Tuesday, August 30, 2011


By Zachary Roth
A 15-year-old from Syracuse, Anthony Stewart, was sentenced to 2 to 6 years in a juvenile detention facility by Judge William Walsh of Onandaga County for a robbery in which the teenager took a mere 7 cents.

Walsh said he issued the harsh sentence because Stewart declined to plead guilty, choosing to fight the charges. A jury found him guilty of first degree robbery.

The victim had identified Stewart and a friend as the perpetrators, Walsh said, "and yet you still denied it," the Post-Standard newspaper of Syracuse reported.

"Well, that cost you," Walsh added.

The other teenager, Skyler Ninham, 16, pleaded guilty in July and was sentenced to 1 to 4 years in prison.

Stewart and Ninham carried BB guns that looked like real pistols when they knocked a 73-year old man to the ground--Stewart punching him in the face--and took all the cash he had on him, prosecutors said. That amounted to 7 cents.

Stewart's lawyer, Laurin Haddad, had pleaded with Walsh to treat her client as a youthful offender, so that a felony conviction wouldn't remain on his permanent record.

"For 7 cents, now you're making someone a felon for the rest of his life," Haddad told the Post-Standard.


artist Serinity Knight's coffee mate duo, an Afrikan dilluted with American cream

Monday, August 29, 2011


"... a profound testimony of strength your art, Serinity. It coasts downward into my inner terrain somehow moving things around like a self-absorbed interior decorator focused on beauty, order, themes of dark deep penetration of consciousness with no interest in my reactions, or thoughts." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

artist Serinity Knight's work of Shermaine a graphic pencil & ink on bristol board, an African-American Queen of Spain

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011


Goddess form of an African & elephant
masculine energetics as

a man unbalanced and
partial are as injured as
feminine energetics can
be as a woman out of
...kilter with her masculine
energetics uncoupling her
wholeness as a reaction to
anything masculine as an
enemy and Othered self.
feminism and patriarchy
still fall short of wholeness.
wholeness in oneness is a
union of the sacred feminine
and masculine energetics as
oneness everfresh and alive.
stop halving wholeness and
wondering why there is war. –Ngaronoa Mereana Taki

Gracielle Grace Talbot in healing asana


beautiful feet of a woman on Alessandra, Milan street by the Sartorialist

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

artist Serinity Knight in her words. . .

Serinity Knight
Serinity Knight is a professional artistic muse who works as an all media fine and performance artist, sculptor, writer, photographer. She was a fashionista at one time but now Serinity Knight has become a diva warrior, visionary working practically as a diversity training specialist. She is by her own definition an artistprenuer, a metaphysical healer, a truth teller, and deeply engaged in the work of social justice and hate crime legislation.

I know her only through her heart expressed in words on various subjects on Facebook, and through her art displayed on her page I have been moved by the force of her connection to her womanhood, her sense of being African, and as a recipient of spiritual powers. She says, "I was raised with a strong emphasis on self empowerment and self-determination through education, sports and the arts. I was encouraged to not follow the trail of others but to create my own path. Often laughing within myself wondering how I might have turned out if I had followed the others into mediocrity?

My childhood was adventurous and fun... I took my dolls to the back yard and built whole cities for them. I brought peace to every school room entered and as a tom boy did not like wearing dresses to school or anywhere else. Then grew up to travel around in the fashion and beauty industry... I know how to build a real house from scratch - yep from the ground up... can fix any car too - just don't ask me to install electrical wiring or a gas line.

But I also have the same blood line as Edmonia Lewis I am the daughter in the dust of Louise Nevelson - the sister of Frida Khalo, cousin of Elizabeth Catlett and the niece of Audrey Flack. As a child I used to play and sit on Alexander Calder in front of the court house as the unquiet river city of my birthplace (Michigan) is still rolling on it's grand rapids. Now I live in a strange city in a condo apt. and create art by assembling random finds, chance encounters. I long for that big spacious house I used to know...then company can come in and have a place to sit. I make beautiful things from clay; new things from discarded goods, bronze, glass,. paper,. metal,. bones,. leather, wood, and what ever else I can find ....trying to listen so they can speak thru me."

Serinity Knight, in her words, has traveled all over this world as a woman, as an artist who happened to be born BLACK. That is my inheritance and my birthright...

artist Serinity Knight's mixed media colored pencil & ink drawing of two heads

BLUE LIGHT, a sacred story

blue light upon Manii Love, Iman Jackson is mysterious
MANNI LOVE’S Blue light

“The skill, and the power to capture the blue light of a soul has always been within the mysterious light of the magic of special creatures who resembled women, or men, but like most illusions were born of their mothers who did not hold allegiance to Eve. It is easier nowadays to create the illusion of being captured by blue light with the technology, but it masks the skill it took in the past to first see the blue light surrounding one's home. Blue light around the body came from within, and if cared for the soul would and could expand the blue into the protection of home, and village. Dark sorcerers could see the blue, but were defenseless against its dangerous, and seductive powers to heal, and restore life!” – Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Monday, August 22, 2011


Chelsea Handler, talk show host, author, & comedienne
We do not want schools....

they will teach us to have churches.
We do not want churches....
they will teach us to quarrel about God.
We do not want to learn that.
We may quarrel with men sometimes
about things on this earth,
but we never quarrel about God.
We do not want to learn that.

~Heinmot Tooyalaket (Chief Joseph), Nez Perce

Sunday, August 21, 2011

IDENTITY, IMAGE, & BEING someone else

Betty Boop is as mysterious as any American woman in the spotlight.
- Gregory E. Woods,
Keeper of Stories

INITIATIONS from fear, death & bondage starts somewhere


“Worry is the Teacher directing the energies you call into play with your life, the life you claim to value. Worry tells the Initiated and the Simple Child how afraid of living you really are! It is a time consuming task that seems, to the Worrier, a better action than living fully. Death is the ally of Fear.” - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Saturday, August 20, 2011

INITIATION from immaturity to higher knowledge of self...

SEXUAL PERVERSIONS, a man stabs women in butts with knife

“I was disturbed when I put thought to the story about a man stabbing women in their buttocks in Maryland or Virginia malls. When the local news confirmed my suspicions of the sexual nature of the assaults my thoughts deepened.

The perversions of men have authored the bizarre assaults against Nature, and Nature's Finest: her women. Talking with people working in mental institutions for young children, and adults, and those in the penal system eventually turns around to a certain class of men, and boys. There is a population of males that ejaculate in the midst of violent struggles, and collapse into satisfied repose despite the danger their conflict has inspired. It is frightening to puzzle over this, and the other perversions of men through out the centuries. Where does it originate? Where will it lead us? What else can be born of this vile experimentation that has plagued our memories, and clouded our lives with defensive mechanism contrary to the Play we desperately need in our lives?” – Gregory E. Woods

Friday, August 19, 2011

INITIATION: out of self


The lowest self-images provoke, and birth the worship of leaders and other powerful people. Symbols? Symbols embody energies and are alive and attuned to the archetypes of our souls. They resonate and reveal, and tell stories about who we are, and what we need to live. – Gregory E. Woods

pretty legs of an older white woman lying on pillows

Thursday, August 18, 2011



"We live in a society whereby people are living beneath their potential. They tend to go through the motions trying to please everyone except God. For some reason, they need to follow the dreams of their parents, siblings, friends, and elders." – Rev. Sinclair Grey 111

Our society is a culture like others where children are told the story that supports the life of the family, the culture, and their nation. Life revolves around stories; stories told, lived, and re-created to place us back where we belong in our lifetime, or move us into the craziness of not remembering who we are. It is difficult to return, and embody the story we were born to live because a big part of us wants to fit in with others, and people embrace the fear of authentic lives. We crave social contact, and despair over social isolation… Being disconnected from our true stories cripples us, and saps up a lot of our energies that could be involved in the act of birthing who we are in this lifetime.” – Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Father to adult children

provocative Charlize Theron, actress
"Yeah, the world is ending and I believe we should get as much sex as possible in the last days, and if children come prepare them for this world, and the next…" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories


Paris Hilton elegant in white gown
"Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money can not be eaten." - anon

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Elder's Wisdom Today

"All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports." - CHIEF SEATTLE

Earth Wisdom

“The Earth is the Mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. You might as well expect the river to run backward as that any man who was born a free man should be contented when penned up and denied liberty to go where he pleases.” - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

“There is no death. Only a change of worlds.”
- Chief Seattle

“We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees.”
- Qwatsinas (Hereditary Chief Edward Moody),
Nuxalk Nation

Monday, August 15, 2011


Sanaa Lathan's exquisite & beautiful face

Vivica A. Fox

Beautiful, talent and under exposed black actress don't have the full backing and support of the Black American community. It is in our conditioning that we are incapable of keeping our Black and Latin actors employed. Our sense of being voiceless, and powerless in the face of powerful industries didn't keep Arsenio Hall on the air.

Arsenio Hall was the most obvious pick to continue the American tradition of nighttime entertainment Johnny Carson set at the highest level. His energy was that intangible combination of elements that I call 'negro sauce' jokingly. His creativity, and natural ability to pull the best out of people in the sweeping range of American popular culture was outstanding. The energy he created he sustained at the highest level of sustainability. It was brilliant. His band. The musicians were among the best of LA's top musicians. He even went further and hired a gorgeous woman in the band named Starr. She was cabrón!!! That whole band was in synch with Arsenio, his producers, the sponsors, and the concept they danced together as they stirred the fires within their viewers for a nightly party.

His facilitation tools were and are worthy of study. He dared himself and pushed his audience to follow his plans, his visions, his sense of play, and adventure. It led him to make some political stands. One of them ended the show. He brought on Minister Farrakhan to balance a national discussion at the time.

Not a single Black person, myself included, found his courage, his balls to speak to the powers in Hollywood. That has haunted me, and fueled my drive to excellence. After this profound disappointment I found my voice. I say this apologizing to letting Arsenio Hall down, and being a small part of dominance of mediocrity that is the standard for late night prime time talk shows.

-Gregory E. Woods

Keeper of Stories


Accomplished women of note

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Trace your walk...feel satisfaction in knowing

the end of the rainbow you have looked for can
be found at the toe of your moccasin after
realizing who we are...and what we have."

~John "Eagle Spirit" Campbell, Chief

"With a large bird above me, I am walking
around the sky. I entrust myself to the wind."

~Anishinaabeg dream song

Saturday, August 13, 2011

INITIATE to ward off DEATH

Jasun & Scotty Smith in NYC in the '80's


“This picture grips me with painful emotions. I saw these two boys as a father, and the view was not disengaged from the reality of poor life choices made that led to Scotty's death. His life has become a sacred story, in a sense, and a cautionary tale disseminated by other facilitators working with young Black people who value and fancy the ghetto, and the drug culture as an ideal, and identify themselves with a value system that breeds death, and powerlessness…

Jasun, on the left, and his brother, Scott lived with me in earlier times. I was a young father in my first marriage. The brothers were two of the four brothers my wife had. The boys lived in New York City and needed to get out of that awful city before it consumed and killed them their mother believed. In the end Jasun lived into adulthood, and fatherhood, but Scotty was killed by what he loved the most: the thug life." – Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Friday, August 12, 2011

Truth in Legends - Cherokee

So what does it all mean?  What truths can be gathered from a collection of ancient Cherokee myths and religious traditions?  From these stories, we can explore the thought processes and mindset of the traditional Cherokee.  It becomes clear upon examining these tales that there are many notable differences between the Cherokee and the white worldview.  Through the myths about the creation, the origin of disease, and the invention of medicine, we see humans playing a very different role than in European legends and Biblical accounts.

In Genesis, mankind is given dominion over the earth and all the creatures and resources in and on it.  In the Cherokee story, the humans occupy a precarious niche in a world created by animals, for animals.  Humans are barely tolerated, especially when they start exploiting the animals for food and skins.  Humans are seen as having much less power, being at the mercy of the animals when disease is introduced.  Instead of humans having dominion over other creatures, the situation seems to have reversed itself.  Humans would have been decimated by disease had they not found friends in the plant kingdom, who helped mankind of their own accord.  In the Cherokee worldview, mankind does not control nature, nature controls mankind.

This is a fundamental philosophical difference with the white European mindset.  Europeans saw it as their destiny to control and exploit the earth. Cherokees saw themselves in a position that was not quite at the top of the hierarchy of life.  While European types saw fit to nearly exterminate all bison without remorse, the Cherokee always made sure to apologize to the spirit of a deer they had just killed, for fear of retribution by nature.  The stereotype of the Indian as a natural environmentalist in the Dances With Wolves tradition may indeed be skewed, but there is a kernel of truth in it. Cherokees, at least, respected nature more than their European cousins, albeit out of fear for their wellbeing.

Another difference in the Cherokee outlook on life is with regard to the spirit world.  Most Europeans generally think of the spiritual world and the world in which they live as two separate places.  Not so the Cherokees.  In Cherokee myths and stories, the spirit world directly affects happenings in the physical one time and time again.  Supernatural happening are treated as commonplace events. A small ceremony performed by a shaman was able to drastically affect a person's spiritual life, perhaps by removing it altogether.  Raven mockers were seen not as storybook characters, but as real dangers to be feared. Some might call this superstition, but what is superstition to one person is religion to another.  These views formed a coherent belief system for the Cherokees, in which the spiritual world was directly accessible and performed an important role in daily life.

For centuries, the invading Europeans looked upon the philosophy of the Cherokees and other Indians as primitive and timid.  Today, in an increasingly overtaxed environment, we might do well to reconsider the Cherokee philosophy and respect for the natural world. In a society of soulless automation, we could not help but profit from considering the spirituality of the Cherokee world. By studying the myths of the Cherokee, one is exposed to a new way of seeing the world and the role of mankind in it.

From the Archives of Little Mother

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Woman Who Became a Horse (a 2nd version)

"There are many subtle elements within stories that direct a people, in this case the Skidi Pawnee. The stories in combination, in relationship with each other guide thought and behavior as they pave their way within the bodies of, and the minds of the People." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories
There was a village, and the men decided to go on a warpath. So these men

started, and they journeyed for several days toward the south. They came to
a thickly wooded country. They found wild horses, and among them was a
spotted pony.

One man caught the spotted pony and took care of it. He took it home, and
instructed his wife to look after it, as if it were their chief. This she
did, and, further, she liked the horse very much. She took it where there
was good grass. In the winter time she cut young cottonwood shoots for it,
so that the horse was always fat. In the night, if it was stormy, she pulled
a lot of dry grass, and when she put the blanket over the horse and tied it
up, she stuffed the grass under the blanket, so the horse never got cold. It
was always fine and sleek.

One summer evening she went to where she had tied the horse, and she met a
fine-looking man, who had on a buffalo robe with a spotted horse pictured on
it. She liked him; he smelt finely. She followed him until they came to
where the horse had been, and the man said, "You went with me. It is I who
was a horse."

She was glad, for she liked the horse. For several years they were together,
and the woman gave birth, and it was a spotted pony. When the pony was born,
the woman found she had a tail like that of a horse. She also had long hair.
When the colt sucked, the woman stood up. For several years they roamed
about, and had more ponies, all spotted. At home the man mourned for his
lost wife. He could not make out why she should go off.

People went on a hunt many years afterward, and they came across these
spotted ponies. People did not care to attack them, for among them was a
strange looking animal. But, as they came across them now and then, they
decided to catch them. They were hard to catch, but at last they caught
them, all but the woman, for she could run fast; but as they caught her
children, she gave in and was caught. People said, "This is the woman who
was lost." And some said, "No, it is not." Her husband was sent for, and he
recognized her. He took his bow and arrows out and shot her dead, for he did
not like to see her with the horse's tail. The other spotted ponies were
kept, and as they increased, they were spotted. So the people had many
spotted ponies.

Source: George A. Dorsey, Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee = Memoirs of the
American Folk-Lore Society, vol. 8 (Boston and New York: Published for the
American Folk-Lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1904), pp.

From the Archives of Blue Panther a Skidi Pawnee story

a SALISH story of a Wild Woman's Song

Woman Who Became a Horse - Salish

A chief had many horses, and among them a stallion which his wife often
rode. The woman and stallion became enamoured of each other. The woman grew
careless of her household duties and always wanted to look after the horses.

When the people moved camp, and the horses were brought in, it was noticed
that the stallion made right for the woman and sniffed about her as
stallions do with mares. After this she was watched.
When her husband learned the truth, he shot the stallion. The woman cried
and would not go to bed.

At daybreak she was gone, no one knew where. About a year after this it was
discovered that she had gone off with some wild horses. One day when the
people were traveling over a large open place they saw a band of horses, and
the woman among them. She had partly changed into a horse. She also had much
hair on her body, and the hair of her head had grown to resemble a horse's
mane. Her arms and legs had also changed considerably; but her face was
still human, and bore some resemblance to her original self.

The chief sent some young men to chase her. All the wild horses ran away,
but she could not run so fast as they, and was run down and lassoed. She was
brought into her husband's lodge; and the people watched her for some time,
trying to tame her, but she continued to act and whinny like a horse. At
last they let her free. The following year they saw her again. She had
become almost entirely horse, and had a colt by her side. She had many
children afterwards.

Source: Franz Boas, Folk-Tales of Salishan and Sahaptin Tribes = Memoirs of
the American Folk-Lore Society, vol. 11 (Lancaster and New York: American
Folk-Lore Society, 1917), p. 53.

From the Archives of Blue Panther

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Resuscitation of the only Daughter - a LAKOTA story

There once lived an old couple who had an only daughter. She was a beautiful
girl, and was very much courted by the young men of the tribe, but she said
that she preferred single life, and to all their heart-touching tales of
deep affection for her she always had one answer. That was "No." One day
this maiden fell ill and day after day grew worse. All the best medicine men
were called in, but their medicines were of no avail, and in two weeks from
the day that she was taken ill she lay a corpse. Of course there was great
mourning in the camp. They took her body several miles from camp and rolled
it in fine robes and blankets, then they laid her on a scaffold which they
had erected. (This was the custom of burial among the Indians). They placed
four forked posts into the ground and then lashed strong poles lengthwise
and across the ends and made a bed of willows and stout ash brush. This
scaffold was from five to seven feet from the ground.

After the funeral the
parents gave away all of their horses, fine robes and blankets and all of
the belongings of the dead girl. Then they cut their hair off close to their
heads, and attired themselves in the poorest apparel they could secure. When
a year had passed the friends and relatives of the old couple tried in vain
to have them set aside their mourning. "You have mourned long enough," they
would say. "Put aside your mourning and try and enjoy a few more pleasures
of this life while you live. You are both growing old and can't live very
many more years, so make the best of your time." The old couple would listen
to their advice and then shake their heads and answer: "We have nothing to
live for. Nothing we could join in would be any amusement to us since we
have lost the light of our lives." So the old couple continued their
mourning for their lost idol.

Two years had passed since the death of the
beautiful girl, when one evening a hunter and his wife passed by the
scaffold, which held the dead girl. They were on their return trip and were
heavily loaded down with game, and therefore could not travel very fast.
About half a mile from the scaffold a clear spring burst forth from the side
of a bank, and from this trickled a small stream of water, moistening the
roots of the vegetation bordering its banks, and causing a growth of
green grass
. At this spring the hunter camped and tethering his horses, at
once set about helping his wife to erect the small teepee, which they carried
for convenience in traveling. When it became quite dark, the hunter's dogs
set up a great barking and growling. "Look out and see what the dogs are
barking at," said the hunter to his wife.

She looked out through the door
and then drew back saying: "There is the figure of a woman advancing from
the direction of the girl's scaffold." "I expect it is the dead girl. Let
her come, and don't act as if you were afraid," said the hunter. Soon they
heard footsteps advancing and the steps ceased at the door. Looking down at
the lower part of the door the hunter noticed a pair of small moccasins, and
knowing that it was the visitor, said: "Whoever you are, come in and have
something to eat." At this invitation the figure came slowly in and sat down
by the door with head covered and with a fine robe drawn tightly over the

The woman dished up a fine supper and placing it before the visitor,
said: "Eat, my friend, you must be hungry." The figure never moved, nor
would it uncover to eat. "Let us turn our back towards the door and our
visitor may eat the food," said the hunter. So his wife turned her back
towards the visitor and made herself very busy cleaning the small pieces of
meat that were hanging to the back sinews of the deer which had been killed.
(This the Indians use as thread.) The hunter, filling his pipe, turned away
and smoked in silence. Finally the dish was pushed back to the woman, who
took it and after washing it, put it away. The figure still sat at the door,
not a sound coming from it, neither was it breathing.

The hunter at last
said: "Are you the girl that was placed upon that scaffold two years ago?"
It bowed its head two or three times in assent. "Are you going to sleep here
tonight; if you are, my wife will make down a bed for you." The figure shook
its head. "Are you going to come again tomorrow night to us?" It nodded
assent. For three nights in succession the figure visited the hunter's camp.
The third night the hunter noticed that the figure was breathing. He saw one
of the hands protruding from the robe. The skin was perfectly black and was
stuck fast to the bones of the hand. On seeing this the hunter arose and
going over to his medicine sack which hung on a pole, took down the sack
and, opening it, took out some roots and mixing them with skunk oil and
vermilion, said to the figure: "If you will let us rub your face and hands
with this medicine it will put new life into the skin and you will assume
your complexion again and it will put flesh on you."

The figure assented and
the hunter rubbed the medicine on her hands and face. Then she arose and
walked back to the scaffold. The next day the hunter moved camp towards the
home village. That night he camped within a few miles of the village. When
night came, the dogs, as usual, set up a great barking, and looking out, the
wife saw the girl approaching. When the girl had entered and sat down, the
hunter noticed that the girl did not keep her robe so closely together over
her face. When the wife gave her something to eat, the girl reached out and
took the dish, thus exposing her hands, which they at once noticed were
again natural. After she had finished her meal, the hunter said: "Did my
medicine help you?" She nodded assent.

"Do you want my medicine rubbed all
over your body?" Again she nodded. "I will mix enough to rub your entire
body, and I will go outside and let my wife rub it on for you."

He mixed a
good supply and going out left his wife to rub the girl. When his wife had
completed the task she called to her husband to come in, and when he came in
he sat down and said to the girl: "Tomorrow we will reach the village. Do
you want to go with us?" She shook her head. "Will you come again to our
camp tomorrow night after we have camped in the village?" She nodded her
head in assent. "Then do you want to see your parents?" She nodded again,
and arose and disappeared into the darkness.

Early the next morning the
hunter broke camp and traveled far into the afternoon, when he arrived at
the village. He instructed his wife to go at once and inform the old couple
of what had happened. The wife did so and at sunset the old couple came to
the hunter's teepee. They were invited to enter and a fine supper was served
them. Soon after they had finished their supper the dogs of the camp set up
a great barking. "Now she is coming, so be brave and you will soon see your
lost daughter," said the hunter.

Hardly had he finished speaking when she
entered the tent as natural as ever she was in life. Her parents clung to
her and smothered her with kisses. They wanted her to return home with them,
but she would stay with the hunter who had brought her back to life, and she
married him, becoming his second wife. A short time after taking the girl
for his wife, the hunter joined a war party and never returned, as he was
killed on the battlefield. A year after her husband's death she married
again. This husband was also killed by a band of enemies whom the warriors
were pursuing for stealing some of their horses. The third husband also met
a similar fate to the first. He was killed on the field of battle. She was
still a handsome woman at the time of the third husband's death, but never
again married, as the men feared her, saying she was holy, and that any one
who married her would be sure to be killed by the enemy. So she took to
doctoring the sick and gained the reputation of being the most skilled
doctor in the nation
. She lived to a ripe old age and when she felt death
approaching she had them take her to where she had rested once before, and
crawling to the top of the newly erected scaffold, wrapped her blankets and
robes about her, covered her face carefully, and fell into that sleep from
which there is no more awakening.

a Lakota story from the archives of Blue Panther

Monday, August 8, 2011

Snake Boy - Cherokee

Long ago, lived a boy and his family. But this boy was no ordinary boy for
he loved to go bird hunting every day. Each day, when he returned, he would
take all of the birds he had taken that day to his grandmother. Now, this
made her very fond of him and she loved him greatly. She enjoyed his visit
at the end of the day, and she never wanted for a fresh meal.

Now the rest of the boy's family did not feel very good about this and where
jealous of the relationship between the boy and his grandmother. They
hardened their hearts and treated the boy in such manner that he determined
that he would leave them all and make a life of his own. He went to his
grandmother and told her that he was going to leave, and that she must not
worry about him, for all would be well.

The boy was up early and made his preparations for the day in private. He
refused to eat his breakfast and was soon off into the woods on his days'
adventures. All day was he gone and not a sign was heard from him. The sun
had come down and at last he did return home with a pair of deer horns,
which he took straight to the hothouse. His grandmother was there when he
entered and greeted him kindly.

He spoke a greeting and gave her a hug and then told her that he must remain
alone in the hothouse tonight. With that, she took her leave of him and went
into the house, and spent the night with the rest of the family.

Long was the night and the grandmother was up at the break of the dawn. Out
she went to the hothouse. In the door she looked and found the entire house
was filled with a giant Uktena with horns on its head and two human legs
instead of a tail. It spoke to her and told her that it was what was left of
her grandson and that she should not worry as he would be fine. He then bid
her to leave so that he could leave the hothouse.

Long did it take for him to unwind his coils through the door and by the
time he was through the sun had reached the top of the sky. People began to
flee and shouted at him. He crawled through the village leaving a serpentine
trail behind him and found a deep place in the river and disappeared under
the water. Never again was he seen.

Much grief was felt by the grandmother for him. Long was the time which she
did bemoan the loss of her grandson. Again the family hardened their hearts
and became very angry with her and told her to go and join her beloved
grandson. So, she took her leave of them and followed the serpentine trail
that he had left to the river and disappeared into the river.

Long after that day a fisherman was fishing near the spot and saw her
sitting on a rock in the middle of the river. She looked just as she had the
day she had left and had not changed a bit. As he stood looking at her, she
noticed him and was quick into the water and was never seen again. And there
you have it.

from archives of Blue Panther


african  beauty of Oluchi Onweagba

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Boys Who turned to Geese

Long ago, when animals were people, there was a little boy whose mother and
stepfather wouldn't give him anything to eat, though they had plenty for
themselves. So the boy went off to find his own food and met another boy who
was also abandoned.

Raccoon came along, felt sorry for the two boys, and
helped them dig roots to eat.

In the next few days, five more hungry
abandoned boys came by, and they all went to stay with Raccoon in the
temescal (sweathouse). Finally they decided to go north and take Raccoon
with them. So they sprinkled themselves with goose down and sang songs. For
three days they went around the temescal, singing and rising higher and
higher off the ground.

But Raccoon couldn't fly even though he was covered
with goose down. All the mothers came to see the boys and begged them to
come down, but they refused. They all turned into geese and flew away to the
north, to become the seven stars we call the Pleiades.  And when geese cry,
they sound just like a little boy.
- Chumash nation in California

From the Archives of Blue Panther

"The coldness of a mother, her rejection can turn the warmth and naturalness of her child's ability to love into a coldness that is brilliant and distant or dull and distant. Either one is cold."
- Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Thursday, August 4, 2011


August 4, 1825

For the purpose of perpetuating the friendship which has heretofore existed, as also to remove all future cause of discussion or dissension, as it respects trade and friendship between the United States and their citizens, and the Crow tribe of Indians, the President of the United States of America, by Brigadier-General Henry Atkinson, of the United States' army, and Major Benjamin O'Fallon, Indian agent, with full powers and authority, specially appointed and commissioned for that purpose, of the one part, and the undersigned Chiefs, Head men and Warriors, of the said Crow tribe of Indians, on behalf of their tribe, of the other part, have made and entered into the following Articles and Conditions; which, when ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall be binding on both parties - to wit:

Article 1.

It is admitted by the Crow tribe of Indians, that they reside within the territorial limits of the United States, acknowledge their supremacy, and claim their protection. - The said tribe also admit the right of the United States to regulate all trade and intercourse with them.

Article 2.

The United States agree to receive the Crow tribe of Indians into their friendship, and under their protection, and to extend to them, from time to time, such benefits and acts of kindness as may be convenient, and seem just and proper to the President of the United States.

Article 3.

All trade and intercourse with the Crow tribe shall be transacted at such place or places as may be designated and pointed out by the President of the United States, through his agents; and none but American citizens, duly authorized by the United States, shall be admitted to trade or hold intercourse with said tribe of Indians.

Article 4.

That the Crow tribe may be accommodated with such articles of merchandise, . as their necessities may demand, the United States agree to admit and license traders to hold intercourse with said tribe, under mild and equitable regulations: in consideration of which, the Crow tribe bind themselves to extend protection to the persons and the property of the traders, and the persons legally employed under them, whilst they remain within the limits of their district of country. And the said Crow tribe further agree, that if any foreigner or other person, not legally authorized by the United States, shall come into their district of country, for the purposes of trade or other views, they will apprehend such person or persons, and deliver him or them to some United States' Superintendent or Agent of Indian Affairs, or to the commandant of the nearest military post, to be dealt with according to law. And they further agree to give safe conduct to all persons who may be legally authorized by the United States to pass through their country, and to protect in their persons and property all agents or other persons sent by the United States to reside temporarily among them; and that they will not, whilst on their distant excursions, molest or interrupt any American citizen or citizens, who may be passing from the United States to New Mexico, or returning from thence to the United States.

Article 5.

That the friendship which is now established between the United States and the Crow tribe, should not be interrupted by the misconduct of individuals, it is hereby agreed, that for injuries done by individuals, no private revenge or retaliation shall take place, but instead thereof, complaints shall be made, by the party injured, to the superintendent or agent of Indian affairs, or other person appointed by the President; and it shall be the duty of said Chiefs, upon complaint being made as aforesaid, to deliver up the person or persons against whom the complaint is made, to the end that he or they may be punished, agreeably to the laws of the United States. And, in like manner, if any robbery, violence, or murder, shall be committed on any Indian or Indians belonging to the said tribe, the person or persons so offending shall be tried, and, if found guilty, shall be punished in like manner as if the injury had been done to a white man. And it is agreed, that the Chiefs of said Crow tribe shall, to the utmost of their power, exert themselves to recover horses or other property, which may be stolen or taken from any citizen or citizens of the United States, by any individual or individuals of said tribe; and the property so recovered shall be forthwith delivered to the agents or other person authorized to receive it, that it may be restored to the proper owner. And the United States hereby guarranty to any Indian or Indians of said tribe, a full indemnification for any horses or other property which may be stolen from them by any of their citizens: Provided, That the property stolen cannot be recovered, and that sufficient proof is produced that it was actually stolen by a citizen of the United States. And the said tribe engage, on the requisition or demand of the President of the United States, or of the agents, to deliver up any white man resident among them.

Article 6.

And the Chiefs and Warriors, as aforesaid, promise and engage that their tribe will never, by sale, exchange, or as presents, supply any nation, tribe, or band of Indians, not in amity with the United States, with guns, ammunition, or other implements of war.

Done at the Mandan Village, this fourth day of August, A. D. 1825, and of the independence of the United States the fiftieth.

In testimony whereof, the said commissioners, Henry Atkinson and Benjamin O'Fallon, and the chiefs and warriors of the said tribe, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals.

H. Atkinson, brigadier-general U. S. Army, [L. S.]
Benj. O'Fallon, U. S. agent Indian Affairs, [L. S.]


E-she-huns-ka, or the long hair, his x mark, [L. S.]
She-wo-cub-bish, one that sings bad, his x mark, [L. S.]
Har-rar-shash, one that rains, his x mark, [L. S.]
Chay-ta-pah-ha, wolf's paunch, his x mark, [L. S.]

Huch-che-rach, little black dog, his x mark, [L. S.]
Mah-pitch, bare shoulder, his x mark, [L. S.]
Esh-ca-ca-mah-hoo, the standing lance, his x mark, [L. S.]
Che-rep-con-nes-ta-chea, the little white bull, his x mark, [L. S.]
Ah-mah-shay-she-ra, the yellow big belly, his x mark, [L. S.]
Co-tah-bah-sah, the one that runs, his x mark, [L. S.]

Bah-cha-na-mach, the one that sits in the pine, his x mark, [L. S.]
He-ran-dah-pah, the one that ties his hair before, his x mark, [L. S.]
Bes-ca-bar-ru-sha, the dog that eats, his x mark, [L. S.]
Nah-puch-kia, the little one that holds the stick in his mouth, his x mark, [L. S.]
Bah-da-ah-chan-dah, the one that jumps over every person, his x mark, [L. S.]
Mash-pah-hash, the one that is not right, [L. S.]

In presence of -

A. L. Langham, secretary to the commission,
H. Leavenworth, colonel U. S. Army,
S. W. Kearny, brevet major First Infantry,
D. Ketchum, major U. S. Army,
R. B. Mason, captain First Infantry,
G. C. Spencer, captain First Infantry,
John Gantt, captain Sixth Infantry,
Thos. P. Gwynne, lieutenant First Infantry,
S. MacRee, lieutenant and aid-de-camp,
Thomas Noel, lieutenant Sixth Infantry,
William L. Harris, First Infantry,
John Gale, surgeon U. S. Army,
J. V. Swearingen, lieutenant First Infantry,
R. Holmes, lieutenant Sixth Infantry,
M. W. Batman, lieutenant Sixth Infantry,
R. M. Coleman, U. S. Army,
J. Rogers, lieutenant Sixth Infantry,
Wm. Day, lieutenant First Infantry,
G. H. Kennerly, U. S. Indian agent,
B. Riley, captain Sixth Infantry,
Wm. S. Harney, lieutenant First Infantry,
James W. Kingsbury, lieutenant First Regiment Infantry,
George C. Hutter, lieutenant Sixth Infantry,
Wm. Armstrong, captain Sixth Regiment Infantry.


"Supreme Court Justice Scalia said, "United States policy is revolved around conquest... So, Indian nations are conquered nations, and the treaties have been upheld!" on August 9, 2009.