Tuesday, September 10, 2013


The matter of every star and planet in the universe is created in 7 forms. In modern words these are magnetism, electricity, light, ether, gases, liquids, and solids. The 4th substance, ether, is the central supporting substance of the other 6. It is the womb of creation called space. It is black in color, as one can see by looking out into space at night. This absolute blackness called space not only supports the other substances, but it also gives individual color to all objects because the color black contains all other colors in itself. Hence when the b8m original Gods made themselves new bodies they covered them in skin whose color is black getting it directly from the ether. Because the Gods create all plants and animals from their own bodies they need to have all colors stored in a single color in their creative germ, which is called the dark dominant germ or gene, the source of what modern people call melanin. - Abdul Mueed Koran Bey

African beauty of Joelle Kayembe of the Congo !!!!

The Holy Trinity The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit The Mother, the Daughter and the Divine Life T 

2. The 24 Elders are called the Fathers and Mothers of the Nation. Each Elder is called Father by his tribe, and his wife, the Queen, is called Mother. The 144 Chiefs are called the Sons and Daughters of the Elders. Each Chief is called the Son by his clan, and the co-Chief, his wife, is called the Daughter. The 144,000 Judges are called the Holy Spirit, or Divine Life, by the residents of their town.

3. The three groups of our leaders, the Elders, Chiefs, and Judges, are called the highest Holy Trinity.

4. Their designation as the highest holy trinity comes from the following teaching: "We are taught that the true name of reality, or all of existence, is the holy trinity. At the beginning of creation that has no beginning, God created reality in the form of a triangle, or three-sided "form", or trinity. To this day, all reality is created in exactly the same way, every time."

5. First God divided into 2, and then into 3, and when he/she became three, then reality, or all of existence in the universe, came into being. Since that moment, every event in reality, every action in life, every movement in the universe, every facet of life whatsoever, is in the form of the holy triangle. We are taught that when a young girl sweeps the floor of her house that event is in the form of the divine trinity. When a boy plays a drum or a woman BLACKROOTS SCIENCE dances to music, all those movements are in the form of the holy trinity, or triangle of reality.

6. In the case of the young girl, she is called the mother of her divine trinity. The clean floor that results from her sweeping is called the daughter of her divine trinity, and the act of sweeping is called her holy spirit.

7. The boy playing the drum is called the father of his actions. The music he brings into existence is called his son and the act of playing the drum is called his holy spirit.

8. The dancing woman is also the mother of her actions. The dance resulting from her actions is her daughter, and the action of her swaying hips is called her holy spirit. To our ancestors, every action is holy, and is called the holy spirit. When you type a message on the computer that typing action is your holy spirit. The message you create is your son or daughter, and you are the father or mother of your holy trinity, or triangle of reality.
African beauty of Deja Belle, fb

9. Every result of every action is called the son or daughter of its creator, and the individual creating it is its father or mother. This is called the divine trinity by means of which reality comes into existence.

10. All reality exists by the manifestation of the divine trinity in every universal event, however serious or mundane.

11. Reality manifests on the highest level as God (the Father/Mother), the universe (the son/daughter), and life (the holy spirit). So God, the universe, and life are the highest manifestation of the holy trinity, or triangle of existence.

12. The Holy Trinity is personified on the highest level in the persons of the 24 Elders as the Fathers/Mothers, the Custodians of Unity; the 144 Chiefs as the Sons/Daughters, or Custodians of Universal Energy; and the 144,000 Judges as the Holy Spirit, or Custodians of Divine Life. Our leaders are called the Highest Holy Trinity.

13. In addition, the Elders are called the Custodians of Divine Unity. (Divine means perfect, complete, whole or holy). Divine unity is another name for the oneness of God.

14. The 24 Elders are also called the home of eternity. When the singers compose their songs they call them by many other names. The poets use even more names as they feel inspired to sing their praises. But of all the names of the Elders the most popular and most beloved is simply Mother and Father. In the eternal language of the Black Nation, mother is Ma and father is Ra. Ra and Ma, or simply RAMA. THE HOLY TRINITY. That is the eternal name of God.

15. And it is by the will of God that reality manifests on earth in the form of the divine triangle.

16. That is the origin of the expression, "the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit", also called by our people, the Mother, the Daughter. - Abdul Mueed Koran Bey

African beauty of  Adeola Ariyo of Nigeria

"...the questioner wants to know whether a man of low state, low education, can realize that spiritual and true intelligence, that uniqueness. He can if he begins vigorously to question and to discover the significance of established values, and thus release creative thought. Unfortunately, such people have very little time to themselves, they are overworked, they are exhausted at the end of the day. But you who are supposed to be educated, who have leisure, can see to it that these others have also the right environment in which to live and think, and are not ceaselessly imposed upon and exploited" - J. KRISHNAMURTI

Mereana, the question you pose to the listener and the reader of this quote, "Will you? Are you willing to co-create this climate with others in fully unconditional co-operation?" is basically a question into people's spiritual responsibility to one another. - Gregory 9.10.13

"...these medicine words have their own Spirit guardians ...they will choose who is ready or whatsoever to take such a journey ...it is The Way." - Mereana

Mereana Taki
Sept. 4, 2013

Thandie Newton

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