Saturday, January 4, 2014

Purpose Revealed

"...Your third Mission here on Earth is one that is uniquely yours, and that is: to exercise that Talent that you particularly came to Earth to use, in the place(s) or setting(s) that God has caused to appeal to you most, and for those purposes that God most needs to have done in the world.

Your second Mission here on Earth is one that you share with the rest of the human race. .. to do what you can, moment by moment, day by day, step by step, to make this world a better place, following the leading and guidance of God's Spirit within you and around you.

Your first Mission here on Earth is one that you share with the rest of the human race... and it is to seek to stand hour by hour in the conscious presence of God, the One from whom your Mission is derived." ~ Richard N. Bolles

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