Friday, January 10, 2014


Yemaya in the moonlight

"We must stop saying that 'I'll never change' because when we utter those words we're limiting the power of God. In fact, God is still working on us, in us, and through us. Perhaps the reason why many people are not where they want to be in life is because they're stuck on not wanting to change. Understand this - if you don't want to change for the better, God isn't going to force a change on you." - Dr. Sinclair Grey III 9.6.13

Blade Sketch 1

"You have the power to determine what kind of day you'll have. What you tell yourself in your mind has a way of manifesting itself in your actions. In a real sense, speak positive and you'll get positive. On the other hand, speak negatively and you'll get drama.

The Psalmist declared "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." That's my word for you. Today is your day to make wonderful things happen. Today is your day to get your blessing. And today is your day to walk by faith rejoicing that the LORD will order your steps." - Dr. Sinclair Grey III 9.7.13

Instagram Chicks

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