Sunday, November 30, 2014

an Understanding QUEST

I don't think this subject was handled well. Some good points were made, but it slid down a slope the way it will tend to because the line of questioning on the subject comes from a defensive place on both sides of the questions about homosexuality. Adopted or forced into an African religion (Christianity) that appears not as itself, but as a Western European production, and a tool towards a nefarious end has changed the Book, and allowed Native people to forget the spirit of their traditions, and sever the relationship each collective of people (tribes) cherished with the Earth they found themselves living upon until the rigidity of law, and judgement replaced balance. 

Much favor leaned towards the Gay movement not over the right or the wrong of homosexuality, but on the merits of logic and law. Gay activists found out what Native leaders, who spoke for and fought for their People during the wars of the Americas, and what the African slaves, and freedom fighters eventually discovered, learned and employed. You could not appeal to the heart of the whites the way you could with your relatives. Most of the whites, it seemed to us, could not and did not become relatives, in their hearts, of the People. They were antagonistic, and were takers. The world did not look to them the way it looked to the People. Their eyes made it impossible to see the souls of the People, and understand where homosexuals in many (not all) of our tribes stood in our estimation. This discovery led to a readjustment of approach, and the social advancements of Red and Black movements were won on the merits of law, and logic at the highest level, the Supreme Court.

The Church has positioned itself in a dangerous position and relied on the advancement of time to ease the memories, and allow half truths to marinate in the thinking, and emotions of their followers. The Church does not and apparently cannot lead its followers to study what Jesus studied or know that Jesus was an initiated man, or how that came to be in place, and ignored by popular teaching. Conquerors used sex as a weapon. Rape and sodomy are two of the most damaging of tools employed in conquest, and the Church, the states of Europe, the Arabs employed these tactics. The spirit of the acts has run amok, and across the globe victims have been seeking validation from their churches and mosques and their synagogues and not been receiving it. They were judged, and judged harshly by the Books, the Holy Books. 

Beyond, and before the entrance of the Europeans, whom we love to blame for things, the communities of people seeking solace from these ravages found tiny respite with others like them, and apparently did the most natural of things. They built communities. They had to because we are all social creatures in need of each other. We like to touch. We have to touch soul to soul. We need each other, and need to be understood, felt, and seen!

The Church is not set up to validate at the Christ-level, yet. The spirituality required of people to balance these elements, and other unmentioned parts of this complex story is not part of Belief, and thus not part of significant parts of the Church, the Mosque, or the Synagogue! But this level of spirituality and power is integral to Knowing. There is a stark and distinct difference in the timbre of spirits within a person immersed in Belief and one immersed in Knowing. 

There are a few other things to bring into this equation, but I know from experience my last paragraph went too far away from what is considered Common Knowledge. 

These are my words. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.8.13


The children and adults today who are indeed 'two souls' live a life outside of my understanding.

lesbian lovers

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Only in Black America 2

Smiley Garrison's tattooed thigh.

Lone Wolf's Reflection on Forced Acculturation & Assimilation

"School wasn't for me when I was a kid.  I tried three of them and they were all bad.  The first time was when I was about 8 years old.  The soldiers came and rounded up as many of the Blackfeet children as they could.  The government had decided we were to get White Man's education for force.  

It was very cold that day when we were loaded into the wagons.  None of us wanted to go and our parents didn't want to let us go.  Oh, we cried for this was the first time we were going to be separated from our parents.  I remember looking back at Na-tah-ki and she was crying too.  Nobody waved as the wagons, escorted by the soldiers, took us toward the school at Fort Shaw.  Once there our belongings were taken from us, even the little medicine bags our mothers had given us to protect us from harm.  Everything was placed in a heap and set afire.  

Next was the long hair, the pride of all the Indians.  The boys, one by one, would break down and cry when they saw their braids thrown on the floor.  All of the traditional clothes had to go and we had to put on the clothes of the White Man.  

If we thought that the days were bad, the nights were much worse.  This was the time when real loneliness set in, for it was then we knew that we were all alone.  Many boys ran away from the school because the treatment was so bad but most of them were caught and brought back by the police.  We were told never to talk Indian and if we were caught, we got a strapping with a leather belt.

I remember one evening when we were all lined up in a room and one of the boys said something in Indian to another boy.  The man in charge of us pounced on the boy, caught him by the shirt, and threw him across the room.  Later we found out that his collar-bone was broken.  The boy's father, an old warrior, came to the school.  He told the instructor that among his people, children were never punished by striking them.  That was no way to teach children; kind words and good examples were much better.  Then he added, "Had I been here when that fellow hit my son, I would have killed him."  Before the instructor could stop the old warrior he took his boy and left.  The family then beat it to Canada and never came back." 

Nabokov, P (Ed.) (1991 [1978].  Native American testimony:  A chronicle of Indian-White relations from prophecy to the present, 1492-1992.  NY: Penguin.  Pp. 220-221.

A story a truth

Friday, November 28, 2014


actress Halley Mills at 65 yrs. of age

The manifestation of the I AM presence reflects, or it hides. It is like the truth. It is the truth. Its existence is not dependent upon our belief or disbelief. It simply is. How it is perceived is dependent on who is understanding, or misunderstand I AM. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of the Sacred Medicine Wheels 5.7.13

Pregnant divine form of a mother lying naked in the sun

Sheep American Style

Cyber Monday and Black Friday should be called by what it is two days to display the herd and cattle and sheep mentality of a people pretending to be citizens of the world power. Or it should be the two days the folk tale about the Emperors New Clothes is read to adults. - Gregory E, Woods 12.5.13

Koral Los Angeles
Nov. 23, 2013

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Juno Brown
Juno Brown standing on her head.
November 27, 2013 ·

"No one knows what it means, but it's provocative." - Juno Brown
photo by Natasha Dangond.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Kijhana posed a one-sided, but important question to her people. "What happened to our Black men protecting our Black women?"

I assume the answers came from the intent and flow of the one who asked the question. The answers must have come from an authentic place, but they reflect (to me) a limited scope on a broad question with equally wide approaches to answer the one question she asked.

One man spoke up and said, Well, what the system didn’t kill most Black women denutted. Buyin’ li’l niggas 3 and 4 pairs of Air Jordans. Now li’l fuckers think they ‘deserve’ dumb ass niggar shoes. I see mothers now won’t let nobody raise a goddamn man. Sorry women, grandmothers, aunts, teachers, all kinds of enablers.”

Another man said, “They keeps sayn, I don’t need no man.Well. Okay.”

What happened to our Black men protecting their women is a deep, powerful and disturbing probe into our collective history. What did happen to Black men protecting their women, their families? To say they strayed off with white women is trite and disrespectful to all concerned. Not to mention erroneous. It is not a today question. It is a look back over the decades, the centuries to see how the laws of the Euro-Americans restrained, and/or eliminated the fundamental right of African men to protect their families both on the continent of Africa, and throughout the Americas. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.7.13

Ashley Harris by Michael Bernard for

April 9, 2013

This Poet says

Our Mistakes

A Poem by Tate Morgan

Are we but images made of God his work in labored progress Made from the dust and the sod our one sheer moment of happiness 


We come to terms with our mistakes
to strive, to try, then fail, to win
Seeing what bitter food it makes
tasting the tempting fruits of sin

Looking back along the past
succeeding through our strain
Makes us value life at last
with its unending strife and pain

Who once failed, find triumph sweet
where once stumbled, cry beware
To the other unaccustomed feet
victory comes to those who dare

Are we but images made of God
his work in labored progress
Made from the dust and the sod
our one sheer moment of happiness

What strife encumbers, the soul awakes
learning the errors, of our troubled route
Through sorrows, of our sad mistakes
come truths, we could not live without


Jordan Carver, as far as I know, introduced the idea, and celebration of Happy Titty Tuesday last year on the 26 of November 26, 2013 with this picture of her running in a pair of white Daisy Dukes, and a bikini top!


Happy hair tresses
October 29, 2013

"Quiet dreams for quiet thoughts. . ."
 There are often songs caught in our expressions a camera can capture. The natural way to hear those songs is to sing your own and catch the sound of harmony or discord in the presence of another. - Gregory E. Woods 11.26.13

Aevin Dugas - Largest Afro Guinness World Records 2010 Photo Credit: Chris Granger/Guinness World Records Location New Orleans, USA

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ATTRACTION: appeal to the eye appeal to the heart

older & dangerous 4

Excellent nude photography is done best by artists captivated by the inner beauty of their world's view of the world from the inside outward into the world we co-habit upon in glory and pain. But, there are other sides to beauty, and women to think about.

Read this:

Mature Latin woman in blue jeans smiles

"One thing: Women often overlook how attractive and appealing they are to us after children, a long day of work and after years telling stories upon their bodies. Older women with the variety of body changes who exude certain intangible powers and scents hold so many men and husbands captive. Many women are fond of discounting the affect of their care, and reciprocation in a relationship's ability to arouse their husbands sexually. 

A lot of women don't want to hear those words. It is annoying at best for us husbands to hear our wives listening to and answering the voices in their heads when we hit on them in public wearing some tacky outfit, or we get turned on when they come out of the shower after 15+ years of marriage looking good and sexy to us in the morning!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.24.14

older house wife 

mature woman comfortable at home 

Mexican misconceptions of Black Americans

From the Los Angeles Times

A bias based on ignorance

Mexicans' views on blacks are often based on popular depictions. 
Eventually, that will change.

By Gustavo Arellano

November 25, 2007

Black-brown tensions are simultaneously overplayed and understated -- 
and I'll explain the paradox with the following embarrassing anecdote.

Years ago, a friend introduced me to an African American writer I had 
long admired. When we finally met, I tried to greet the guy with a 
soul handshake: a grip of the palms followed by the clasping of 
fingers and ending with a gentle knuckle rap. The writer, however, 
went for a conventional handshake, and his arm went limp when I 
attempted my dextral gymnastics. We both grimaced. 

"He didn't grow up in the 'hood, idiot!" my friend yelled at me after 
the awkward exchange. D'oh! I assumed all black folks greeted each 
other in that manner. Few black kids attended my overwhelmingly brown 
elementary, junior and high schools, so I based my actions toward the 
writer on pop-culture depictions of African Americans. And we all 
know how accurate those are.

Was I a bigot? No. An ignorant dope? Absolutely. And that's the lens 
through which I consider the troubles between African Americans and 
people of Mexican descent in Southern California over the last couple 
of years.

There is a problem between the two communities, and the onus falls on 
us to fix it, as we are the ones taking over black L.A.'s historical 
role as the most visible and vocal group demanding equality with 
white Anglos. But the brouhaha isn't pathological or even permanent.

Unlike most Latin American nations, Mexico doesn't have a significant 
Afro-Latino community -- about 1.5%, according to Mexican government 
figures. As a result, Afro-Mexicans don't experience ruthless 
discrimination from the population at large so much as a patronizing 
attitude that treats them as perpetual negritos -- harmless, somewhat 
amusing "darkies." 

Most of the popular depictions of Afro-Mexicans I grew up with -- 
Memín Pingüín, the lovable, dark-skinned comic-book character who 
looks like an ape, or the black characters on telenovelas or films -- 
made Stepin Fetchit seem as dignified as Cornel West. When Mexicans 
migrate to the United States and interact with African Americans, 
their attitudes toward blacks therefore ensure some degree of 
cultural misunderstanding. And it's from this dehumanizing bias that 
Mexican gang members justify their hate for innocent blacks.

But I'm optimistic. We must place such clashes in their historical 
context. Assimilation in America isn't pretty -- witness Chicago's 
ethnic wards, or "Gangs of New York." But it happens eventually. 
Think of how black culture has become part of Mexican culture
America's favorite Mexican song, "La Bamba," is the signature tune of 
son jarocho, a musical form created by African slaves and indigenous 
tribes in the southern Mexican state of Veracruz whose rolling 
rhythms heavily influenced mariachi. One of mariachi's most famous 
melodies, "El Son de La Negra" (Mexicans will know it by its opening, 
lilting trumpets and looping guitar strums), translates as "The Song 
of the Black Lady." And all Mexican parties eventually feature 
cumbias, the slow, tropical dances of Colombia that emerged from the 
country's rich African heritage.

In the States, the predominant audience for Los Angeles' nearly 
forgotten R&B oldies artists like Brenton Wood and the Penguins are 
second- and-third generation Chicanos. Mexicans cheer on the Lakers 
and tune in to KPWR-FM (105.9) morning-show host Big Boy. Even less-
assimilated young Mexicans get into the mixing of cultures by 
grafting Mexican regional music like banda (brass bands) and conjunto 
norteño (the one with accordions) onto hip-hop beats to create a 
future everyone can live with and shimmy to. 

Over a decade ago, Tupac Shakur wondered, "Would it be L.A. without 
Mexicans?" and urged solidarity between black and brown. Nowadays, 
whenever I hear Tupac blasted from rattling SUVs, it's usually by a 
Mexican. We learn. We assimilate. The road to racial harmony between 
the two groups isn't pretty -- wasn't I dumb for my soul shake? -- 
but it's a road, not a wall. 

Gustavo Arellano is a contributing editor to Opinion, the author of 
the book "¡Ask a Mexican!" and a staff writer for the OC Weekly.

Copyright 2008 Los Angeles Times 

inner sex

Pelvic floor exercise results in 90% more orgasms.

Sacred Circle of Punany 

Salma Hayek upclose 

Word Definitions

Laura Soares

Lisa Kudrow's pretty legs in black dress 

A working woman. The connotation is a whore, a prostitute working the streets. 

A working man. The connotation is a hard working man at construction, physical laborer working hard to put food on his family's table. In Jesus' time present day lay persons and clergy cannot accord Mary Magdalene her womanhood. She cannot be a friend to Jesus, or a peer. She is considered a whore. Why? What lives in these assessments? - Gregory E. Woods 10.15.14

older woman deeper beauty of Kathie Lee Gifford, talk show host 

... on my way to work.
November 25, 2013 

Brazilian models Laura Soares with Cléo Coimbra

November 27, 2013 


Padma Parvati Lakshmi naked in heels on white fur

Padma Lakshmi, author & Top Chef host !!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Presents in Black

54th Grammy Awards arrival Cyndi Lauper !!!!

Nikki Nova statuesque in black 


a teaching shared by Kijhana Roby
Jan. 4, 2013


The dying Sun travelling from East to South to West, became 'Sol-Om-On'.

Sol, the name of the young Sun-God, East the place, and Rising UP the Action, or the Sun rising in the early morning! 

, the name of the grown manly Sun-God, South the place, and the Meridian, the still balance, or the Sun at High-Noon!!

On, the name of the Old dying Sun-God, West the place, and Setting Down, the action, or the Sun Setting in the late Evening!!!

Thus we have 3 names: Sol-Om-On. 3 Movable Functions:
Rising (up), Balancing (still), Setting (down) and three places: East-South-West.

The life of Solomon is the story of
Pharoah Amenhotep III...But the science behind Solomon is Sun Worship....His Throne was the "Sky"...When Jesus was supposed to inherit the throne of Solomon, It Was To Take His Place In The Sky...& his principle, which mimicks "Horus" was supposed to rule over all lands.

Once again, King Solomon never existed....

Strength of a MAN

water birth

What is a MAN in the context of freedom, conversation, and the controversy of sexuality?

The strength of a man in his woman is the strength of a man. The strength of a man from his mother is a pillar of his manhood. The strength and powers of a man gleaned from his father and given by training and initiation plunges him deep into the essence of masculinity, strength, manhood, parenting, care, and a command of his sexual energies that create life, and restore life. The strength of a man from his children is the return, the reciprocity of love. The strength of a man from his grandparents is the introductory motions of his ancestors speaking about who they are, who they were, and what can become of potential in the present to be stored in the fruit of a man's loins. 

Love is the core of manhood, and masculinity is the expression of a man to women, his woman and children, and a return to Creation and the Goddess of the scent, the fragrance of the subtleties of being strong, and vital, and composed with truth, compositions of love and divine energies that again create Life. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of the Drum 5.7.13

Tigran Tsitoghdzyan's Art

Gregory & his granddaughter Erin-Elaine the first time together. We recognized each other!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tigran TSITOGHDZYAN: a story of his

Day 1
Oil on canvas 5" x 5"

This project was realized in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2004. I had a chance to be an "artist in residence" for two months there. I was conducting "workshops" in Funda College in Soweto and in parallel I wanted to produce something myself. As Johannesburg is a city of extremes, I decided to make sort of a daily newspaper with my everyday impressions. - Tigran Tsitoghdzyan

painting by Tigran Tsitoghdzyan done in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2004 - Day 1 Oil on canvas