Wednesday, December 4, 2013


How Poor Is Poor? Ashton Kutcher, Walmart Face Off on Twitter

"The thing about Capitalism is its insistence upon dominance and conquest. Capitalism has a thinking process we've long hailed, but are coming to regret because at its core it is profit over people. When unions win and workers can live well above poverty Capitalism feels defeated, and thinks not about equality, nor does it relish a feeling of accomplishment or feel a part of a community of well being. Capitalism feels wounded, and seeks solace in poor countries too poor and desperate to complain about mistreatment or care enough about being underpaid. That is Capitalism. It is the American ideal of conquering and dominating others to the exclusion of others, and it hurts because the end of that relationship between American citizens and Capitalism is betrayal, and we feel it today because the ideology led American jobs to other countries!"

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.21.13

Chantelle Houghton selling foie gras in London dec 2011 !!!!

"The issue is deeper than Wal Mart's low wages. They've killed so many small businesses in the communities where they operate (everywhere). They strong arm the select companies they buy from, causing many of them to go out of business. And the vast majority of the #$%$ merchandise they sell is made overseas in sweatshops. Bottom line: they've cost millions of jobs in this country and they are responsible for lowering of average wages in this country through their policies. No one is trying to make a "career" by working for slave wages at Wal Mart, but we've created our own caste system where they have nowhere else to go. It's not even a matter of Wal Mart suddenly doubling everyone's wages. It's a matter of Wal Mart understanding that simply collecting all the chips and hoarding them will eventually destroy them because they soon will have no consumers." - Robert 

"Oh, Wal Mart will always have customers because Americans are consumers. Consumers don't think that deeply. It doesn't matter what is obvious. It is the savings they think they are getting that is important." - Gregory

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