Friday, August 31, 2012


Ngaronoa Mereana Taki

There is always something beautiful when we look for it, and always something wrong when we expect it. Even though experience takes us through territory we would not have chosen, we can always learn something. This is one of those times when rainfall is light and gardens need extra attention, but along the fences the sunflowers are perfect. They show us how to thrive when circumstances are not ideal. Straight and tall and exceedingly strong, these summer flowers prove they can take the heat. Look for the beauty and expect things to take a turn for the better. They will—just as difficult times in the past have given way to better times. This time of trial, like others before it, will be forgotten. As a present, anything we have you can take with you ... but the land.



Iman is number one of a list of 50 women chosen by Style Bristo.

Supermodel, television personality and beauty magnate Iman is a breathtaking advocate for all things glamorous. She told us, "Feeling beautiful isn’t about a trend or a particular look. It’s about treating yourself fabulously. No matter your age or your skin tone, you’ve got to love the skin you’re in." Find out who this beauty icon most admires in her interview.


"WOW! That T-shirt and no helmet!" - Herb Tyson, a friend of mine

The words on his back are said time and time again in public by people famous or not. It is said many times and several ways. The determining factor, I believe, is in our response. So far, in public, people tend to remain silent, and fearful of giving voice for or against the sentiment afraid of any backlash that might fly against them from conservative factions, or people. The worst fear, among whites, is an angry reaction from Black Americans. I get that, but I feel we need to fully understand what we actually believe about the word 'nigger'. Each of us needs to look honestly at the word. If white people are confounded about the use of the word nigger image what people in other countries feel using the word nigger, and they do!. 

The phrase, NIGGER PLEASE has a rhythmic nuance to the way it is said. The appealing inflection of this phrase comes from the way Black people play and talk to each other. It is a phrase that comes out of the Black experience. In jokes, or conversations tinged with anger that phrase is common in Black communities irregardless of wealth or education. That is what is so brutally shocking about a white man turning 'our' phrase in an odd twist to backhand the advancement of Black America. Whose fault is that? 

To a degree it is the fault of the legacy of white supremacy, but I think that is the lesser reason today. I believe it is the fault of Black Americans. Black folks own and love the word nigger. They protect the word. Black Americans, and I know white Americans know this, are the only people in the world, as far as I can tell, that give permission to other people to regard them (us) as niggers! Black folks have arguments justifying the use of the word nigger that easily goes right into absurdity. A lot of Black folks say the word is a term of affection expressed between one Black to another. Others claim the word 'nigga' means something else and does not have the historical impact of its original usage. Still others grew up with it and don't know anything else. Rappers, like Jay-Z, and Niggers With Attitude (NWA), gave a dead consciousness to the word that people around the world internalize, and feel comfortable referring to each other and any Black American who lands on their shores as 'my nigga'! 

If there is, and there is, a depth to the responsibility of words spoken let it begin amongst Black Americans and 'our' definitions of self. If anything is going to change it will come from our self-transformation, not from reactionary politics and tactics; not from the apologies of white Americans, who respect power, but from the introspective spiritual work of the soul; our collective Black souls! The power of life and death is in the tongue

These are my words. I am Gregory E. Woods, a Keeper of Stories. 8.31.12

ART criticism

Nikki Lee posed for Michael Luna's Photograpy

"Initially I thought, it seems odd to erase the live features from her face. Vibrancy distinguishes faces. It gives the 'subject' a story,and the observer stories to perceive and engage, right? But this concept, for me initially, seems to separate the model. It disengages Nikki's body from the experiences that should be in her face playing and actively engaging in relaying the stories of who she is.

Photographs, and pictures freeze moments in time, but the added techniques to freeze women's face into disengaged placid expressions, or trapped pathos underscores the myriad definitions of motherhood, play, mystery, intrigue, and questions that should be swirling upward into the mists of Nikki's identities, thus making her more than a woman showing her naked strong body.

Now that was my first thought. I could be miles from the photographer's ideal, and concept. His approach might have been from a story line I am not privy to, or unable to discern." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories august 17, 2012  

walking in a light snow !!!! 

As you know, next week we kick off the book signing tour for The Sartorialist: Closer, and we’re starting off the festivities with a little party at Danziger Gallery in New York, generously underwritten by Coach. But it wouldn’t be a party without having one of you there.

So, today we’re starting a little contest. We’re posting three photographs that could make a great story. In 200 words or less, write a story in the comments inspired by the photograph. We’ll pick one winning story from among the three photographs and invite that person to the opening party,

The party will be the evening of September 5. Coach will provide a hotel room for the winner and a guest at the Hotel Americano, and a bag of their choosing from the Legacy collection.

We’ll announce the winner on Tuesday morning, and look forward to seeing you Wednesday night! 

Monifa Miller

Monifa Miller from Oratier D. Crosse's gallery

Monifa Miller

Thursday, August 30, 2012

SUICIDE in NDN country

Taino student/activist

Stanford Student Driven to Revive Culture and Prevent Youth Suicide

Read more:

"Lived and taught on three AZ rez. Suicide a way of "life." Head of the JDC told me he "took down" his nephew. I thought he meant it like a cop. No. It was literal. He had to take down his dead body after three days. People were living in the house. I left, eventually, because i was that. Save one life at a time. One i missed because i had no idea. He was a security officer and a wonderful, happy person. But, he had his secret and he carried it out. I know, I know, that ten minutes with him and he would still be here.

Such a waste. The ones who care enough about life to leave it are the precious ones we need to keep around. i been there; and all it takes is one, just one, other person, maybe even just a good dog. Ask them, think about the one you love most; do you want her to find you like that?" - Miguel Obrien

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Chris Long Haired Wolf

Trace your walk...feel satisfaction in knowing
the end of the rainbow you have looked for can
be found at the toe of your moccasin after
realizing who we are...and what we have."
~John "Eagle Spirit" Campbell, Chief

"With a large bird above me, I am walking
around the sky. I entrust myself to the wind."
~Anishinaabeg dream song

Three Worlds - Chumash

There is this world in which we live, but there is also one above us and one
below us. There are two serpents that hold our world up from below. When
they are tired they move, and that causes earthquakes. The World above is
sustained by the great eagle. He never moves, he is always in the same spot.
When he gets tired of sustaining the upper world, he stretches his wings a
little, and this causes the phases of the moon. When there is an eclipse of
the moon
it is because his wings cover it completely. And the water in the
springs and streams of this earth is the urine of the many frogs who live in

From the Archives of Blue Panther

Here I am, Dawn Wolf on a porch in Anacostia Washington DC
across from the Anacostia museum.
I have always been Crow. My grandfather taught me the first six years of my life. It was a deep merging of a grandfather's life teaching and way into his grandson. It defined me. It set me apart from Black Americans during the height of the Civil Rights movement and brought me closer to the essence of the movement. Living in Africa was not what I expected. I was more Indian than African, less American and better at becoming myself. Returning to the US left more of the African in me.

As the years of growing continued my energies have become matter. My grandfather released me, years after his death, to talk about my life. I can now share what the Crow and the African have become within my essence, my manhood, my work. Being African and Indian in these times and this country requires thought and deep introspection. It is a bold act of power to be Indian in the context of Black life in American for obvious and not so obvious reasons.

I have long resented being defined by government. I never got close to getting a card. It is bad enough having a social security number. If I am going to be a part of a corporation, the USA, I want control of my definition, my perception and interpretation of who I am. ~ Gregory E. Woods (2007)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sun Dance Wheel - Arapaho

At one time the whole world was covered with water.  It was everywhere, no
matter where one looked.

The water did not stop a man carrying Flat Pipe, his companion and
counselor, from walking across the waters for four days and nights. The man
wanted to treat his pipe in the best way, so he gave much thought to this
subject. He thought for six days and finally decided that in order to
provide a good home for Flat Pipe there should be land and the good company
of creatures.

So on the seventh day the man set out to find land among all the water,
calling to the four directions as he went. From the four directions came
many animal helpers, and with their help man found a land home. He put the
Four Old Men in each of the four directions to control the winds. Now, the
land would also provide a place for a Sun Dance of ceremony and thanksgiving
every year.

A garter snake came to the man, and the man said "Oh, you will be a great
comfort to the people and have a great place in the Sun Dance as the Sacred
Wheel to represent the waters that surround this earth."

He then looked again to all around him for help and many offered.
Long Stick, a bush with flexible limbs and dark bark, came and said "I offer
myself for the wheel for the good of all." All approved so Long Stick was
made into the ring of the Sacred Wheel, representing the circle that is the

The eagle soared by and said "My strength is great enough to carry me above
the earth and water as I fly on the winds of the four directions. Please
take my feathers to represent the Four Old Men."

The man was pleased, and told all that four bunches of eagle feathers would
forever be tied to the wheel to honor the desire of the eagle and anyone who
would ever offer an eagle feather as a gift.

Once the man shaped the Sacred Wheel he painted it in the image of garter
snake and placed the feathers in the position of the Four Old Men -
northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest - who rule the directions and
control the winds and to represent the Thunderbird who brings the rain. To
further enhance the wheel, the man added groups of stars, painting special
images of the Sun, the Moon and the Milky Way. Blue beads tied on
represented the sky.

When finished, the man thanked garter snake for serving his people in this
way with the creation of the wheel that symbolizes all creation.

From the Archives of Blue Panther

Monday, August 27, 2012

Black men in New York & London

Black man on 2nd Ave. in New York city
by the Sartorialist
elegant Black man
Front Row in London, England
by the Sartorialist


I made a special trip to visit Whiteclay from the Pine Ridge rez. One of the most depressing things I'd seen. Here was a people feared, admired and respected 150 years ago sprawled all over the dirty streets with piss and vomit in their clothes. It broke my heart. 
  We'd spent time in the Black Hills in ceremony, and played and ate and fellowship with each other, and one day I woke up with dread because I'd asked to see this town. On the way up there I thought there'd be a good distance from the border to the town. It was sitting on the border waiting like a lap dog and devouring the weak... 
  Send prayers, send what is needed, but send something there. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Whiteclay, Nebraska protests
WHITECLAY, Neb. | The Nebraska border town of Whiteclay filled Sunday afternoon as protesters from as far as the West Coast spoke and demonstrated in an attempt to end alcohol sales in the town. 

More than 100 men, women and children marched two miles south from Pine Ridge's Oglala Sioux tribal headquarters, to Whiteclay, which borders the Pine Ridge reservation. The town has been in national news since February, when the Oglala Sioux Tribe filed a lawsuit against the owners of four liquor stores there.

Whiteclay liquor stores sold more than 4 million cans of beer last year, according to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission.

This “Women’s Day of Peace” is a way for tribal women to take control and protest alcoholism in Whiteclay and on the reservation, said Olowan Martinez, who organized the event.

“It’s our homes that are affected with every single drunk relative that comes in,” Martinez said. “It’s our sons going to prison. It’s our daughters being molested by drunk relatives.”

Shopkeepers and locals watched from street corners and barred store windows as 150 protestors circled in the main street through Whiteclay, sharing stories of alcoholic family and friends.

“They don’t even take a flower or sympathy card to my relatives who are dying of alcoholism,” said Oglala resident Arlette Loud Hawk of Whiteclay liquor store owners.

“I wish we could get rid of Whiteclay,” said Pine Ridge resident Eileen Janis.

“These are our relatives dying here,” said Lakota activist Debra White Plume. “We’re not going to just let business continue as usual.”

Five protestors from Deep Green Resistance, an environmental group based in California, joined hands and stretched across Nebraska Highway 87 on the north end of Whiteclay. The group was prepared to stay seated through the night at Martinez’ request, said Jessica Garraway, organizer for Deep Green Resistance.

Garraway said the organization, though primarily environmental, is committed to protesting Whiteclay with the Lakota people. About 15 protestors from the group had come from the Midwest and Pacific Northwest.

"We realize exploitation of the land is inter-related with exploitation of people," she said.

Martinez said she wanted the Deep Green Resistance group to stay seated until they were arrested, to gain publicity.

Protestors still stretched across the road Sunday mid-afternoon. Garraway said she would have no problem with law enforcement arrests.

“If that happens, it’s great,” she said. “It’s shining attention on the evil that’s in this place.”

Sheridan County Sheriff Terry Robbins and several vehicles from his office and the Nebraska State Patrol camped out in Whiteclay to keep crowds under control during the protest, he said.

“If they want to protest, that’s fine with me,” he said. “We’re just trying to keep them from getting out of hand.”

The first hours of the protest were peaceful aside from an incident where a Nebraska law enforcement official sprayed mace in the faces of several children and teens who tried to block a law enforcement vehicle. The children and teens had also tried to take an arrested person out of the vehicle, said Tyson Blacksmith, a bystander and 22-year-old protestor from Oglala.

This was the summer's second march from Pine Ridge to Whiteclay. In early June, protestors marched in the 13th year of a demonstration that has occurred annually since two Lakota men were found dead near Whiteclay in 1999.

Contact Ruth Moon at 394-8415 or 

breast cancer survivor

HAIR actress Marsha Hunt wrote a book about her breast cancer !!!!

Look around you and see who inspires you.
Bring them into your consciousness and let their energy guide you back to wholeness

~ Sidonie Bouchet

Resuscitation of the only Daughter - Lakota

There once lived an old couple who had an only daughter. She was a beautiful
girl, and was very much courted by the young men of the tribe, but she said
that she preferred single life, and to all their heart-touching tales of
deep affection for her she always had one answer. That was "No." One day
this maiden fell ill and day after day grew worse. All the best medicine men
were called in, but their medicines were of no avail, and in two weeks from
the day that she was taken ill she lay a corpse. Of course there was great
mourning in the camp. They took her body several miles from camp and rolled
it in fine robes and blankets, then they laid her on a scaffold which they
had erected. (This was the custom of burial among the Indians). They placed
four forked posts into the ground and then lashed strong poles lengthwise
and across the ends and made a bed of willows and stout ash brush. This
scaffold was from five to seven feet from the ground.

After the funeral the
parents gave away all of their horses, fine robes and blankets and all of
the belongings of the dead girl. Then they cut their hair off close to their
heads, and attired themselves in the poorest apparel they could secure. When
a year had passed the friends and relatives of the old couple tried in vain
to have them set aside their mourning. "You have mourned long enough," they
would say. "Put aside your mourning and try and enjoy a few more pleasures
of this life while you live. You are both growing old and can't live very
many more years, so make the best of your time." The old couple would listen
to their advice and then shake their heads and answer: "We have nothing to
live for. Nothing we could join in would be any amusement to us since we
have lost the light of our lives." So the old couple continued their
mourning for their lost idol.

Two years had passed since the death of the
beautiful girl, when one evening a hunter and his wife passed by the
scaffold, which held the dead girl. They were on their return trip and were
heavily loaded down with game, and therefore could not travel very fast.
About half a mile from the scaffold a clear spring burst forth from the side
of a bank, and from this trickled a small stream of water, moistening the
roots of the vegetation bordering its banks, and causing a growth of sweet
green grass
. At this spring the hunter camped and tethering his horses, at
once set about helping his wife to erect the small teepee, which they carried
for convenience in traveling. When it became quite dark, the hunter's dogs
set up a great barking and growling. "Look out and see what the dogs are
barking at," said the hunter to his wife.

She looked out through the door
and then drew back saying: "There is the figure of a woman advancing from
the direction of the girl's scaffold." "I expect it is the dead girl. Let
her come, and don't act as if you were afraid," said the hunter. Soon they
heard footsteps advancing and the steps ceased at the door. Looking down at
the lower part of the door the hunter noticed a pair of small moccasins, and
knowing that it was the visitor, said: "Whoever you are, come in and have
something to eat." At this invitation the figure came slowly in and sat down
by the door with head covered and with a fine robe drawn tightly over the

The woman dished up a fine supper and placing it before the visitor,
said: "Eat, my friend, you must be hungry." The figure never moved, nor
would it uncover to eat. "Let us turn our back towards the door and our
visitor may eat the food," said the hunter. So his wife turned her back
towards the visitor and made herself very busy cleaning the small pieces of
meat that were hanging to the back sinews of the deer which had been killed.
(This the Indians use as thread.) The hunter, filling his pipe, turned away
and smoked in silence. Finally the dish was pushed back to the woman, who
took it and after washing it, put it away. The figure still sat at the door,
not a sound coming from it, neither was it breathing.

The hunter at last
said: "Are you the girl that was placed upon that scaffold two years ago?"
It bowed its head two or three times in assent. "Are you going to sleep here
tonight; if you are, my wife will make down a bed for you." The figure shook
its head. "Are you going to come again tomorrow night to us?" It nodded
assent. For three nights in succession the figure visited the hunter's camp.
The third night the hunter noticed that the figure was breathing. He saw one
of the hands protruding from the robe. The skin was perfectly black and was
stuck fast to the bones of the hand. On seeing this the hunter arose and
going over to his medicine sack which hung on a pole, took down the sack
and, opening it, took out some roots and mixing them with skunk oil and
vermilion, said to the figure: "If you will let us rub your face and hands
with this medicine it will put new life into the skin and you will assume
your complexion again and it will put flesh on you."

The figure assented and
the hunter rubbed the medicine on her hands and face. Then she arose and
walked back to the scaffold. The next day the hunter moved camp towards the
home village. That night he camped within a few miles of the village. When
night came, the dogs, as usual, set up a great barking, and looking out, the
wife saw the girl approaching. When the girl had entered and sat down, the
hunter noticed that the girl did not keep her robe so closely together over
her face. When the wife gave her something to eat, the girl reached out and
took the dish, thus exposing her hands, which they at once noticed were
again natural. After she had finished her meal, the hunter said: "Did my
medicine help you?" She nodded assent.

"Do you want my medicine rubbed all
over your body?" Again she nodded. "I will mix enough to rub your entire
body, and I will go outside and let my wife rub it on for you."

He mixed a
good supply and going out left his wife to rub the girl. When his wife had
completed the task she called to her husband to come in, and when he came in
he sat down and said to the girl: "Tomorrow we will reach the village. Do
you want to go with us?" She shook her head. "Will you come again to our
camp tomorrow night after we have camped in the village?" She nodded her
head in assent. "Then do you want to see your parents?" She nodded again,
and arose and disappeared into the darkness.

Early the next morning the
hunter broke camp and traveled far into the afternoon, when he arrived at
the village. He instructed his wife to go at once and inform the old couple
of what had happened. The wife did so and at sunset the old couple came to
the hunter's teepee. They were invited to enter and a fine supper was served
them. Soon after they had finished their supper the dogs of the camp set up
a great barking. "Now she is coming, so be brave and you will soon see your
lost daughter," said the hunter.

Hardly had he finished speaking when she
entered the tent as natural as ever she was in life. Her parents clung to
her and smothered her with kisses. They wanted her to return home with them,
but she would stay with the hunter who had brought her back to life, and she
married him, becoming his second wife. A short time after taking the girl
for his wife, the hunter joined a war party and never returned, as he was
killed on the battlefield. A year after her husband's death she married
again. This husband was also killed by a band of enemies whom the warriors
were pursuing for stealing some of their horses. The third husband also met
a similar fate to the first. He was killed on the field of battle. She was
still a handsome woman at the time of the third husband's death, but never
again married, as the men feared her, saying she was holy, and that any one
who married her would be sure to be killed by the enemy. So she took to
doctoring the sick and gained the reputation of being the most skilled
doctor in the nation
. She lived to a ripe old age and when she felt death
approaching she had them take her to where she had rested once before, and
crawling to the top of the newly erected scaffold, wrapped her blankets and
robes about her, covered her face carefully, and fell into that sleep from
which there is no more awakening.

From the Files of Blues Panther

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Eagle & the Condor


The Importance of Unity at Hopi by 2012
Dear Friends,

My name is Kymberlee Ruff, MFT. Cherokee by ethnicity, I was adopted into the family of Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma of Hopi tribe. I have been asked to share the message of compassion from the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy.

I have been taught by the Elders that the Hopi considered themselves: "The Center of the Universe". What happens at Hopi is a m
icrocosm for what will happen to the rest of the planet and beyond. It is therefore extremely important that there be Unity and Integrity at Hopi. Especially now in our changing world.
I was taught that the conflict at Hopi goes back many years, including the split at Old Oraibi in 1906. Recently some Hopi Elders came to me and said that the conflict resulting from the Return of the Ancestors gathering has increased that rift. I believe with all my heart that by writing this posting, much healing can be created with the intention of Unity.

Mural of "Center of the Universe" by Fred Kabotie

Last year I was asked to bring Grandfather Martin to this "Return of the Ancestors" gathering by the organization who hosted this event. I had just been to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Santa Barbara, California the night before. We flew to Flagstaff, Arizona that night and picked up Grandfather Martin and brought him to the Eagle and the Condor gathering. After only a few hours we left the event that same day and didn't actually participate in the rest of the two week event.

We flew to Flagstaff, Arizona that night and picked up Grandfather Martin and brought him to the Eagle and the Condor gathering. After only a few hours we left the event that same day and didn't actually participate in the rest of the two week event.

I had a wonderful time and thought the event was an enormous success. It was not until this year that I began talking with people all over North America and I learned that many others who attended the event were very upset by some of what happened.

I recently was told that there was a whole back story to what happened as a result of this event. I was told that this gathering may have fulfilled certain Prophecies but the WAY it went down, ended up creating huge conflicts at Hopi. Unity is so important and I am hoping that by writing this posting, it may open up both sides to be willing to talk and heal.

I have been practicing Tibetan Buddhism for many years now I have been taught that there are many ways to accumulate karma. One way is to be informed of how your actions may have hurt someone else and not do anything to heal it. Now that people have come to me, I have a responsibility to also report this "other" side of the story.

My intention is to give both sides respect and consideration. I believe with that providing empathy and compassion is the way to heal all wounds.

Some people have told me to just "Forget about the past and move on". The thing is, I was told that the feelings are NOT in the past and in fact with the "Return of the Ancestors" movie coming out, old wounds are being opened once again.

This summer I was asked to travel to Hopi to APPLY the message of compassion not just talk about it or write about it. I was invited to meet with a Hopi Elder from the "other side" that did not want the gathering to occur. This Elder is from the Traditional Elders and not from the Tribal government. As a result of Vows I have taken with the Tibetans, I am OBLIGATED to share what I was told. I met with this Hopi elder to ask what happened and what could I do to help. My son and I met with him and presented him with a Tibetan Khata (scarf) to show respect. We also brought him a Tibetan Prayer Wheel that has the sacred mantra OM MANI PADME HUM inscribed and sends the prayers out to the universe when spun.

Tibetan Buddhist Nun in Himalayas of Nepal turning a large prayer

The Elder that I met with when I visited Hopi informed me that they believed that the Eagle and the Condor ceremony was supposed to transpire at a different time. Everything in Hopi is about tradition and timing.
I was told that certain Hopi Elders were not consulted about the gathering happening on April 25, 2009, until AFTER the Internet ads went up. I was told that "many Traditional Hopi did not want this event to happen. They were not asked or consulted regarding this event. After months of the world being told that the event was being hosted by Traditional Leaders and asking for money, these Traditionalists still were not informed or asked to participate. As one of the most sacred aspects of Hopi life being the Prophecies, the Prophecy keepers of Hopi were unaware they were apparently the hosts of this event."

I was saddened when I heard this. I was grateful to have the opportunity to hear about how disrespected these Elders felt.

So many people come to Hopi with these great ideas about "how things should be done" without consulting with all the correct Elders. Hopi life is complex and not being of the highest levels of this tradition it is clear we are not qualified to make judgments or demands of these Traditional people. Their society being as complex as it is makes it difficult to understand who does have the right to give authorization for any such events.
A year after the event, I was told that the event did not get certain permission or authorization from the different clans and Tribal members. The Traditional Hopi who are committed to their traditions are left to try and repair the physical, spiritual and emotional damage left by this kind of situation after they leave.
Apparently, the conflict became so contentious that these traditional Leaders asked the Hopi Tribal Council to help them protect their land, ceremonies and way of life from these people. The Tribal Government then created a law that anyone participating on Hopi Land could be arrested. At that point the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the FBI became involved! It sounds like what I had thought was a wonderful joyful event was turned out to be a disaster for others.

As a messenger of the Tibetan ways, I would like very much to apologize for any hurt I may have caused. I believe that we can learn from our mistakes and create a better future.
I am hoping that writing about this can help to create resolution and unity. The Tibetans speak of non-duality: where there is no "this side vs. that side".
No: "my side vs. your side". No: "good guys vs. bad guys". Just "us".

I am grateful for the meeting with the Hopi Elder who shared what else happened at the Gathering. I am hoping and praying that revealing what also happened at the gathering can begin to facilitate healing that is still needed. The message in Tibetan is about COMPASSION.
When I returned home last month, I began receiving many dreams that asked me to write about what happened with the intention of trying to create Unity and Forgiveness between the various "sides" that are not in unity with each other. One dream told me to mention what the Dalai Lama says about negotiating with China: "Opening Dialogue is the best hope for change." I have also studied with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg who founded the Center for Non-Violent Communication. For 40 years Dr. Rosenberg has been teaching the same message:
"Empathy is the cure for all conflict."

I believe that both sides have an important perspective and that they should both be heard.
In 30 years of being a psychotherapist, I have learned that conflicts can be devastating. The wonderful thing is that "disruptions" can also provide opportunities for enormous healing. This is what I am hoping and praying for. There is so much at stake. If the system all falls apart at Hopi, it could open the way to having casinos, etc. The Hopi are the only tribe that have not sold their land for gambling. They are also the only tribe that has never made treaties with the United States.
According to the Covenant made to Maussau the Creator, it is extremely important to protect Hopi and all that it stands for.
I have every belief that this can occur.

May All Beings Benefit,

Feb. 2011

Eagle dancer by Alfred Begay

societal clusterfuck

An overwhelming reaction to Chief Raoni seems to be about his piercings, and his lip not his pain, or his concerns, or the issues  he brings before the whole world. The crassness of us in the Western world, and our disrespect and our unbelievable facility at trivializing enormous and complex problems is far worse a scar, or a piercing, or tattoo within our being for indigenous peoples  to overcome, and get around to keep their sacred lands, and traditions alive as they stand humbly in front of world governments, and corporations!

If their presence is so odious, and renders us  incapable of hearing their plight as we hurry back to the simple-minded pleasures of Twitter, and the micro-managing of minutiae then it is our souls in need of healing. It means Jesus' teachings, and saving grace have proven to be empty, and void of any of the enlightenment, and salvation spoken of for 2,000 years! For centuries Native peoples around the world have had discussions about their plight, and paid attention to their dreams, and the dreams and prophecies of their Holy People concerned about the problem of the new comers who profess Jesus, and progress, acquisition of 'their lands', and the removal of Earth's resources without regards for her. Imagine, if you can, the intellectual and moral dilemna of the tribes faced with the reasoning, and the military might of the newcomers telling them their ways are not the ways of God! And now in the shadows of economic collapse, and the scarcity stories running amok, and Water re-claiming land, and the trembling of the Earth, our Mother those new comers come to Chief Raoni and the peoples he represent, and tell them to dance to their tune to restore order to the lands they threw out of order?

Who are we, and what is it we are doing? What we are doing is dangerous. Pretending to fix a problem and retain things as they are is that healing work? Is that how balance is restored, and transformation gets a grip on human consciousness?- Gregory E. Woods

Chief Raoni is a famous international activist and spokes person for his people; a living symbol of the fight for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and of  indigenous cultures.

wise enough ...

Coyote & the Ducks

Coyote was walking along a lake and saw a flock of ducks, which put him in the mood for a good duck dinner. So he stuffed a bag full of grass and walked past the ducks, stepping lively and singing a catchy tune. 

"Where are you going?" asked one of the ducks. 

"I am going to a circle," replied Coyote. 

"What's in the bag?" asked the duck. 

"Songs that I am bringing to the circle," replied Coyote. 

"Oh, please sing your songs for us," the ducks all said.

 "I'm very busy" 
"Please please please please ...." 
"I'm running late ..." 
"Please please please please...." 

"Oh, alright. I'll sing a song for you, but I need your help. All of you stand in three lines. The fattest ones in the front, those in the middle who are neither fat nor thin, and the thin ones in back. All of you close your eyes and dance and sing as loud as you can. Don't anyone open your eyes or stop singing, because my songs are very powerful and if you do that you may go blind! Is everyone ready?"

"We are!" replied the ducks, and they fell into lines and began dancing and singing along with Coyote's tune.

Coyote moved up and down the line, thumping the ducks on the head and stuffing them into his bag. The ducks were singing and dancing so hard that no one could hear the thumps or know what was happening. This would have gone on till none were left, if not for one scraggly duck in the back who opened his eyes and saw what was going on. "Hey, he's going to get us all!" cried the scraggly one.

At this, the other surviving ducks opened their eyes and made their getaway. Coyote wasn't too upset; he already had a lot of ducks in his bag. He went home and ate good for a good while. The ducks went home and mourned their dead, and gave thanks to The Great Duck that one of them had been wise enough to open his eyes, and that the rest of them had been wise enough to listen to the one who gave warning.

from the archives of BLUE PANTHER


One night I was praying for someone who is battling a demon. I call him Bear. After prayers I went to sleep and Bear came to me in a dream, asking for help, so I called upon a healer to help us pray for Bear.  I call him Sacred Spirit because he is so holy. (These are real people living in this world) In my dream, Sacred built a sweat lodge and Sacred Spirit and Bear went inside to pray.

Spirit cleansed and prayed beside the Crow River as I did when I was young. While praying I was guided to the spirit plain to confront this demon. We did battle. It was a long battle and I was losing. Sacred sensed this in his prayers and came to my rescue. He told Bear to stay by my body (in trance). When Sacred got there he kicked me out of the spirit plain.  I came back to my body by the river and prepared to go back. Bear wouldn’t let me, but I knew the demon was too strong even for Sacred. So I guided Bear to the spirit plain.

When we got there, Sacred was locked in battle with the demon. He was barely holding his own. I told Bear that he would have to battle his demon because it would never let go of him if he did not fight.  I told him to give his demon a name and prepare to do battle. This demon was then named White Poison and Bear went into battle. Sacred joined me in prayer but we could see that this demon was too strong for him. I saw Bear fall to the ground and I began calling to the 500 nations to help us.

People came from everywhere. All the mothers, fathers, children, grandmothers and grandfathers all the way back to the beginning. They carried drums and rattles, bows and arrows, spears and shields and any weapon they could find. When White Poison saw this he knew he was beaten. White Poison turned and ran and the people gave chase. Beating their drums and screaming their songs at him. They chased him from the Earth and from the spirit plain.

As they gave chase, I saw a Grandmother trying to catch up to the rest. I ran up to her and she stopped and looked at me. I gave her my drum and she smiled and told me, "Tell them we are here for them. Tell them to draw strength from us." Then she disappeared and I woke up.

Bear still has to deal with the harm he did while under the influence of his demon and I continue to pray for him. His spirit seems a little stronger after what he witnessed. I am hoping to see Sacred on the spirit plain in the near future and thank the Creator for his friendship, guidance and strength every day. White Poison is hiding among the stars and with the Creator’s help he will stay there.

From the Archives of Biidaaban

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Yes I am chubby, and so what?

My curves are delineated, such road,
My smile is sweet and tender, I'm free,
Carry on the look the tenderness and softness.

I love chocolate, a true orgasm,
Not me consolation on a treacherous embrace,
I don't think worth cold, nasty and rancid,
I believe in love overcoming all, hopeful.

Yes I am chubby, and so what?

I have a little angel, fly freely,
Halloween inherited the spell and the enchantment,
The woman, the delicacy and femininity,
The song, a heart dictating poetry,
Of music, all notes, multiplicity.

Yes I am chubby, and so what?

I'm all sounds that life plays,
I am the harmony of the Symphony that delights,
I am the strength of living building everything,
I believe in me and in my values, however,
I do not believe in the false truth of prejudice.

Yes I am chubby, and so what?

My mirror does not lie, do not fool me,
See it reflected my body and my soul.
There are so many rumors, false pudores,
Hearts of cold wax, persecutors,
Will joining the shards and lie them in the trash.

Do not go into conflicts, I am peace,
Am I loving, smiling, crying,
By life outside, safely go walking.

Yes I am chubby, and so what?

I'm the girl, woman, mother, grandmother,
I am a friend, neighbor, aunt ...
I am a marketer, florist, or bitch.
I am what I want,
For now I am simply woman .....Telma Regina Garcia

Sim sou gordinha, e daí?

Minhas curvas são delineadas, tal estrada,
Meu sorriso é doce e terno, sou liberdade,
Carrego no olhar a ternura e a suavidade.

Adoro chocolate, um orgasmo verdadeiro,
Não me consolo num abraço traiçoeiro,
Não creio no valor frio, sórdido e rançoso,
Creio no amor superando tudo, esperançoso.

Sim sou gordinha, e daí?

Tenho um pouco de anjo, voar livremente,
Das bruxas herdei o feitiço e o encantamento,
Da mulher, a delicadeza e a feminilidade,
Da canção, um coração ditando poesia,
Da música, todas as notas, multiplicidade.

Sim sou gordinha, e daí?

Eu sou todos os sons que a vida interpreta,
Eu sou a harmonia da sinfonia que encanta,
Eu sou a força do viver edificando tudo,
Eu creio em mim e nos meus valores, contudo,
Não creio na falsa verdade do preconceito.

Sim sou gordinha, e daí?

Meu espelho não mente, não me engana,
Vejo nele refletido meu corpo e minha alma.
São tantos rumores, falsos pudores,
Corações de cera fria, perseguidores,
Vou juntando os cacos e deito-os no lixo.

Não entro em conflitos, sou a paz,
Sou eu, amando, sorrindo, chorando,
Pela vida fora, segura vou andando.

Sim sou gordinha, e daí?

Sou menina, mulher, mãe, avó,
Sou amiga, vizinha, tia…
Sou feirante, florista, ou vadia.
Sou o que eu quiser,
Por ora sou, simplesmente, mulher.....Telma Regina Garcia