Monday, December 31, 2018

American Woman.

Don’t get me wrong – this page is totally for celebrating babes. You can come up here any given day and see some hot chicks with boobs and guns. But let’s not forget the main reason we’re here: liberty. As Libertarians, big “L” or little “l”, we want to spread the ideas of freedom – the same ideas that Thomas Jefferson promoted in the Declaration, ideas that countless individuals fight for today in the grand ol’ USA.

I think that all people are morally obligated to share the truth as they see it. What can be truer than our rights to life, liberty, and property? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that each person has inalienable rights that are being violated, and not tell them about it? How can you not try to spread the word and secure the things that have been endowed to you?

That’s the real goal here. Sure, we have boobs. Boobs get people’s attention. That’s why our boobs stand for something bigger… I’m talking justice, prosperity, responsibility, tolerance, cooperation, and peace. The beautiful thing about Libertarianism is that it means we Babes are free to do as we please – and you are free to disagree with it. That being said, party on for liberty!
Here's our Founding Babe, Älx Röse with a Harley-Davidson Street Glide. 

Älx Röse with a Harley-Davidson Street Glide. June 30, 2016.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

INTO Adult Consciousness

A grandchild is innocent of how the world around them is adulterating the adults who share existence with him. He has come out of Te Kore and Te Po with the many blessings of Tipuna (ancestors) who attended his conception with their many offerings). He expresses his soul imperative to love and share, to see and to know from his soul (his first self). This 'self' is a true harmonic. It is inclusive, grounded as it is in Atuatanga and Godself consciousness being expressed as innersense. — Mereana Taki 

Mereana Taki - the child in her Dec. 29, 2014

Friday, December 28, 2018

Wisdom of an Elder, a Wise Woman

" I grew with Elders who administered Spirit Medicine to those suffering with these malais. Spiritual hygiene I call it ... keeping the Heart clean of toxic debris and being kind to ourselves in this great Spirit journey as Source Beings." - Mereana Taki 11/20/2015 

"Children of this realm are not property or belongings ...nor are they your private slaves because they came through your body ...they have come with their own Spiritual Sovereignty ...their own Soul path it upon your own head if you transgress that which existence has bestowed upon itself as Love pure and unconditional." - Mereana Taki May 19, 2014  

Mereana Taki in August 2015. 

Makutu ~ Sorcery/Occult/Lower Realm ritual and fetish ... all done in the name of Greed for power ... it's not clean or healthy or whole ... those elements in Life which grow in the shadows bent and misshapen * and what is the purpose of this energy in the larger Cosmic Why or is it simply without meaning and beyond the comprehension of other than the Soul? Positive and Negative energy fields run into each other and overlap with supreme accuracy. Do they belong to Humanity to fix and unfix? What happens when Humans have unravelled the fabric of existence, can they repair it? Howsoever it is begun is how it will end itself. That is Cosmic Law. What is begun in Makutu is itself subject to and restored to Makutu. - Mereana Taki August 25, 2015


Extraordinary beauty shot on Mark 4 by Asad Abbas
Over time, some elements overwhelming our perceptions, remain. When they do we are reshaped by them in unseen ways of being present in our human experience. Precious few women have this capacity. Those who do are, at first, perceived. Are they real? The answer that comes to us tells a story...

We are shaped by how Beauty receives us.
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 8/29/18 

exquisite beauty of Laura G. 

Face deep and strong.

Christianna Linelle by Simply Imagery, in thought.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry XMAS


There are a lot of academic things to say against and about this time of year. But, Life has its way of teaching youth, and over time youth becomes old enough to not shy away from aging. How is based upon acceptance. In old age wisdom places things in order simplifying what previously was baffling.

Getting old is part of a dance. It is not the same as dreading the process, or fearing death. Old age is the acquisition of power, the assembly of wisdom into a body of knowledge always at the ready as gifts. In a society disdainful of aging, and contemptuous of their insights this stage of Life is fraught with the most baffling of emotions: invisibility. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [Dec. 24, 2018]

Mrs. Claus' aura aglow this season.


Simplicity is in its essence simple. The way some women wear it complicates the equation of boy meets girl, or woman catches the man's eye with an interesting question best answered within and alone. ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories [12/24/18]

Monday, December 24, 2018


Sacredness of free form, of its breathless quality describes the essential element of hallowed silence in the presence of the incomprehensible substance of formlessness suggesting itself upon form. - Alowan Chanteh Inyan Wichasha (Dawn Wolf), Keeper of Stories 8/22/18

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Poetry of Sight and Impression.

in shadow a black woman's pensive gentleness.

" There's a light in me that never goes away. Shining
Even in the dark,
And like a hand gets me. It's memory, that
Always reminds me
That it's time to be happy." ~ Tatiana Andena 

Swords Woman. Alessia Barone by Cristina Tiurean
"You are so real. The thought of you is enough to make dreams truth, stories story." by John Women

Sword Swallower. 

Model mom & child. Karen Alexander and Ella Kidron. from VOGUE collection, "Model Moms and Their Children".

Friday, December 21, 2018

Beautiful Indeed!

Bailiff, Officer Sonia Montejano, served nearly 20 years on the force before she became a bailiff on television. The first reason I watch 'Hot Bench', and it's on now, is Officer Sonia Montejano! There is are insights to beauty, and poise she silently displays without a word uttered... - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12/21/18 

Sonia Montejano on Santa's lap, December 2017.

Paolo Lazzarotti, I was studying your website. It was similar to going into prayer, or walking into a holy place. . . I encourage your work! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 



Kim Kardashian in the most elegant kind of way. 

Thursday, December 20, 2018

A Question to American Life.

Gun held and pointed at you by a beautiful white woman. 
Is she hot, or not? 

No. Nothing fun, funny or sexy about a woman aiming a gun your direction. Sexy clothes, an incredible beauty, flat abs, hips, sexy jeans are distraction. Two things: if her hand is steady, her eyes are deadly you up 'shits' creek. Most of us don't know where this creek comes through, but we recognized it when we pay attention! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12/20/18 



When thoughts rise in the mind don't cling to them, just observe it, and come back to the breath.


What you give your attention to, grows.

-Ra Naman El

Chadra Pittman photographed by 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Contradictions over Time.

Kim Kardashian West is worth $175 million dollars in 2018. What she is really worth is in the realm of perception, high intelligence, and a knack for fitting into a hard world for women without the compromises ordinary women make to survive. It is a far cry, this reality for her, from the days of Europe's dark age, and from the Armenian massacre over a hundred years ago! For those two people is their reconciliation between the two cultures of her bloodlines, and marriage to a Black American man? This is a blood question only she can answer; we can only speculate, or judge her on this note.

What is it for us and the ancestry of our peoples we need to recognize and work with, and work through? Kim Kardashian West married an eccentric and gifted man whom she seems to understand and definitely loves. "How do we love?" is the more important question, and perhaps the best place to start a study of a person. But, that is not how people begin their assessments of each other, nor is it a place immaturity leaves a person!

Immaturity is a major factor in American culture. It is the financial support of reality stars, and it is foundational to President Trump's appeal, and is part of the spell he holds over his followers. For Mrs. West this works one way in the entertainment world; for the nation as a whole this fixation with immaturity is a facet of the political  and moral manipulation of America's sub-conscience. As a force, immaturity goes about its business with little fear of being corrected. It is a drug of the sort that does not hesitate to implode because it is forever trusting in its revival. Immaturity leads public perception directing inaction so skillfully millions of Americans have lost the reason it takes to be a major force in the complex world of global politics. These citizens rely on the cruelness of people like Trump who cannot fathom how and why the pieces that hold nations together needs a high level of education in many disciplines and deep respect for Life, in all its forms!

White people are at the center of this trauma in America. This is their creation we are conditioned to, their dichotomy entangled in our ancestral lines, and we of the darker hue are in this with a deeper responsibility. We are the carriers of what needs to be done to undo this mess. Our spiritual responsibilities have depth in the intuition of what eludes us: the truth, and those truths bath in the bloodletting of this nation's past and present.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
June 13, 2018

Kim Kardashian West wearing flip flops.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

IN Home Life We Discover.

Ariella Ferrera in honor of the sacredness of the rose between her legs speaks to a primal need to be cared for, appreciated and fathomed as a special person. This mystery. - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 6/15/18 

Imagine Losing This Capacity, for good!

Cristina Tiurean Photography

… When there are more than moments captured in one moment, somehow; you are witness to magic, mystery or have glimpsed divinity. Either way it is part of existence that creates a living experience to delve into with full intent to be engaged in the same creative energies that gave your body life!. . . - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 8/21/18

Photographer Cristina Tiurean of Giulia Conforti. (2018)