Monday, February 3, 2014


Why I Dropped Out of the School Food Reform Movement and What We Need to Do Now

I have followed your blog on and off with interest. This piece you wrote is important.

If you look at your suggestions some of them come from the habit of giving power to someone else over your children. Television, for example; shut if off during the formative years, and then, if so inclined, monitor it in the later years of elementary school. But, television is not fundamental to child rearing.

In respect to food you can only exhibit or not exhibit a relationship with the Earth, our Mother. You, and other food activists and American parents are strangely separated from the land. Planting food can afford a person a relationship with the sanctity of the ancient process. Instead most people are disconnected from this worldview. In its place is the energies, and paradigms the major corporations create from. Until you are different than the spirit of the people who came here to Turtle Island from Europe you will continue to get the same results, and live in your head disconnected from both the Womb, and the land custom of an ancient way of living with the Earth, our Mother!

American's give their children away, and believe in what others can do for their children. The love of fighting I guess is so important that many parents give their children to school's, and enjoy being engaged in the complaint and leery of the solutions. I've seen it many times throughout the years I was raising my children. I don't know how mine would have fared had not their father been an Indian and an African deeply connected to his roots and our Mother, the Earth.

I know American history, and its long disdain for the way indigenous people live, but we are all suffering from what the whites brought to this land. Together we can work it out and become powerful and become a new people in the deepest sense of the word. But, the work to get there is tremendous. It begins with unlearning all we know.

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.02.14

There is another suggestion. We can feed our children wholesome meals for breakfast and dinner. Lunch at school can be wonderful juices in a thermos, with a healthy something to munch on. A liquid lunch would be nice. What should coincide with food would be playtime outdoors everyday. But, American administrators are spiteful, and mean towards children. It is in their policies.They have the powers over our children in large part I suspect because what qualifies them are the attributes we tell our children they need in order to succeed. They are culturally certified, and reelected into positions of authority because of the standard we believe sanctions them as authorities! - Gregory E. WoodsKeeper of Stories

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