Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shit & Giggles

Let's Talk Universal Spirituality!

October 1, 2013
So, Paul the Apostle said: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."

..& now every black church across AmeriKKKa got people in there fakin like they're talkin in tongues...Talmbout, "Hakashakalalalananana Jahabananamakakakaka Thank ya Jezusssssss !"....LOL !!!!

Yall even got white church doin that shit...LOL.

For shits & giggles if Angels were real, do you really think they talk like that ???

& if God sees homosexuality as an abomination, Why are all of his angels "Twinks" ???

TWINK: Twink is a gay slang term describing a young or young-looking man with a slender build. Twinks, or "Fem Boys" are often clean-shaven to emphasize a youthful, fresh-faced appearance, although many are young enough not to have facial hair yet.

To all my Gay friends who read the Bible, be honest...Dont the Angels resemble Fem Boys with wings ????....LOL !!!! - Theloneus Jones

That is a humorous observation. But, remember these are European interpretations, and their art reflects their cultural contradictions and denials. Their sense of things and their ideologies permeate the globe, and to grasp understandings stronger than their clutches around accepted spiritual and secular concepts, and to navigate through the Western dominance of people's images of God, and the Puritan ethic requires tremendous work most are unwilling to do. So, instead there will always be trivial approaches to take the place of the spiritual and scholarly work required to unravel the mysteries and challenges to understanding the puzzles. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10.1.13

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