Monday, July 31, 2017

understand this deeply.

Black woman living with cancer, Andrene M. Taylor diagnosed with an aggressive form of Hodgkin's lymphoma at 25 yrs. photograph by Kea Taylor.

Touches of Class!

Famke Janssen, an elegant woman and accomplished actress.

Yaya Han

Priyanka Chopra shows off her toned legs in Mini Skirt as she arrives ' Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Cindy Bruna displayed a relaxed off-duty look on the streets of Paris
during the Couture presentations July 4, 2015! 

"Lingerie outerwear worn by this woman begs a question about white women. Why do they slouch? They are at the top of the psychologically advantage point of high expectations women look up to! It is perplexing!" - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [July 30, 2017]

a Whole perspective.

Lady Riri's toned muscles

"Being toned in one's youth is measured in retrospect by the surprises of the middle years, and the astonishment of being old. What gets the attention in one's youth is different in each stage of life because life demands change and change demands life to unfold." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories Nov. 9, 2016

What We Fail to Grasp We Need.

The depths of desire a woman can conjure up verge on occult powers some assert who are unable to strengthen their manhood into impeccability or into an art form a woman needs to give herself to. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.16.16

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Not Seen.

Black woman naked to the eye has been everything except perceived
as Goddess for too many centuries. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 

Black woman holy of form on a city street.

Space to Magical Moments.

Alligator (Cipatli) captured with my lens on the Mayan River of Río Lagartos, Yucatan, Mexico by camera.
by Teko Alejo.

photographer Teko Alejo took this picture in Philadelphia

Taino Nation marching at the Puerto Rican parade in NYC, June 11, 2017. photographer Teko Alejo.

Jim VANCE, a man's man.

Kimberly Suiter, you excel in poise, and a commitment to give the best to a task, a story; and the deep feeling you give your work focuses the mind to the story. Thank you for the tribute to Jim Vance. He and Marion Barry, the mayor of life, were the deep examples of manhood for thousands of Black boys, men, women and churches across the city who held a standard needed during the dark days of the crack wars and before!

Jim Vance modeled a grace and masculinity many broken men paid close attention to. These two men walked through the streets during the most violent of times with assurance in the deep places of their being. People paid attention to what they said, did not say and did not need to say but embodied and shared with the collective.

Jim Vance was studied.

Blacks in the District remember with more than fondness, with a deep inability to relate how it felt to see him on screen every night not taking shots at Major Marion Barry. If you bring it up it evokes, as I am now, tears in some, in others a look that says it all.

With deep sadness he will sustain many a Black man with his deep warrior, his impeccability of thought and action in his death. These are my words. 

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 
July 30, 2017  

Kimberly Suiters, ABC news journalist, her tribute to Jim Vance July 22, 2014.

IN Pain is SHE!

older Black woman, Jo-Ani Johnson, 64.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama responded to the deepest wounds she was afflicted with and endured in the eight years of her work in the White House with bare honesty in public recently. Speaking at the Women’s Foundation of Colorado’s 30th anniversary celebration, she was asked during the event honoring her as the first Black First Lady by the president, Lauren Casteel: "What was the hardest thing about breaking this glass ceiling being the first Black First Lady?"  

Mrs. Obama said, "“The shards that cut me the deepest were the ones that intended to cut.” This was in reference to opponents calling her an ape and commenting about her bottom. She told the women in the audience to own their scars. She also asked them to encourage younger women who are having their first encounters with sexism or racism.

“Women, we endure those cuts in so many ways that we don’t even notice we’re cut,” said Mrs. Obama. “We are living with small tiny cuts, and we are bleeding every single day. And we’re still getting up.” 

Women need this encouragement during the transition away from the patriarch structures governing Life, as we know it, and boys without nurturing initiations, and without instruction into men need understand why!  

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
July 30, 2017

Abuelita, at the plaza of Mani, Yucatan. Her name is Dońa Maria.
This photo by Teko Alejo was taken near Mérida, Mexico.

What She Knows She Does!

Water is the woman's ability to merge with the element! Not knowing it does not alter the association; 
it leaves the woman, yet remains available.
- Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories
July 29, 2017 

Water teaching the eye to see Sacred form. 

Need to Know

Exploring one's being is in essence essential to discovering what lies within the soul's shadows created by the light that followed us from before our births through the birth canal to our lives on Earth, our Mother."
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.9.16 
photo: Lady Riri 

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Alchemy revived in the 21st century!

Alchemist traveler found herself in Nigeria, December 21, 2016.

The city of Lagos has changed! I was there after the Biafran war; and it was dangerous, dirty and exciting because the after taste of war is the slight stench of women reliving horror and men trying to restore something they lost: personal power. Men armed with their weapons were loosely organized bandits robbing their own people, raping women; in short, maintaining the sound of terror as a means to a self-centered end! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [July 28, 2017]  

Alchemist traveler in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 2016.


Living The Alchemist is a movement rooted in the lessons learned in the book. We travel to a country, state, or place that we feel our spirit is drawn to. The most invigorating part about our journey’s are we solely depend on our intuition and connection with people for transportation, shelter, and food... ~ Living The Alchemist 

I have to admit to being stunned that Black Americans, for one read the Alchemist, and secondly have taken up with a movement to follow energy lines!

To understand this from my perspective understand how deeply guarded and unadventurous Black Americans are in the modern world looking back, at the least, to the 1970's forward. Bound by the Church and committed to the social order of conformity following energy lines, as I always have, was suspicious, indeed. Not much has changed in all these decades so understand why I am intrigued, delighted and proud of the Black Americans' who have regained an ancient way of travel!
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [July 28, 2017] 

WONDER about!

Outdoors by Penny Gamble-Williams. The Natural Essence of Life.

... I am the one whose eye is attracted to the wood! Everything spans out grasping everything unseen into a hold over the imagination, the senses, and the place of wind, water, space and movement seem sustained by something unseen and whole that we are a part of, and come into contact with easier away from cities and can miss in the outdoors, if we are disconnected with what connects us heart to heart to all around us! - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories [July 29, 2017] 

Lady of the First.

Jacqueline Kennedy on the White House lawn as First Lady.

First Lady Mrs. Jacqueline Lee (Bouvier) Kennedy Onassis "Jackie" (July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994). She is remembered for her contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance, and grace. She was a fashion icon; her famous ensemble of pink Chanel suit and matching pillbox hat has become symbolic of her husband's assassination and one of the lasting images of the 1960's. - anon  

Friday, July 28, 2017

Critique of US!

The below screenshot is a post I wrote on my personal Facebook page Monday evening after being around a lot of inflated ego amped up NYPD officers all day on the fourth.

One white male officer got snippy with me (as I wore my one year son in my baby carrier) as he asked for my ID to prove I lived in my father's building which is on a Manhattan street that was closed off for July 4th fireworks. I... know a white woman, especially one holding a baby, would never be spoken to in the condescending and quick to escalate tone this white officer spoke to me in. All I could say as my husband, son and I headed into my building was, "We need to get back to Namibia."

As my visit home nears a close and I return to Namibia next week, I really don't even know if encouraging you all to 'be safe' is appropriate or even feasible. And I genuinely don't want to mock those of you who have to remain in the States, but I wish you strength and a spirit of urgent mobilization.

RIP Alton Sterling (author unnamed) 

African American woman's reaction to the return to the States.

this ERA.

"Selfies and self-absorption has a way of minimizing the perception of a person, narrowing the dimensions of a person to just one." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [June 07, 2017]

self portrait one morning in my living room.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

3 things to Say

"Sacred Triangle of Skulls speaks of the end and of the beginning encircling each other as One within the I AM.
- Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories (photo taken in 2009) 

Sacred Woman harnessing power. 

sacred art by Marci McDonald -"Go for the desire you dare to dream." - Debasish Mridha

from the deep places of two.

Sacred Geometry - Creation in Space Time I 

"The questions here should not be so much the future as the present and how prepared one should be, to truly reconnect to the soul, and then remember to the much larger degree what needs to be done.

"First and foremost the soul has free will and choice, It is the choices made in any given moment, which determine the future. In the here and now, where the planet has already been reborn, and humanity have to step up into the 5th dimensional state, those who cannot do that will... leave the planet, for their physical bodies will not be able to hold form anymore. So at this crucial time, it is of essence to step into the full soul powers and the LIVE it, for in truth the future is not there yet, but the here and now is already the future."

(Extract from a Soul Reading I did)
(Judith Kusel) 

Spider web made lives on the hedges on Cuyamaca in Santee.
photo taken by Gail Ann Hoover during a walk with her granddaughter, July 2017.

My friend, Mereana Taki, today spoke these words:

"No chronically patriarchal power system has evolved to value the Agency and Autonomous power that is a Woman singularly or as a power bloc; as a civilisation of her own Nature or indeed as a 'novelty'. Wholeness is essentialised as BOTH feminine and masculine intersectionality dialectically reflecting the inner workings of the quantum Youniverse. Just as masculine energy is edited, recalculated, reconfigured and amplified or reduced by feminine energy source fields, it is a concentric duality of ebb and flow into balance/disbalance and rebalancing."

Hidden from common knowledge

"The way sunrise looks upon the woman chosen to love you is the difference in the subject of aesthetics, the exploration of soul, and the ever-widening scope of awareness a wife's presence creates within her husband that expands his manhood. . ." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

a Facebook dilemna

What man would not be stunned and taken aback by a beautiful woman interested in talking to him? What is puzzling is the developing culture in cyberspace. Beautiful and available women are making themselves 'appear' to be accessible, but it is illusion, all illusion. They are images on a screen pulled together into a person's imagination the way our Creator designed within us. So, what am I saying to other men hems alongside the logic of decency and order in the context of who we are as sexual beings.

Online, women are 'friending' men they don't know out of the blue. They have nothing in their profiles. They have at most two pictures of themselves revealing their large breasts or their body scantly clad in slithers of cloth coiled around the wide hips, if they have them, through and between thighs to connect behind. Lust is the intended reaction and one after another men 'friend' them and then nothing. There is no contact, just the same picture.

A man can draw any number of scenarios in his mind if his 'dick' is his thought process. But being a  whole man is a process of development at each level of masculinity and each degree of manhood developing towards powers for each aspect of our essence dependent upon right relationship with the feminine energies. Online, the calibre of men I associate with assume these sites are decoy traps set up by law enforcement to catch predators. How it works I don't know. 

You can't get a woman for nothing. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 9/20/16  

A breathtakingly beautiful woman, Delia Alexander, in the light of day.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Lack of Awareness

The lack of awareness is the new form of 'hipness'!

she said, "and i'd give up forever to touch You cos I know that You feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't want to go home right one!"

It is kind of dumb the way Twitter and its affiliates have dumbed down language usage amongst American youth. Surprisingly, young people praise the lack of literacy in their intonation. Perhaps they believe in some kind of worship that celebrates it as young people from other countries excel in all the ways young people typically strive. It may be hip and trendy, but the way Life is it is laughable in one sense, in another it is scary knowing how and when the illusion will break.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
August 26, 2016

Celebrating Life in a Life.

Helen Hunt joyous in the moment !!!!

"A body bathing is in a sensual ritual." - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 2.6.16

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ancient Practice

Mereana Taki shared this:

Celestials and they serve a purpose with respect to balance in the Cosmic family. They represent masculine energetics, the creative power to render into materialised forms. The immortals.

"These are Celestials and they serve a purpose with respect to balance in the Cosmic family. There are many words for this kind of representation, remembering they are forged out of the children of Great Forests Tane Mahuta, deity of Great Forests on Earth and in the Cosmic Forest. As such it also represents masculine energetics, the creative power to render into materialised forms. When Carvers create the immortals they usually do not use human forms. In this case they are to remind ourselves where we come from and what we are capable of. I often put these deities up for my own nourishment and protection, Spiritual cleansing of space and as sentinels on the cyber highway." 

Mereana Taki
September 19, 2016 

Friday, July 21, 2017

INDICATION of Purpose.

Candy Flossin
Candy Flossin's indication of purpose is in the question she poised. "Which one U hittin' first, The Blunt, Brandy or Candy?" To which a young cat, Eric DemetriGiovanni Sims, quickly responded saying, "Roll the blunt, lick the candy, wrap the blunt, sip the brandy, light the blunt, lick the candy, then candy all night."  

A point in life comes and it will come when the end game is enveloped in questions centering around worth and purpose. At the end of not fully understanding the power of the punany is a story of an empty hole in the soul, a broken something or other rattling around the chambers of the heart, and a gnawing sense that you may never regain what was once mysterious, sacred and formidable a force in Nature born from your own nature!

There is a cost to not knowing who you are and what are the powers invested within you from the Creator, who is a She over the powers of the Womb. Then again consciousness may never arrive inebriated or high. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories Sept. 13, 2016

Sacred Prostitution:
The Whore and the Holy One
a paper by Elizabeth Cunningham
prepared for The New Seminary

I was sent forth from the power,
and I have come to those who reflect upon me,
and I have been found among those who seek after me,
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me,
and you hearers, hear me.
You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves
And do not banish me from your sight…
For I am the first and the last
I am the honored one and the scorned one,
I am the whore and the holy one…
I am the silence that is incomprehensible
and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.
I am the voice whose sound is manifold
and the word whose appearance is multiple.
I am the utterance of my name…

Excerpts from "The Thunder, Perfect Mind",THE NAG HAMMADI LIBRARY.

Jada Fire is one of the most tragic of whores.

Sacred Whore ? Is there a transition from a common whore to a sacred one? - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Thursday, July 20, 2017

To Tell Age.

The spirit never ages.

Beauty is a light object in the air of transition. For aging, it is done gracefully only in the aftermath of struggle and conflict and reconciliation. The emotions attendant to aging are not for the faint of heart, or the sorrowful pity youth can contribute to the demise of hope. Aging requires finding the process for the individual that works for the good of understanding why and how things work for the betterment of Life in all.

Silver haired women of older charms from deeper wells burn the fires, and douse the pitiful angst clinging to youth as the real magic unfolds in their lives. It is an incredible thing to be a part of, to know, grasp and understand within the depth of who you are in your being this way.

There is more to this unfolding. Resist it not, or slow up in the resistance to change into another being. One needs the friction of resistance to grow, yet the release into the rigid perception of aging and maturing into old age creates a glow, an equation outside the familiar squares where originality has long fled. Within the totality of expanding will be a surprise young age cannot grasp because it only nudges the nuances of the dynamics of energies released from the embryonic stage into the journey north on the Medicine Wheel capable of designing the paths.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
Sept. 9, 2016

Yasmina Rossi, 58, a model and photographer, long, gray hair functions as an enveloping cloak. “It protects me everywhere I go in the world,” Ms. Rossi said. “I’ve been in deep Amazonia, I’ve been in Egypt, and in places completely isolated, and people were respectful of me because of my gray hair.”

Older ageless concepts of beauty are about self and where one fits in place.
- Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

Two Fine

Katya Elise Henry by Aris Jerome

Kenya Moore on Puerto Rican beach.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

a story from inside

a Light worker, Debra Robinson (July 24, 2016)

a few years ago I went through a near life and death experience. what that experience taught me was self reliance. I was lead to studying energy medicine and learning about the integrity of energy because everything is energy . I learned how to heal myself. there was no doctors no medicine no help except form the beings of light that came to me.

as Jesus said "you too will do what I do and more ...." as my vision is open I was able to see these beings of light, and I learned that there is so much that goes on in the unseen world that we don't understand and some of us don't believe in. the unseen world effects us more than we know. 

I teach my clients how to be empowered and how to heal themselves and their energy bodies. I learned that disease starts in the energy body meaning it is more than what we eat that effects us. its everything we do on a daily basis, and when your wanting to get well you understand that it takes work and discipline to get better.

if I can assist you on your journey don't hesitate to contact me on my page Debra Robinson Live Your Souls Journey. remember we are always being helped by beings of light, but they cannot intervene unless we ask them for help. I also learned that revenge never helps anyone it only hurts everyone involved.

wishing you so much love and peace and blessings always xoxo.


Teach A Man, a Woman

A woman dreaming, a dream herself.

A woman dreaming, a dream herself is a breath of Life from someone's dream in Life. She is a wonder, a parallel mathematical equation of the pyramid's mystery. Knowing a woman to understand divinity is sacred work. What she means to a man becoming a better man needs to know he has access to these spiritual properties. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [May 31, 2017]

"The lovely forms shape our view, mold our perceptions of the formless wonder of a woman's essence..."
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.31.17 

Vulnerable to the elements is vulnerable of the soul shaped by Nature, as she is to the woman longing to birth and be birthed. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.31.17

Monday, July 17, 2017

the timelessness of glamour in black.

Taraji P. Henson at 2015 Billboard Music Awards show on red carpet !!!!

simple elegance by Jeri Kekahuna