Thursday, January 24, 2019

He Thinks About Black Women.

Face of a Black woman by Jimmy Law.

Beautiful Black women have learned to doubt their wondrous and mysterious beauty. They have forgotten who they are. They have forgotten that once upon a time, they were the center of beauty and it was made very public that Black women were adored by people from all over our world.
Beautiful Black women have forgotten that there are still statues that admire their beauty and they are drawn in caves, tunnels and pyramids all over the planet. Beautiful Black women have forgotten that they are the original works of art and the original piece will always be the most valuable. Beautiful Black women have forgotten that they have birthed humanity all across the planet which is why they will always be seen as majestic, whether in secret or publicly. Their can be no beauty as beautiful as the most beautiful Black woman. Black women have forgotten, that even to this day, Catholic priests secretly pray to her and ask her to forgive their skins...

dark skinned woman by Ray Pitts

Dark compelling beauty of Bennie Rose by Roseograph

…Some, not most, black men are handing their black women over to the wolves in a desperate attempt to fit in with a supremacist white society that has downgraded and killed black men and black women for centuries. It’s put to black men as if now they have justification for the predicament they are in. Let’s blame the beautiful black women because she didn’t do a good job raising the black man. But this is not fair and this is not accurate. For if anyone deserves to be punished for their role in bringing up black men, enough blame can be passed to black men. The burden is for the black men and black women to share together… [author unnamed

Forbidden fruit by J. Alex

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