Thursday, April 3, 2014

Adventure in the DARE

Pure adventure is avoided typically by the mundane who are the fearful. They are the poor character in the story Jesus told about the rich man who left talents, or money to three of his servants before he went on a trip. Each man received a different amount. When the master returned from his trip he rewarded two of the men for increasing the talents given to them, but the third man had his taken from him and given to the man with the greatest increase. Why? The poor man was fearful and buried his talent. He thought it would be safer, without risk, and prudent to return to the master what the master had given him.

That is how the average, the mundane, the fearful live their lives. Even those who simply accumulate wealth for wealth's sake are like the third man. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 3.26.13

daring you to do something

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