Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SUPPORT systems

"Mereana....thank you for your kind words....the doctors let me come home for a while but I have to go back for soon as we got the fluid from my lungs so I could breathe again I wanted to come home so another veteran could have my bed and they could work to save his life as well....we are not only brothers under our Creator but also by the rules of war....our motto is to leave no brother behind or I gladly gave up my bed....I am now living on only 30% of my heart....but I have a warrior's heart and I have our Creator who holds me....I have to stay in constant contact with the hospital about my condition and with the first sign I have to go right back in....again thank you for your words and concern...." - Cinye Eagle Wolf

"What a powerful telling, Cinye Eagle Wolf. I will find a way to bury your story within me to share with others who will need to hear the rarefied soul you are." - Dawn Wolf

 "Ae, kei te tika tou korero speak good words Cheifly BEing and so the bounty of the Ancients shall come unto you always. Gently the waters of life flow and they are replenished in gentleness as they are born of the same Sacred Tree of Life that gives refuge to all Life BEings  We are all ONE  ka nui te mihi aroha e te Rangatira  our Ancestors return to the Star Oceans many times as the Soul incarnates and evolves to support all Life everlasting." - Mereana Taki


The most important technology is the discipline of the mind, the body and the emotions, and one's spirit. Coupled with the discipline it takes to find and develop one's voice a computer and a cell phone, which tragically are the only two things the average citizen calls 'new technology, find their place as tools. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
I am listening to author and spiritual teacher, Richard Moss. One of the things he says, "What if a nation were led by a couple deeply engaged in their discoveries? Partnership is a dance..." peels back the assumptions drawn from the cultural reference to all we glean from the lives of Adam & Eve." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

fuck you she said without a word...

The most important technology is the discipline of the mind, the body and the emotions, and one's spirit. Coupled with the discipline it takes to find and develop one's voice a computer and a cell phone, which tragically are the only two things the average citizen calls 'new technology, find their place as tools. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.8.13

BE in your 40's fine

Padma Lakshmi
TV hostess Padma Lakshmi, at 42 years old
in December of 2012.


from the BOUDOIR series by Ryche Guerroro
May 3, 2012
of  Ricky Wolfe & Emily Hoot

"... a deep testament to and of a living heart." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

from the BOUDOIR series by Ryche Guerrero
Emily Hoot & Rickie Wolfe

Hommage to beautiful women by Maggie Villard

from an intriguing gallery Maggie Villard put together.
She apatly calls it Hommage à La Beauté de la Femme dans son Ensemble.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

TRANSITION into . . .

What a profound indication or story of change and transforming conscious ideas. - Gregory E. Woods


Marina by (c)


A record number of concealed weapons permits have been issued this week. In an effort to inform and as a public service, Fast Freddy, at great risk to life and limb, has hidden 12 weapons on Kristen's body. See where at 

Mermaids and Tales

Possible, and impressive up to a point. It is inconceivable for a bikini bottom to hold a  semi automatic more than a few seconds. The gun that appeared from her right boot was not possible. You couldn't hid it. It worked for the camera, and her body type worked in her favor as a distraction to the contrast it created: beauty of form vs lethal force. 

I was trained early about the possibility of a woman turning her accessories into weapons from her head to her feet. Now guns and knifes are obvious. The more deadly and surprising are the regular and common things: pencils, hair pins, perfume, lit cigarettes, small pouches filled with pepper & sand, rocks in the pocket, etc. After all security is an illusion cast to conceal the hidden .38 or the knife.

White Americans like to brandish their weapons coming from a centuries long tradition of force, taking, and assumptions of supremacy. All those things are obvious and measured by pride. It is small things the enemy looks for. The weakness of the mind, in the thinking is the clue to taking down the superior foe. This alone was the simple genius of the success of Bin Laden's attack on the US. Flawed thinking and assumptions of supremacy fed the strategy of an enemy's plans.

We are like the Coyote chasing the Road Runner in the cartoon. We never learn the lesson, or discern the teaching. - Gregory E. Woods (1.20.13)


from Maggie Villard's photo gallery titled:


Coyote, The Hawk, And The Condor - Gashowu Yokuts

There was a woman whom no one was able to marry, except finally Coyote. He overcame her. She was wachwach; a handsome species of Hawk. She lived alone. 
Wolf and Coyote and their families lived in one place with other people. Many men went out to hunt deer but never found any. The wildcat and the weasel and others went. The magpie was "beniti." He could see from inside his house and know everything. He saw that the Hawk-Woman had supernatural power. She was able to kill a deer and immediately eat it entirely leaving only the skin. 
Then the Wolf and Coyote found the woman. She gave them an abundance of acorn mush. She also cooked dried deer meat for them and gave it to them to take home. She said to them: "Tell no one, but when you want more for your children, come and get it." 
The wolf and Coyote arrived at night. Their poor little children had to eat the meat they brought slowly so that no one would hear them. Nevertheless the magpie knew it. Then the people also could smell the meat. Knowing that the two brothers had meat they watched at night. Then they saw them return and the old woman get up, take the meat, cook it, and all of them eat. 
Then the watchers reported to the others: "They are killing deer but give none of the meat away." 
The Eagle was the chief. The Dove was his messenger (winatum). Thinking he would ask advice of the magpie the eagle sent the dove to him. The magpie only laughed at the messenger. 
"Yes, Coyote and the wolf have found a supernatural woman. She lives beyond this hill. She has more dried meat than she can use. She keeps the deer inside the hill under ground. That is where she gets the meat." 
Then all the people went to that place, to the woman, so that it became necessary for her to give them meat. When Coyote and the wolf arrived there in the evening they found all the people there already. The weasel, the hawk called wakhwukh, and others had dressed themselves finely in order to marry her, but she would not have it. 
Finally all of them said: "Let us go home." 
They went, but Coyote lay there, apparently sick with fever and chills, and unable to walk. The woman said: "You go too." 
Coyote told her: "I am sick. I cannot. Perhaps later on I will be able." 
Then the woman made a fire inside the house. Coyote thought how he might enter it. He, too, had supernatural power. Then he wanted the wind to blow the house to pieces. He said: "Pu!" and a wind storm came. It began to tear the thatching from the house. The woman ran about trying to mend it but could not. 
Then Coyote said: "Give me the binding and I will tie it." 
She did not like to touch him, but to save her house she handed it to him. Now it was dark and rained. 
Coyote said: "I cannot sleep here. Let me sleep inside in the corner by the door." But she would not let him. 
He said: "I will die. If you wish me to freeze to death let me lie here." 
Then she allowed him to come in, and he lay near the door, shivering. She knew what he wanted. He was thinking: "I want to sleep with her." 
Then she said: "No, you cannot. You are no good." Coyote laughed. "How does she know what I think?" he thought. 
"I heard it," she said. Coyote lay there and looked over towards her. 
"What do you want now?" she asked. Then Coyote began to think of sexual intercourse with her. She did not like that. She was stronger than he and overcame him. He could not do anything to her. He went to sleep where he lay. Then at last the woman began to think of him. At once Coyote knew it in his sleep. He woke up and said: "You want mine! I have a good one!" 
She too was desirous now and let him lie with her. But though she allowed him to embrace her she would not let him come nearer. She wanted once more to try to overcome him. She went out as if to urinate, took a rattles snake, put it into herself, and returned. Then she spread herself and invited him. He knew what she had done. Also going out to urinate he by his supernatural power obtained a stick of hard wood (takha) from the cast. Putting it on himself he returned to the woman. He approached the stick, the rattlesnake bit it, lost its teeth, and was harmless. 
Lovers from Marie Lola Gedeon's gallery !!!!
Coyote said: "Ah! Now throw yours away and I will throw mine." She did so and he married her.

Coyote had one son from this woman, Wech, the Condor, who was to become a great gambler. At night they put the baby into water. After three days he could walk. Soon he was able to gamble. Then he was a man. Coyote was rich constantly making beads from bone and other materials, and encouraged his son to gamble. Then the boy went north. Then he saw a large owl, hihina, and wishing to kill him aimed at him. The owl, who was a doctor, was angry and flew up into a hollow tree. There he began to sing:

Hu hu hu 1 witcailac 2 min 3 put-onun 4

Hu hu hu 1, condor becomes 2 your 3 son 4.

As he sang this, the young man who had been so handsome began to have feathers all over his body. His female relatives who were with him tried to hold him, but they could not, and he turned into a condor. They said to Coyote: "Kill the owl before he changes him completely!" But Coyote only cried and did nothing. Now the young man Was entirely a condor. He shook himself, rose, and flew off. The women followed, but he flew away from them. Coyote returned. His wife knew what had happened. Then she took a rattlesnake once more. This time he did not know it, was bitten, and died.

Now the condor lived above and came down to earth to kill people for food. He thought of his mother, went to her, and brought her up with him. He tried to make her, too, eat people, but she would not do so. He brought two little boys and a little girl. These he kept as pets. He called them his dogs. 
As he was about to go off again he told his mother: "Feed them well. When I return I will eat them." 
When he was gone the woman said to the children: ''He will kill us all. He has nearly exterminated the people now. When he has finished them he will go hither up in the sky. Then he will come down and eat us. When he comes back you must shoot him." 
She gave the two boys bows and arrows. Then the condor came back from the earth below and went to drink. He drank half a day. The two boys shot at him, one from each side. For half a day they shot as fast as they could beginning as soon as he started to drink. The little girl kept dragging the arrows back to them and they shot them again and again. The condor never gave notice, but continued to drink. Now the half day was nearly over. The woman had made a hole. She put the children in, went in herself, and covered the hole. Then the condor stopped drinking. Now he began to feel something. 
Leaving the dead bodies he had brought with him, he started upward. His mother said: "If he flies straight, he will reach the place above, and it will be the end of us. But if he flies to the side and zigzags and falls, he will be killed." He flew straight up. He was already nearly out of sight. Then suddenly he shot to one side, zigzagged, dropped, struck, and was dead. They burned him. Then his eyes burst and flew out and were lost in the brush. If they had been able to find the eyes and put them back in the fire there would have been no condors in the world.

Then the woman and the little girl went down from the sky on a rope of down feathers, going through the hole in the sky through which the condor used to pass. The two boys went southward in the sky until they came to where the sky and the earth meet. There they descended to the earth. Then they came to people without mouths, who neither talked nor ate. They killed deer, roasted them, smelled of the meat, and threw it out-doors. In the same way they only smelled of their acorn mush. The two boys came to them, entered the house, took hold of the meat that was cooking, and began to eat. The people there made a protesting gesture, meaning. "Do not. It will come out from you," again indicating by a gesture. Neverthless {sic} the boys ate. 
Then they asked the chief: "Have you a tongue inside?" He shook his head. "Have you teeth?" 
Again he shook his head. Then they offered to try to cut open a mouth for one of them so that he would be like themselves and could eat. It was agreed and the two boys took obsidian and cut a mouth for one of those people. Soon the man could eat and talk. Then he said:

T-ipînii 1 panîii 2 tcicîii 3 nah'èii 4 lukînii 5 bidîkii 6.

Supernatural-ones 1 arrived 2, cut 3, ate 4, belly filled 5, defecated 6,

He spoke thus because he could not talk yet correctly. If he had spoken right he would have said:

T-ipni panac tcicîni nah'ac lokònoc

Then this man cut mouths for others, and they cut still others, and so they did to each other until all could eat and talk. The two boys returned home.


 Gashowu Yokuts. A woman, the hawk, lives alone and hides all the deer. The people hunt in vain. The wolf and Coyote find her and are given food. The people discover that their families are supplied with meat. The magpie, who has supernatural knowledge, informs the chief, the eagle. and the people all go to the woman, who is compelled to feed them. Many men wish to marry her, but all fail. They leave, but Coyote, pretending sickness, remains. By making a storm he persuades her to admit him into the house. She knows his thoughts and long resists his desires, but finally consents to marry him. She meets him with a rattlesnake, but is foiled by his use of a stick on which the rattlesnake is disabled.

The condor, the son of Coyote and the woman, is made to grow up quickly by being, immersed in water (cf. 34), and becomes a famous gambler. When traveling he aims at an owl, who, being a medicine man, sings and changes him into a condor who flies off. When Coyote returns his wife kills him with a rattlesnake. The condor lives in the sky, killing people for food. He carries up his mother and two little boys and a girl. He keeps the children to eat later. His mother instructs them. When he returns to drink for half a day and then to mount to the higher sky from which he will descend to kill them, they shoot at him. Half a day's shooting has no apparent effect and the woman and the children hide. The condor rises, but finally falls dead and is burnt. His eyes fly out, are lost in the brush, and turn to condors. The woman and the little girl return to earth on a feather rope. The two boys go south in the sky until they reach the earth. They come to people who can neither talk nor eat and who live by odor. The boys cut months and tongues for them and return home.

Indian Myths Of South Central California. By A. L. Kroeber.[1907] University Of California Publications American Archaeology And Ethnology Vol. 4 No. 4, and is now in the public domain.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Jodie Foster comes out — her way
Jodie Foster, by John Shearer

Jodie Foster comes out — her way

Jodie Foster, who at 50 has been acting for 47 years, accepted a lifetime achievement award at Sunday night’s Golden Globe Awards. The actress stunned the audience, however when she made a cryptic “coming out” announcement, saying “I’m not going to do a big coming out speech tonight. Because I already did my coming out speech about a thousand years ago, back in the stone age.” She also alluded to retiring (she’s not).
Although her raw, sincere words about her desire for privacy brought many in the audience to tears, Twitter was flooded with a range of reactions as complex as Foster’s speech. While some saw it as inspiring, many were confused about why a fierce privacy advocate might decide to come out publicly at all (though BuzzFeed’s Kate Aurthur notes that she already came out publicly in 2007), and still others were unimpressed: READ MORE

actress Jodie Foster attends Women in Film 2009 Crystal & Lucy awards !!!!


Jenna Jameson - Jenna Jameson at Tabu Ultra Lounge in Las Vegas
Jenna Jameson
Jenna Jameson at Tabu Ultra Lounge in Las Vegas
Tabu Ultra Lounge at the MGM Hotel and Casino
© PRN /

WHEN I was a kid I thought the air was a kingdom.

Bee Yourself Photography

"My childhood is the sound of water play in forests quiet and vibrant and full of the stuff of Life. I lived bound by nothing but imagination dreaming of the layers of meaning and forms that exist to live in the mind of a child. Those things hovered in the air humming like a Hummingbird. In a moment I am in the next moment. The Hummingbird is ever in my face peering deep into my eyes telling me stories upon stories upon and within images colored by thought, and dream stuff that makes daily living a dream from itself. That is the way childhood was for me. I thought the air was a Kingdom hovering above the land, another Kingdom!

That is the way it is for children: ever unfolding from a fold!- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12.19.12

Sunday, January 27, 2013

CARS & dreams

Mermaids and Tales

This is Koi. Koi works at Hooters. I see 2 sides to Koi when I look at her. The first is when she smiles, she reminds me of the girl next door. The second is when she is serious, I see leather and whips and her alter ego 'Natasha'. Strangely I like both. Vote for Koi by clicking like on our facebook page. See her video by clicking


Songs in the Key of the SoulBEloved #122

Mereana Taki,
Maori Grandmother-Teacher
March 3, 2012

“Good men dream of comfort while good women dream of safety. Good men need to and learn to protect every woman needing to be secure and safe. Adoration feeds a woman. Cherishing a woman nurtures manhood's deeper levels of being, and women embracing their womb is a sign, a language from deep inside of where we come from to live!” - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 3-17-12

" Radiant Well of BEing (Womb of Consciousness) thank you BrotherBlessingz ♥ today these words are needed to make sense of something ...a vibration decision to be alone for a time and it seems the continual learning that is relationship keeps cultivating the Soul tranquility." - Mereana Taki 

Saturday, January 26, 2013


by Photokappa

How many times in life do we come to a point, a place of desolation we are incapable of exiting only to discover our imaginations hold us in place? - Gregory E. Woods


"If only we try to live sincerely, it will go well with us, even though we are certain to experience real sorrow, and great disappointments, and also will probably commit great faults and do wrong things, but it certainly is true, that it is better to be high-spirited, even though one makes more mistakes, than to be narrow-minded and all too prudent. It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love, is well done."~*~ Denny Hutchison

"Deeply put inside the soul beyond the mind. Well said, Denny. Well said." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 

Black Power(s)

Before these times and the entrance of colonial powers upon the face of Africa the color of black skin was not a volatile subject reeking of need, and subjugation. The need to reach in and re-invent has always been a task. Today with the possibility of true repentance, and reconciliation and restoration more of a possibility than yesterday how do we inhale Steve Biko's insight? - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.16.12

Friday, January 25, 2013


"It takes a lot of self-drilling, a lot of grit to plunge that deep into your soul, and beliefs to develop those qualities as a top performing athlete. I am astounded. I would never have thought of such a thing myself during any race I've been in. That takes integrity another place, perhaps a place it was intended: above expectation. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.20.13

Is winning all that counts? Are you absolutely sure about that?

Very little has been said about this…..On December 2, Basque athlete Iván Fernández Anaya was competing in a cross-country race in Burlada, Navarre. He was running second, some distance behind race leader Abel Mutai - bronze medalist in the 3,000-meter steeplechase at the London Olympics. As they entered the finishing straight, he saw the Kenyan runner - the certain winner of the race - mistakenly pull up about 10 meters before the finish, thinking he had already crossed the line.

Fernández Anaya quickly caught up with him, but instead of exploiting Mutai's mistake to speed past and claim an unlikely victory, he stayed behind and, using gestures, guided the Kenyan to the line and let him cross first.

Ivan Fernandez Anaya, a Basque runner of 24 years who is considered an athlete with a big future (champion of Spain of 5,000 meters in promise category two years ago) said after the test:
"But even if they had told me that winning would have earned me a place in the Spanish team for the European championships, I wouldn't have done it either. I also think that I have earned more of a name having done what I did than if I had won. And that is very important, because today, with the way things are in all circles, in soccer, in society, in politics, where it seems anything goes, a gesture of honesty goes down well."

He said at the beginning: unfortunately, very little has been said of the gesture. And it's a shame. In my opinion, it would be nice to explain to children, so they do not think that sport is only what they see on TV: violent kicks in abundance, posh statements, fingers in the eyes of the enemy ...

SACRED STORY: dark insane

by Photokappa 

"Emotions live in desolate, empty spaces and in the open grasslands with endless arrays of colors and sequences of events creating more space, and pathways from one state of being to another until we feel we can take in the whole universe and have room for more..." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 
"There were many nights I lived in deep depressions. My sorrow invited nefarious creatures large and small into my dwellings where lived, what I loved, who I loved, what I needed and who needed me to have a full mind. There were children, and children's voices that sounded like mine, but incapable of leaving the dark places I watched TV, sometimes for nine or more hours straight with no chaser, or I would walk for days with a little food on my stomach, and a lot on my mind. Each episode and commercial I watched sealed a timeless message to my soul I could discern, but not read. It was madness I feared, and madness I resisted with the words, and memories of powerful entities I'd known all of my life speaking beyond languages into my being to what I was created for.

The medicinal powers of ancient rituals, songs, and ancestors do leave voices imbued with tested powers to restrain mind darkness. It happened often enough in those dark days, and I lived to tell those stories to the insanity of the times we live in today, and to those near insanity in parks, and churches, and living rooms or standing on streets poised to hurt or kill someone they know not!

"Freedom is on your breath. Freedom is in your mind, on your breath; inhale exhale."  - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Downhill. We'd all gone downhill to Renee's house after the snow stopped falling to play video games, watch movies in the other room, or swim in her heated pool out back. But white people have a different relationship and understanding of the elements. They, unlike Black folks, love to play outdoors. Weather don't matter, and it didn't matter to Renee when she saw me through the window trudging through snow.

I heard a muffled scream of delight through her window. She looked like she was struggling with something I couldn't see, but was soon to see. She'd undressed and ran outside in her undies, black boots, skis, and a straw hat. I couldn't fathom it at first. Didn't take long to enjoy it. She laughed at my dismay and locked our arms and walked me around her property like it was a warm sunny day in August.  Then, like it was a cold day in February  went skiing down the street, and up the next hill to the top. Flying down that hill and up to where I stood watching her scream with delight at the cold wind in her face, I thought about adventure, and adventures to have!

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories



Today's young Black woman has every right to expect things because before she was born those prayers were made, those rituals were performed, those songs were sung, and the work was done to make that future possible. Now the onus is upon the shoulders of this generation to pick up the tools left for them, and work creatively to unlearn the things that don't work, to examine their legacy and inheritances, and put in work to become a People, a force to be reckoned with, and to be responsible carriers of truth and light. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 8.23.12


a SACRED WOMAN speaks. . .

Ngaronoa Mereana Taki

"A Sacred Woman loses nothing, because everything is transformed ...shapeshifting everfresh fields of perception ...out of ego divisiveness to Soul Common Unity both secular and sacred interwoven ...with Divine Light flowering in Nature and in the Body of the BEloved ...everything is enchanted, in a state of BLISS ...where innocence has moved in and taken up permanent residence." Ngaronoa Mereana Taki (3.26.2012)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Reminds me of the way Colored women treated themselves to good times. It is hard to describe their getting ready process, but it always began with assertions, and race pride, and specialized care for the hair and the way a dress, or pants looked on her body. In poorer communities furniture in a house had to convey something intentional and make a man feel welcome and in some homes on edge because the woman needed something more out of her man.

Before a woman went out, or a man who conked his hair went out the last thing to come off was the do-rag. That rag signified. Being hip and cool and on point in arguments Colored folk cared about was as important as having the best .45 collections on the block. Self-worth and identity felt very different during segregation because it was fought for at every level of a person's being everyday. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 8.23.12


Coyote the Expeditioner  - Nez Perce 

Coyote [itsaya' ya] was building a fish ladder down the river. While he was busily engaged at this task, someone shouted to him, "Now why are you bothering with that? All the people have gone on the big expedition into the East Country." 

"Huh!" he said to himself. "I believe I will go, too. Why should I stay here?" He started for the East Country. He found as he went along traces of the people's camping, and evidences of such activities as ball playing, announcing of daily events, war dancing, and in fact every kind of merriment. He saw all these things as he followed. 

While going along, he suddenly came upon a lodge in a little meadow. "Well, who is his?" he said to himself. He crept up to the lodge cautiously. He was brimming with curiosity. He heard a moan come from within. He crept closer and came to the door-flap, thereupon he peeped through to behold a beautiful maiden ill in bed. 

Coyote quickly retreated. There, some distance from the lodge, he charmed himself by saying, "Let me become a very handsome man, finely clothed, and let me have a beautiful, spotted horse." Thereupon he became possessed of all these things. 

He went to the lodge again, approaching grandly and in all pomp, with the jingling of he bells and ornaments that he wore. When she heard his approach, the maiden inside rendered who could be coming to visit her. Now disguised, Coyote entered and said to the maiden, "What has happened to you?" He used the down-river accent to make his guise Bore effective. 

"I have a splinter in my foot, a buffalo horn," replied the maiden. 

"Well," said Coyote, "where are my friends the Eagle and others? He named those of great power. Why did they not doctor you? They are always claiming powers superior to mine. Why did they leave you in this pitiful condition?" 

"Well, my mother and father told me that if someone should come along and doctor me, and make me well again, he should become my husband," the maiden told him. 

"I see," said Coyote, "but there is a party of us; they are waiting for me there now. Being young men they are in a hurry, but perhaps they will sing for you briefly and then go long. They are in such a hurry." [He pretended that he was a great shaman.] 

Coyote went outside, walked away some distance, and then struck his hip with his fist to cause his children to tumble out ["yo '-x ox ox ox"]. At once these ten children began to fight fiercely among themselves. Coyote called for their fighting to stop and told them, "You are going to sing for me and beat sticks in accompaniment because there is a maiden ill abed." Thereupon they all marched into the lodge where Coyote placed himself at the maiden's feet while the others, from the opposite side, made a great din by their singing are beating of sticks ["wax-wax-wax-wax"]. 

Now Coyote began to work on the horn in her foot, tugging at it with his teeth. The splinter had already caused a big accumulation of pus and, suddenly now, as Coyote pulled out the horn, he was splattered with pus. Then, quickly, he blew his breath on the wound to cool it. 

. "Now, these boys are in a hurry," Coyote told her. "So let me see them off briefly that they may be on their way." All stood up in unison and went out. There outside Coyote told them. "Hurry, jump inside." He came back to the house quickly, and there he nursed her They stayed day after day until eventually her foot became much better. 

One day Coyote said to her, "Tomorrow we are going to move up and follow the main party " They went, and Coyote now had a wife. Far away they caught up to the party which had already crossed the divide into the East Country. The people had assembled in a great encampment. There Coyote asked them, "Where is my aunt, Mouse [laqatsya' ya], living?" 

"There, over there is their camp," they replied. So Coyote went, taking his wife to his aunt. He arrived there and asked, "Where is my cousin, Bear [xa' xats], camped?" 

"There," the Mouse told him. Such a splendid lodge Bear owned, set off in two-tone effect. 

Coyote now said, "Go to my cousin's lodge and fetch his hand-drum to me. 

"From such a dangerous one?" said the Mouse in alarm. 

"Why you are not even afraid of me! Why should you fear him? Hurry, get it for me!" Coyote insisted. All the people had great respect for Bear, and certainly, no one dared defy or to impose on him. 

"Such a nuisance Coyote makes himself invariably," thought the Mouse; nevertheless she went to Bear's lodge. There the Mouse sat, very much abashed, in the doorway of Bear's lodge and said, "I was only made to come by troublesome Coyote. He insisted that his cousin Bear lend him his hand-drum." 

Bear turned to his wife and said, "Give him yours." Each one had a drum. His wife gave her drum to Mouse who then carried it to Coyote. 

"Egad! Whose is it? His very own? No, it is a woman's," raved Coyote upon receiving the drum. "I wanted his very own-not my cousin's wife's. Hurry back and get the other one for me." 

She went back, looking very downcast and feeling most remorseful, to sit again by doorway of Bear's lodge. She told him, "He said that he does not want his cousin's wife but that you should lend him your very own." 

"What bother he talks; and it is always so. Here take this to him. What a nuisance has become." 

The Mouse took the drum and carried it to Coyote. "This is it; this is my cousin's own! What was he thinking to give me a woman's in the first place?" said Coyote. Now he lounged back, pillowed himself on the lap of his wife, and commenced playing and singing in an excessively loud voice. The people gathered around. All the people in camp crowded around. There he was, head pillowed on his wife and his eyes closed, playing and singing. 

From over in his lodge Bear could hear that the hand-drum had begun to sound strange, and he thought to himself, "What is this? Coyote is ruining my hand-drum." Coyote had been sprinkling the drum-head with water every little while. Bear ordered them, "Get my hand-drum! Coyote is spoiling it." 

When Coyote heard that Bear wanted his drum returned he, at once, became very angry. In his anger he threw it out of the smoke-hole of the lodge, and it happened to fall exactly into the smoke-hole of Bear's lodge. 

Bear became infuriated at this, but now the people told him, "They have exchanged his wife on him. He thinks that his beautiful wife whom he brought still sits there, and that he is pillowed on her lap. But awhile ago, they changed her around and put Lady Bullfrog [waxwaq'-lo' sana] in her place. It was a long time ago that they took his wife, while he was singing with his eyes closed. 

"It serves him right! He was becoming a nuisance," Bear replied. Here was Coyote reclining very comfortably. He happened to glance upward casually and suddenly beheld Lady Bullfrog with her big eyes blinking. "What are you doing here? So this is why the people have been laughing at me! Go away! So they exchanged my wife while I was reclining on her?" 

"Yes, nephew," replied Lady Bullfrog, "they had me sit here quite awhile ago. I don't know where they took your wife." 

Coyote now addressed all the people, "Not only am I indignant and hurt. Only a short time from now the human race comes, and many people will come on expeditions to this East Country. But on crossing the divide here, their wives will go wrong, will do foolish things. Even a quiet, well-behaved woman will come over the divide; yet she will go wrong here. Not only for myself am I indignant, for there is only a short time until the coming of the human race. 

Taken from Tales of the Nez Perce by Donald M. Hines, Ye Galleon Press; Fairfield, Washington, 1999 [gathered from other source books dated between 1912 and 1949] 

Monday, January 21, 2013


I am very sensitive and aware of how detrimental it is lose your ancestral links to any of the 'blood religions' I don't know which is more brutal to the soul, the Christian or Islamic crusades to consume identity. As an African/Creek Indian man I feel these things, and know in a generation or two the grandchildren (enough of them) will clamor for the connections to their homeland, their people and their ways.  It is an indescribable sorrow... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.18.13

Secretary General of United Nations: Help Preserve Kalash a tribe in Pakistan for United Nations Protected site-
Protect the Kalash tribe in Pakistan from assimilation into Islam.

The Kalash (or Kalasha) is an ethnic non-Muslim group that exists in the Hindu Kush mountain range located in the Chitral District of North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Although their numbers were quite significant before the 20th century, they have however, gradually dwindled over the past century. This is very unfortunate and is in large part due to the fact that they have been assimilated by the larger Muslim majority of Pakistan. Today, more than half the Kalash people have been made to convert to Islam thus losing their ethnic and historical originality in the process.
It is, therefore, absolutely vital and imperative to save and protect this ancient culture and, therefore, we implore you to assist us in having the Kalash territory declared as a protected World Heritage site.
Thank you.Mohammed Bugi-