Thursday, April 3, 2014

How Does Love See Us?

"Intimacy is not just about pleasure. It is also about creating a healing energy from which the world will benefit". - Sobonfu Somé, Dagara healer

"That is the great deal about True Love. It is an Intimate and Healing Force, not only related to the couple, which it originates from; it is also a Creative & Generative Force that cannot be contained between the two, but is spontaneously absorbed by, and shared with the whole surrounding environment . It is a visible and palpable, beneficial Force." - Carla T.R. Iacobone 1.23.14

Two hippie lovers embrace.
 January 21 , 2014

"Two mature persons in love help each other to become more free. There is no politics involved, no diplomacy, no effort to dominate. How can you dominate the person you love? Just think over it. Domination is a sort of hatred, anger, enmity. How can you think of dominating a person you love? You would love to see the person totally free, independent; you will give him more individuality.

That’s why I call it the greatest paradox: they are together so much so that they are almost one, but still in that oneness they are individuals. Their individualities are not effaced – they have become more enhanced. The other has enriched them as far as their freedom is concerned.

Immature people falling in love destroy each other’s freedom, create a bondage, make a prison. Mature persons in love help each other to be free; they help each other to destroy all sorts of bondages. And when love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.’ ~Osho

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