in the West, and the crushing effect of the machinery in place to become wealthier to the exclusion of consideration for quality of life in Africa. That is what these organizations that pop up on TV crying for financial help are not respecting, or acknowledging as the backdrop for the scenes of starving Africans. American white and black missionaries, and white TV evangelists do not address in any real, or effective sense from a commitment to social reform in Africa. In its place is the insufferable sense of rescuing lost souls in hopelessness as if there is no historically karma to pay, and no spiritual responsibility that does not make white Americans, in particular, feel good about themselves! 

This is insulting beyond words. That being said how does the American regain his lost soul. What is happening and not reported is that missionaries from Asia and Africa are coming here to our shores as missionaries. I asked of one such missionary a few years ago why he'd come from India as a missionary under the guise of a professional man. He said, the soul of Americans is sick, and they don't see it. So, we come in Jesus' name to help restore." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12.22.13


Amare una donna ღஐஐღ Love a woman


For a brief second I saw a woman, a mermaid floating away into the dark of the sea her right hand flowing like a fish's body. It was compelling. Then I saw a school of fish... GEW 

Rock of our Salvation: our Word


"The damned one has many of his evil creepers workn as spiritual vacumn hoses that are doing their best to suck God's spirit right outtta us in hopes of being able to influence us w/his several venomous ways in this world. Same goes w/our mind f we don't stay in God's Word&continually renew it daily.Otherwise its gna become toxic bcz of the garbage taken it thru our eyes&ears evn when were unaware. Be on guard people! Its happening in the church's not only in the world!!!! Armor up!" - Rebecca Hammock, Dec. 20, 2013  

Rebecca Hammock, I confess to being a bit dumbfounded by your assertion, or maybe I am misunderstanding your words. Sinclair is talking about impeccability in the sense of the warrior preparing for a broader vision with a scope not narrowed by fearful forebodings and a watchful eye for the boogeyman man. What I am hearing in your post is a hurried, frightened scurrying towards a huddle because the boogeyman man is coming and the boogeyman man is even in the safe spaces.

In other words I see a defensive stance in your projection against the devil, and in Sinclair is an offensive, preparatory stance indifferent to the outcome and specifically indifferent to the 'enemy'. Sinclair's advise, "Always invest in yourself spiritually and mentally.' is sound. It requires a higher level of spiritual awareness and preparedness that is not motivated, or responding to fear. - Gregory E. Woods, 12.21.13


.... at home less is more. This Lady Romance set is becoming, and coming off at home with her man. It is the way of romance to advance upon the objective with passion.  In the days leading up to Christmas the best way to enjoy adulthood is snuggled in bed with your woman while it (hopefully) is cold and snowing outside. - Gregory E. Woods
Nya Lingerie

Image this on and off your wife.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

In the Breath of a Woman

Fluvia Lacerda modeling Dorothy Perkins harem pants and a white white sequin sweater by  Carmakoma, and leather nude booties from Top Shop. Nov.3, 2013 

"I actually don't even get to the point of questioning any of this... But the end comment is VERY me!" LOL! -  Fluvia Lacerda, October 19, 2013