Monday, December 7, 2009
As a healer, and a father I am at loss at what is really an effective solution to this kind of violence. The direction of domestic violence comes from within going out. What elements entered into a life to create, stir and agitate a man or woman to beat the beauty and dignity out of another person whom they claim to love? Is the definition of love out of reach of people in a land that places emphasis upon the material and less value upon the intangibles that distinguish us from animals who don't abuse their loved ones? Has the energy of millions of malefic, vengeful thought-forms dominated the atmosphere for thousands of years to the point where its toxicity is a force not reckoned with?
Is there a lack of spiritual instruction in our system of parenting, teaching, and caring for the weak, our defenseless ones, our children, and the most vulnerable of our neighbors: the abandoned? Perhaps the spirit of the Europeans has traveled such a course, in the past few centuries, capable of throwing out of balance a tenuous balance created by indigenous cultures, and the ‘helpers’ who have assisted the People have simply left us to our own undoing, and we simply do not know how to restore balance?
The greatest shift of energies and power on Earth has been through the Europeans. Where can and will the balancing or the reckoning shift come from? There are no statistics on the intangible, but how many of the ancient ‘helpers’ abound in the realms closest to ours? How many alive today among the People know the words, or movements, or rituals to call the ‘helpers’ to this side of the Cup of Perception? And if these entities were to come how would they present themselves to the world, and how would they be received? History has shown us an answer in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the mistreatment of scores and scores of holy people the world over who suffered private agonizing deaths at the hands of ordinary people frighten by the possibility of change. What say you? - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
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