This is scary!!!!

Oh, God! this is terrifying. Imagine what the sound would be like and what the taste of the air would taste like!


Dec. 28, 2012

Perryvilla Island

Prayers she taught she lived. Prayers she prayed she gave from the deep places of being Mother, daughter, lover, friend. She was the prayer taught by my Mother to me as a boy with the stories, the words, the looks, the feelings beyond the scope of my maturity. It is the Mother's song in every woman every spiritual man bases desires, and creates intent. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
May 5, 2013

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Magical She BECAME

RebelsMarket Steampunk & Victorian

Fantastic "Lady Grey" by Tim Walker

"Civil rights organizations scream when someone of a different race or culture uses the 'N' word but don't say anything when young brothers call a woman a 'B' or a hoe. What's wrong with this?"- Dr-Sinclair N. Grey III

It is a value system, Sinclair. Reflected in the theology, habits and customs of Americans, and Black American life women and Blacks are assigned different levels of low esteem. Women are not in the upper echelon of privilege in the deeper sense of the meaning of the concept of privilege in society. It was a reoccurring problem during the Civil Rights movement, and it continues until this day the misconceptions and subtle dislike for women. It is a complex dilemma.

The persistent view is the view of women as the daughters of Eve. From this story arises the insistence of Eve's role in the burden upon man, and the fundamental stability in the biting resentment reserved just for women as weaker vessels according to the Hebrew creation story feeds the tendency to call women bitches. The white men who invaded this land, killed and took from the indigenous people built a government and culture with the conviction that women were chattel, Africans not whole people, and Indians had no soul, thus justifying the millions of murders over a very short period of time of Indians throughout the Americas, slavery throughout the Americas, and the secondary status of women deep into the 20th century!.

Despite all the social advances women are the scapegoats of a religious belief, and Black Americans are bound by what they have been taught about who they are, and what they cannot help but call themselves: niggers. It is not enough that any of this is wrong. By not shifting consciousness blame is placed everywhere, and upon everyone. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.21.14

Powerful image!!
February 2, 2014 



"How much effort would you put forward to help a so called friend if in times of power grabbing he is found working with the enemy and trying to destroy you?" ~ anon

 During the hurt I would hurt. But, as it subsides I would speak my thoughts, and react according to my personality. My decision to distance myself is contingent upon the words of his heart. Distance is the best thing in the immediate future as the incident and wise counsel wed and consummate their union. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 6.27.14



Wednesday, October 29, 2014

ELDER'S TALK: contrasts of courage to be a parent today

Speaking as a parent to parents where does the substance of our children's adult lives come from? How deeply can we influence them as adults? 

Coming up Russia was always depicted in movies and novels as gray and lifeless when I was a child. The rigid life Russian citizens shared with each other was bleak in comparison to ours here in the States. These images were persuasive and dominated the times. Now things have changed and the image of Russia has everything to do with crime, social disorganization, political corruption and the women, who now appear vibrant and beautiful. Beauty never thrived according to the old Russian propaganda we received. So, many older men are admiring these turn around, but sadden because Russian women are showing up increasingly on the internet as brides for hire or women for the night! It is part of a business shift in Russia I imagine from Communism to Capitalism. 

Well, my original questions come to the forefront because we are a human family. How has parenting changed in modern Russian and other formerly communist countries? Way over here in the US of A. how do we participate in their transitions? Even closer to home down south along the border of Mexico and the States are major dilemmas for families on both sides of the border with the rise in drug related violence! How do we help their lives? These are fundamental questions to ask our awareness.  If our awareness is alive it has spiritual responsibilities. What are yours and what are ours? 

The biography of a Russian model, Julia Semenova, gives a glimpse into the business of modeling steps past the starting gate. I wonder what it feels like to somersault through auditions and land on your feet professionally with the lumps and bruises of rejection finding hiding places within the body, just behind the facial expressions as one prepares for the new job. Modeling and searching for work are dances that require acting skills and resilience.But, in contrast there are factors of a child's substance and foundation not considered in trivia pursuits of adults today.

For Black American parents I'd like them to consider a creative and intellectual approach to the struggles of esteem many of our daughters are going through today. Marcus Garvey wrote about a perspective I'd like to be considered as a parent. Race does not matter. Knowledge of who we were influences who we are. Listen to the substance:

The Black Woman

Black queen of beauty, thou hast given color to the world!
Among other women thou art royal and the fairest!
Like the brightest of jewels in the regal diadem,
Shin’st thou, Goddess of Africa, Nature’s purest emblem!

Black men worship at thy virginal shrine of truest love,
Because in thine eyes are virtue’s steady and holy mark,
As we see in no other, clothed in silk or fine linen,
From ancient Venus, the Goddess, to mythical Helen.

When Africa stood at the head of the elder nations,
The Gods used to travel from foreign lands to look at thee
On couch of costly Eastern materials, all perfumed,
Reclined thee, as in thy path flow’rs were strewn-sweetest that bloomed.

Thy transcendent marvelous beauty made the whole world mad,
Bringing Solomon to tears as he viewed thy comeliness;
Anthony and the elder Caesars wept at thy royal feet,
Preferring death than to leave thy presence, their foes to meet.

You, in all ages, have attracted the adoring world,
And caused many a bloody banner to be unfurled
You have sat upon exalted and lofty eminence,
To see a world fight in your ancient African defense.

Today you have been dethroned, through the weakness of your men,
While, in frenzy, those who of yore craved your smiles and your hand
Those who were all monsters and could not with love approach you
Have insulted your pride and now attack your good virtue.

Because of disunion you became mother of the world,
Giving tinge of robust color to five continents,
Making a greater world of millions of colored races,
Whose claim to beauty is reflected through our black faces.

From the handsome Indian to European brunette,
There is a claim for that credit of their sunny beauty
That no one can e’er to take from thee, 0 Queen of all women
Who have borne trials and troubles and racial burden.

Once more we shall, in Africa, fight and conquer for you,
Restoring the pearly crown that proud Queen Sheba did wear
Yea, it may mean blood, it may mean death; but still we shall fight,
Bearing our banners to Vict’ry, men of Africa’s might.

Superior Angels look like you in Heaven above,
For thou art fairest, queen of the seasons, queen of our love
No condition shall make us ever in life desert thee,
Sweet Goddess of the ever green land and placid blue sea.

By Marcus Garvey

These are my thoughts today. Use them wisely.

- Gregory E. Woods,
Keeper of Stories 10.29.14

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Dolly Castro selling a natural cleanse tea Fit Detox Tea Tox

Drinking my @fitdetoxteatox 
it's a natural cleanse tea  
If you Want to feel a lot more energized and loose a couple of pounds I recommend it. It's a good product for both men and women. 

Take 10% of you order today by using my code "Dolly" plus they free shipping worldwide at  Have a great day

Dolly Castro exercising with weights!!!!

Babe for Charity

In 2008 Helen Mirren was captured by a photographer on a beach in a red swimsuit.

Helen Mirren donated this swim suit to charity. 

Helen Mirren donates red bikini to charity

Veteran actress Helen Mirren is donating her iconic red bikini to raise money to keep Britain's elderly warm this winter. The 'Queen' star made a splash when she was photographed in the two-piece while on vacation in 2008 and the pictures were published around the world.

Now the 66-year-old actress has handed over her beloved swimsuit to raise cash for Age UK's Spread the Warmth campaign, which provides thousands of older people with food packages, blankets and heaters.

"I'm saying farewell to it a little bit regretfully but hopefully it will go to someone who will fill it with as much aplomb as maybe I did... It happens to be one of the best bikinis in the world because it fits!

"I would love it to raise money for an organisation that I support called Age UK. I love the idea of this little flimsy summer thing going towards helping old people stay warm and comfortable and toasty in the wintertime. Age UK is a wonderful organisation so I'm hoping that they can raise money with it," said the Oscar-winning actress. ~ anon

Helen Mirren donating bikini to charity. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

in the Tradition of Judgment: Eva Braun, Sharia Law & Iranian women

Hitler & Eva Braun, photo AP
In Hitler's lifetime he was evil by all estimations. Most historically accounts divorce him from the intimate pleasures of sex, and vulnerability. The pictures of him with Eva Braun I never saw until I was well into my adult years. Schools in my era did not fancy depicting anything remotely attuned to sentimentality in relationship to Adolph Hitler. But, he like other men had women. There was a niece of his he obsessed over whom he allegedly liked to defecate and vomit upon, and there was Eva Braun, his love and lover, the only two I know of.

Hitler has been called a 'sick fucker' by a lot of people over the decades. It is a deserved moniker. But I am not here to denounce his life. I am thinking about him oddly in relationship to the hanging of an Iranian woman who allegedly killed Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a former intelligence officer, for trying to rape her seven (7) years ago. The courts did not believe her statement.

Columnist, David Blair for the Telegraph reported: "... Miss Jabbari was sentenced to death in 2009 after what Amnesty called a “deeply flawed investigation”. She admitted stabbing Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a former intelligence ministry official, but pleaded self-defence. On her account, she stabbed Sarbandi in the back as he was trying to rape her – but the victim was actually killed by another named person, who was never the focus of inquiry.

Amnesty said these claims “if proven” could have exonerated Miss Jabari. But they were never “properly investigated, raising many questions about the circumstances of the killing”.

Amnesty added that the judiciary had “pressured” Miss Jabbari to “replace her lawyer, Mohammad Ali Jedari Foroughi, for a more inexperienced one, in an apparent attempt to prevent an investigation of her claims”...

According to 2009 testimony Miss Jabbari purchased a knife two days prior to the stabbing. That can be read as a woman, or an American, or as a man. It was read and judged by men.

Her execution could have been avoided in the end had the victim's family accepted the offering of 'blood money'. They didn't, or couldn't or wouldn't forgive her. Probably in the spirit of deep grieving, and a need for retaliation they couldn't accept the chance to be merciful. What is troubling is that any of the women in the victim's family could easily have been in the same situation, or have acid thrown in their faces by a husband for reasons that are always judging and accessing the value of women's actions against the honor of a man and/or his family. This reality is integral to Iranian life, it seems, and its interpretation of the Holy Qu'ran.

The Tehran prosecution office rejected the claim of rape.  The evidence showed otherwise. I don't know the evidence the prosecution looked at, but with the name of the man who actually killed Mr. Sarbani the courts rejected following that line of evidence and bent itself into prosecuting Miss Jabbari to her death! That leads to a question: Who is this man she killed? Another logical question follows good reasoning: What is being protected in a severe male-dominated country like Iran? Is it the right to power over women's destiny and their bodies?

I was asked to participate in the Women's Federation For World Peace USA yesterday in Washington DC in a ceremonial capacity. As I shared before the assembly of mostly women from around the globe the deep feeling of honesty settled within me. In my words I shared several things, a story, and the drum. The first thing I noticed in the eyes of a few of the women when my wife and I entered the lobby was women just learning how to look in a man's eyes and smile. Sharing that insight in front of a room of women deeply involved in the many issues of world peace, inner strength and beauty of spirit and women's issues at the international level provided an elder's insight into the depth of what is treated, often, with trepidation and a fear of boldness in other circles.

But in the Islamic world ideas of women's freedom are measured differently by men, and regarded fearfully (I imagine) by women in those Islamic run countries! The fundamentalist group literally scare the shit out me, and out of reason when you get right down to it and also create a growing desire to do something concrete in either the physical or the intangible worlds of power to disintegrate their power. But, this process starts with study and research into the belief systems and laws at work here. If you are not willing to do this and war seems to be the only option then these bloody wars will continue to add nausea to life. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10.26.14

Iranian Reyhaneh Jabbari takes the stand at her trail in 2008

ISIS Points to Sharia Law to Justify Slavery of Women

Mon, October 13, 2014

In the latest edition of Dabiq, the Islamic State’s slick, English magazine, the group offers a theological justification for capturing "infidel" women to be used as sex slaves. The brutal group is holding thousands of Yazidi women and girls and subjecting them to horrific violent, sexual abuse.

In an article titled, “The Revival of Slavery Before the Hour” (“Hour” referring to “Judgment Day”), the magazine concludes that since the Yazidi religion pre-dates Islam, its followers are to be dealt with according to the laws of the mushrik (polytheists). The article explains:

“Accordingly, the Islamic State dealt with this group as the majority of fuqaha [experts in Islamic jurisprudence] have indicated … Unlike the Jews and Christians, there was no room for the jizyah payment. Also, their women could be enslaved unlike female apostates who the majority of fuqaha say cannot be enslaved and can only be given an ultimatum to repent or face the sword.”

The magazine goes on to explain what happened when Islamic State fighters captured the Sinjar region of Iraq, which was inhabited by the ancient population of the Yazidis:

“After capture, the Yazidi women and children were then divided according to the Shari’ah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations, after one fifth of the slaves were transferred to the Islamic State’s authority to be divided as khums [the obligatory tithe of one-fifth of all war spoils that jihadi fighters must pay to the caliph].”

The article proudly announces the revival of the sharia institution of slavery of infidels, saying, “This large-scale enslavement of mushrik families is probably the first since the abandonment of this Sharia’ah law. The only other known case – albeit much smaller – is that of the enslavement of Christian women and children in the Philippines and Nigeria by the mujahidin [jihadis] there.”

The article reminds its readers that the legality of slavery is established in sharia (Islamic) law, saying, “Before Shaytan [Satan] reveals his doubts to the weak-minded and weak hearted, one should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shari’ah that if one were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Qur’an and the narration of the Prophet … and thereby apostatizing from Islam.”

Indeed, the Quran condones and justifies slavery in a number of verses, specifically in the context of war booty and concubines. Hundreds of the Hadiths (saying of the Islamic prophet Mohammed) deal with the jurisprudence of Islamic slaves. Both indicate the institution's clear sanction by sharia law.

Although 126 contemporary Islamist leaders and scholars recently signed a letter denouncing the actions of the Islamic State, the letter unfortunately endorses the Islamic State’s goals of rebuilding the caliphate, establishing sharia law and instituting the brutal hudud [punishments for the most severe crimes].

The letter, which was addressed to the self-declared caliph of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was signed and presented in Washington by Nihad Awad, executive director and founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The criticism of the Islamic State by the scholars that signed the letter is that the terrorist group is not “following the correct procedures that ensure justice and mercy.”

However, endorsing sharia law, point 5 of the letter states, “What is meant by ‘practical jurisprudence’ is the process of applying Shari’ah rulings and dealing with them according to the realities and circumstances that people are living under.”

The letter continues, “Practical jurisprudence [fiqh al-waq’i] considers the texts that are applicable to peoples realities at a particular time, and the obligations that can be postponed until they are able to be met or delayed based on their capabilities.”

Far from distancing themselves from the implementation of sharia law by the Islamic State, the above statements are an endorsement of the Islamist doctrine of "gradualism." This is an incremental strategy for establishing sharia governance, supporting jihad and advancing the Islamist cause.

Point 16 of the letter states, “Hudud punishments are fixed in the Qu’ran and Hadith and are unquestionably obligatory in Islamic Law.”

Point 22 of the letter states, “There is agreement (ittifaq) among scholars that a caliphate is an obligation upon the Ummah. The Ummah has lacked a caliphate since 1924 CE. However, a new caliphate requires consensus from Muslims and not just from those in a small corner of the world.”

Thus, it is clear that the signatories of the letter, while purporting to be “moderate,” endorse the principles of the Islamic State and other jihadists but criticize their implementation.

Just as the West has been firm in rejecting the objectives of the Islamic State, it should not be swayed by the Islamic State’s contemporary counterparts who equally endorse Islamic extremism through the implementation of sharia law -- however gradual.

If we were sons in these cultures where would our hearts be, how would our states of mind be in what is unavoidably a clusterfuck of ideals and delusions?

Iranian Reyhaneh Jabbari is 967th person to be executed since Hassan Rouhani became Iran's president in August last year 2013

"Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian women" showing hundreds of women without the hijab 


Black woman, Lisa, sitting on stairs by Paparatzi Keith

There is a soul unique to Black American women that comes from where they've evolved from, and been sent to care for. Life has afforded an evolution to the African woman tradition of creating that was unexpected from the horrors of The Middle Passage. But, they survived to produce something intangible and wild and beautiful and dangerous. 

You captured that in this photo. You also captured the tease. The tease, the promise, the possibility of and the probability of not getting within a mile of her is in the everything she gives the camera that she well could give a man. 

It is really well done. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10.6.14

an Anniversary to a thought

Black lovers naked embrace

There is something profound you've missed in your assessments, Lady Rema, about Black men who chose white women as their wives, or girlfriends when they are at the top of their games in their careers. 

Without providing background there are two things the defensive thinking and reasoning within Black women and men on this subject consistently miss. First, more often than not Black women are trained to be mistresses not wives, and second, there is a level of excellence successful men need Black women centered in the elements of survival are unaware of, and incapable of providing. Third, the high and sensitive nature of the subtle, and obvious reinforcements, and the dynamic energies a man needs to birth the Sacred Dream he was born into are unavailable in women who base relationships upon conflict.  Fourth, marriages and love based upon reciprocation have a higher demand for impeccability that crude elements never grasp, hold and internalize into the fabric of their being. 

At this level of being Black Americans usually falter and the conversations always turn back to the lower levels of understanding conflict and this, a major component, is sidestepped, not researched, and no effort is made to ascend into Knowing from diatribes. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.4.13

Sexy Talking Love
May 2, 2013

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The EAGLE Flies...

November 14, 2012 

Assumptions are made about beautiful women based on fantasy, envy, and hope for a good lay. Millions of women and men from African-Latin cultures, like Africans from the homeland, hold true to their indigenous roots in spiritual realms. This woman, Laura Soares, is popular in her country, and as a personality and a beauty the depth of her comes unbidden to the surface in an admission. 

Last November she slipped into her online portfolio a picture of an eagle swooping down upon the face of water on the hunt. As a caption she said, "Celebrating the Eagle, seeking deeper connection with my animal spirit." She added three words to that for reasons you can intuit: Spirit, Healing, Creation. ~ Gregory E. Woods, 2.18.14

Laura Soares walking the runway.
 October 26, 2011 


Iranian Women Shed Headscarves in #MystealthyFreedom Online Protest

Iranian Reyhaneh Jabbari is 967th person to be executed since Hassan Rouhani became Iran's president in August last year 2013

Iranian women are posting pictures of themselves online without headscarves and racking up thousands of Facebook likes in the process, the latest challenge to Tehran's strict morality laws mandating that women keep their hair covered in public.
A Facebook page called "Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian women" showing hundreds of women without the hijab -- a veil that covers a person's head -- has garnered more 142,000 likes. Women have used the hashtag #mystealthyfreedom to post pictures of themselves without headscarves riding bikes, dancing, or even sitting in flower beds, flouting rules that have been in force since the 1979 Revolution.
The page was started by journalist Masih Alinejad, who explained her reasoning in a May 3 post:
"This page is not only for women who are against the hijab, this is also for religious women who wear the hijab but don’t believe it should be enforced on people and think it should be a choice. So you if you are a religious woman who wears a headscarf but doesn't think it should be enforced, please send in a picture of your friend, family member or daughter not wearing a hijab."
Since the revolution, there have been crackdowns on women who protest laws that forbid them to reveal anything more than their face, feet and hands almost every summer.
And while President Hassan Rouhani has been quoted as saying that he does not believe men and women should be punished for flouting the dress code, it is not clear whether the country's morality police will take the same view.
It is also unclear what sort of reach the #mystealthyfreedom campaign has in Iran, where residents have to find ways around government Internet filters that block out Facebook, Twitter and many foreign news outlets.
- F. Brinley Bruton

Beneath the sheer cloth!

The negligee is integral to the evening mood. It breaths and suggests as an organic movement around an ancient art form women can conjure at will from who they are to surprise and astonish a man into a submission not easy to release one's body from. It stimulates me when it is my turn. But, prior to those show times an era of peace reigned for me during my training. Training to be a man, and teaching one's spirit are prerequisites for the best sex, the best submission to the will of a woman desirous of your cover, your manhood, your protection and male organ. The deeper the training the more intelligent your responses to sexual advances from women other than yours, and the delicate touch of another woman's desire for you, and your manhood.

At some point in your training you will learn it takes great skill to lie in a woman's bed, or gaze down into her eyes with an erection and think about all the ramifications of parting her legs and entering into the wet domain of her punany and say, "No, not this time."

Gregory E. Woods
Oct. 19, 2014


Again Los Angeles
October 26, 2012
 Wearing an Elaine Lace Maxi dress 


And once again there gathered a scarce heard
Whisper among them: as it were, the stirr'd
 Ashes of some all but extinguiht Tongue,
Which mine ear kindled into living word.

Omar Khayyám

Enigma Fotos
Amanda Spain by Jonathan Irvin
April 17, 2013


Wake! For the Sun behind you Eastern height
Has chased the Session of the Stars from Night;
  And, to the field of Heav'n ascending, strikes
The Sultan's Turret with a Shaft of Light.

Omar Khayyám

Saturday, October 25, 2014


black actress Zoe Saldana in underwear !!!!

"Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin." ~ Zoe Saldana

actress Zoe Saldana
April 22, 2013

Old School Revenge, Hopi style

How The Yellow Corn-Ear Maiden Became A Bull Snake And Revenged Herself – Hopi

Caribbean girl on the sand at the beach Stock Photo - 1797066
Maiden crouched & ready
Copyright : Chris Fourie

A long time ago two maidens lived in Oraíbi. They were close friends and often used to grind corn together, one time at the house of one, at another time at the house of the other. But after a little while they both fell in love with a certain young man of the village, which led to disagreement and quarrels between them. The Yellow Corn-Ear maiden was possessed of supernatural powers and concluded to destroy her friend and rival. One time early in the morning they were both going to get some water from Spider Spring, which is located somewhat north-east of the village. They took their so-called maiden's jugs (mónwikurus) with them. When they were returning to the village they came to a sand hill, and the Yellow Corn-Ear maiden suggested that they rest there for a little while.

After some time she said to her friend: ''Let us play here for a little while. You go down this hill and I shall throw something at you. You catch it and throw it back to me," whereupon she drew forth from her bosom a very pretty little wheel that showed all the colors of the rainbow. When her friend had reached the foot of the hill she threw this wheel at her, and when her friend caught it it was so heavy that it threw her down. When she rose she had been turned into a coyote. Her friend at the top of the hill laughed at her and said, "You have been quarreling with me about that young man, now that is what you get for it. Now, you go about that way." Whereupon she picked up her jug and went to the village.

The other maiden, now a coyote, felt very sad and ascended the hill to her water jug, which she tried to carry but could not do so in her present form. She waited there until evening and was crying most of the time. After dark she tried to enter the village, but the dogs of the village immediately drove her away. She made a large circuit around the village and tried to enter it from another side, but was again driven away by the dogs. So she went westward, and having become very hungry by this time, she was thinking where she might find something to eat. It was in the fall of the year, and the people were watching their crops in the fields, so she thought she might perhaps find something in some of the sheds or temporary shelters in which the people were living, and approaching one of them she found on top of a shelter two roasted ears of corn that had been left there. These she ate. She then made another effort to enter the village but as soon as the dogs of the village smelled her presence she was again driven away. She then concluded that she could not get into the village and again went westward. She knew that somewhere west of Apóhnivi there was a place called Yungáchaiví, where some herders had also built temporary shelters and were staying while they were herding their sheep at that place. She thought that perhaps there she might find some shelter and food.

By and by she arrived at a hut which belonged to two Qö'oqöqlöm Katcinas who were hunting in that region. In this but she found a great deal of rabbit meat, a good many rabbit skins and some entrails of rabbit. The latter and the meat were slightly baked. She was very hungry and ate a little of the entrails, which she did not like very much, however. It was about the time of the morning meal and the two hunters had had their early meat and had already left for the hunt. She was very tired, having spent all the night trying to get into the village and find shelter, and so concluded to remain and rest here all day. In the evening the two Qö'oqöqlöm hunters returned. When coming near their hut one of them said, "There is a coyote in our hut and has eaten some of our meat. Let us kill him." Whereupon he got ready his bow and arrows and was aiming at the intruder, when the other one said: "No, let us try to capture him alive and take him home to our grandmother, Spider Woman." Upon entering the hut they heard the coyote sob and saw tears trickling down his eyes. "Oh!" one of the hunters said, "This coyote is sad and has been crying. Let us feed him." So he took a large piece of meat, broke it in two and gave a portion of it to the visitor, who ate it with relish. Hereupon they concluded that they would go home that evening. They tied up the meat and the skins, and also tied the feet of the coyote, and loading everything upon their backs they returned to their home, which was at Katcina Gap (Katcínvala), a short distance northwest of Oraíbi.

Arriving there they called to Spider Woman saying, "We have brought you an animal. Come and help us lift it off of our backs." She did so and expressed her satisfaction at the present that she had received. They then placed the coyote and the meat north of the fireplace. The woman looked closely at it and then said to the two hunters: "Alas! that poor one! That is no coyote. Thanks that you have not killed it. Where did you find it?" They told her that they had captured it in their but where they had been hunting, and related all the circumstances. She at once sent one into the village after some Tomóala,
 the other one she sent to the woods after some juniper branches.

While they were gone she boiled some water, and when the man with the Tomóala returned, she poured the water into a vessel and put a hook from the pods of the Tomóala into the neck and another one into the back of the coyote. She then placed the latter into the water, covered it with a piece of native cloth (möchápu), then placed her hand upon the cover, took hold of the two hooks and kept twisting and turning them, by which operation she pulled off the skin of the coyote. Throwing aside the covering of the vessel she threw away the skin, and in the vessel was found the maiden whom she had thus restored. She still had her clothes on and her hair tied in whorls just as she had left the village. The woman asked her how she had met with this fate, and the maiden told her the whole story. Spider Woman comforted her saying, "You poor one. That Yellow Corn-Ear maiden is bad, but you will take revenge on her."

Hereupon the other hunter returned with the juniper branches. She took the maiden, the branches, and the water into another room and there bathed the maiden, then gave her some corn which the maiden ground into meal. After a number of days Spider Woman told the maiden that she should go home now as her mother was very homesick after her child, but she said she would call somebody in first; so she ascended her housetop and cried out to her neighbors that they should come in. In response to her announcement a great many Katcinas who lived around there came into her house, asking her what she wanted of them. "Yes," she said, "there is this maiden here and I want you to return her to her house," and then told them the whole story. They were willing. She then dressed up the maiden nicely, putting her hair into new whorls and placing over her shoulders a new atö'ö, and then instructed her that she should have her father make two báhos and a number of nakwákwosis for the leader of the Katcinas and for the leader of the singing, and also told her how she should behave towards and get even with her enemy, the Yellow Corn-Ear maiden. Hereupon they went to the village, the maiden going in the rear of the line of Katcinas. Having arrived near the house of the village chief (Kík-mongwi), where the Pongówe kiva is at present situated, they performed their first dance, singing while they danced.

This was at early dawn, the so-called white dawn (qöyángwunu). Their singing at once arrested the attention of some of the early risers, who hastened to the place where the Katcinas were dancing. Soon the news was whispered around that the Katcinas had brought a maiden to the village, and some soon recognized the girl and ran to the house of her parents. The latter, however, refused to believe the news, and four messengers had to be sent to them before they believed. They then went to the dancers, who in the meanwhile had arrived at the dancing plaza in the center of the village. "So you have come," the mother said, and began to cry and wanted to take her daughter with her, but the latter said, "Wait a little," and then told her father that he should take two báhos and a number of nakwákwosis, and while he did this the Katcinas continued their dancing and the mana remained waiting by their side. When finally the father brought the prayer-offerings he gave one báho to the leader, the other to his daughter. After the dancing was over, the daughter gave her báho to the leader of the singing. The nakwákwosis were distributed among the other Katcinas, and after the father had thanked the Katcinas for returning his child and had told them that he was very happy, they returned to their home, the parents taking with then] their daughter.

She rested there during the whole day, but early the next morning went to grind corn, singing a little song which told about her recent adventures. Her friend, the Yellow Corn-Ear maiden, heard her sing and at once visited her, expressing her great delight at her return. She was treated cordially, the maiden just having returned not manifesting any ill-feeling towards her at all, according to the instructions of Spider Woman. She was biding her time. They ground corn together all day again as they had done formerly. In the evening they went after water again to the same spring where they had gotten water before. While they were filling their jugs the Yellow Corn-Ear maiden noticed that her friend was dipping her water with a peculiar little vessel (which Spider Woman had given to her) and that the water, as it was running into the jug, looked very beautiful, showing the different colors of the rainbow. She said to her friend: "What have you there? Let me see that little cup." "Yes," her friend said, "that is a very good cup, and the water tastes well from it, too." Hereupon she drank from it and handed it to her friend. She admired it very much and also drank from it. Immediately she fell down and was turned into a bull snake. "There! You remain that way now too," the Blue Corn-Ear maiden said; "you tried to destroy me, but you will now have to remain that way because no one will help you and restore you." She then laughed, picked up her jug and returned to the village.

The bull snake left the place and wandered about. It often gets hungry, but as it cannot run very fast it has difficulty in getting its prey, hence it captures its prey by charming and drawing it towards it by its powerful inhalations, which is still frequently observed by the Hopi. It lives on little rabbits, mice, birds, squirrels, etc., which it charms by its inhalations and then kills them.

This maiden in the form of a bull snake later on went to the village once and there was killed by her own parents, who of course did not know that they had killed their own daughter. Hereupon the maiden, or rather her soul, was liberated and could then go to the Skeleton House. Ever since some of the sorcerers (Pópwaktu) will occasionally leave their graves in the form of bull snakes. Bull snakes are often seen coming out of certain graves still wound in the yucca leaves with which the corpse was tied up when laid away. If such a bull snake in which a sorcerer is supposed to have entered happens to be killed, the soul of the sorcerer living in it is set free and then goes to the Skeleton House (Máski).

A pû'hu (road or path) consists of one or more small feathers--usually eagle feathers-to the stub end of which are fastened a single and a twisted string. These feathers are placed near springs, in front of shrines, altars, on paths and near graves, as paths for clouds, spirits, deities, etc., Whom the Hopi wish to follow the paths.Told by Qöyáwaima (Oraíbi).

An African model posing at the beach Stock Photo - 881696
matured woman honoring her womb.
Copyright : Chris Fourie


Goddess of Melanin worshipped

"There is a spirit within the context of the projection of the idea of a Black woman's Messianic energies I understand, and recognize as the ascension of conscious awareness and development of the Sacred Feminine. It is a spiritual work, and an awakening that does not lull one into the stupor of waiting for a Messiah, but pulls one deep into the spiritual work of recapitulation, and unlearning. It is a frightening task for women, and men, but for men the terror of such an undertaking keeps the lot of us within the confines of the churches, and mosques where reigns high the fundamental flaws, and sources of our tragedies. From those 'houses' precious few venture from."- Gregory E. Woods