portal into other realms by tony r. march
As requested My brothers and Sisters of the light and love we give to the world... Focused with great intent to our brothers and Sisters of Brazil and Rio De Jenero . . .
Here is the center of all answers to my prayers. the source of my light, my Love my very life force the essence of who I am... my connection to the Great Grand Father, our God, we every one of us joined here together in all humility ask for this healing to take place as if like a miracle this living souls life and body is healed. WE are grateful Father beyond gratitude itself for this gift formed from your compassion the power of your love for us. I send all my power of healing, my light, my love to all that are in need of it, I give all that I am, all that I posses, I give everything, I with hold nothing. I am grateful beyond gratitude for what they are all about to receive, this gift of your love of them, these little ones whom are the affection of your eye. Thank you Great Grand Father creator of all things, know~er Of all things, Source of all things... Yes I will pay this price take me, I give my life over into your hands, if the price is my pain... to suffer this thing alone... or my life itself I offer to you in exchange for all to be healed of their illnesses, their inner peace and the outer Joy they may live for all to see as a witness to my sacrifice to you, my very own life I give if it is the price... your loving son,
Tony Gray Owl
Thank you Brother for placing our prayer here. I am highly honored, Mitakuye oyasin, I share with you also one of my web sites