Wednesday, August 7, 2013


"Take those damn electronics out of children's lives and they will recreate the world we live in with enthusiasm." - Dawn Wolf


Leave children alone to themselves and they will develop the magic they are born with. Computers are for the gratification of parents pressed to buy and sellers pressed to sale. What parents don't understand about themselves hampers their children's development in ways that don't manifest until much later and after their children exhibited something odd that wasn't there when the parents were their age playing in the dirt. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.9.13

"The boy probably doesn't feel the expansive glow Westerners feel who do not know the feel of the land, and the smell of animals, and dung, and how comforting those things are to the soul, or how they vibrate with a life force that makes songs and music come out of you. 
A Westerner wouldn't know by looking at the picture what each part of a day's rising sun sounds like..." - Dawn Wolf 1.9.13


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