Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CIRCLE teaching

The First Circle

Our families are the beginning, the first Circle in our lives. This Circle is to be defined with our love, our honor, our integrity, our devotion, our time, our resources, and our words. 

The outside world sees us as a product of these commitments. To behave in an unbecoming manner reflects upon every member of the first Circle. If we claim to be spiritual, we must heal the first Circle by being committed to the well-being of every family member without judgement or conditions. Then we EARN the right to extend the first Circle of blood relations to others whom we adopt through our commitment and love. Only then can we call others "Sister" or "Brother," living this commitment through our willingness to stand in unity through all the tests of time.

Has your need to be right or your refusal to forgive broken your family circle? Has your anger made you belittle other members of your family? Do you have courage to make amends to those you may have harmed? Can you honor all members for who they are without trying to change their way of being? Can you commit to helping the children and Elders who need your strength and support? 

Earth Medicine: Ancestors' Ways Of Harmony For Many Moons, 
by Jamie Sams, 1994

Starr Intellectual gave birth March of 2013.

Birth is powerful in Beauty, Strength, and Gentleness. In the conviction of living through birth how it (the process), the baby and Mommy are honored is a determination built from within the confines of what is mysterious and continual: the Creation story you hold, and live by! - Gregory E. Woods 4.19.13

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