Friday, April 4, 2014


Khloe Kardashian-Odom poses for photographers during the Unbreakable Fragrance launch at the Redbury, Los Angeles on April 4, 2011. photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty


Every year on the fourth of April I examine how I felt when Dr. King was killed in Memphis, Tennessee  and I look closely at how things are, and what has changed. I realize the people who were alive when he was murdered will be dead soon enough, and how will we changed the world will be asked by our survivors. The next generations will be making decisions based upon our examples, and I wonder what those examples will sound like when we are dead. How harsher will they be of in our absence?

It is a fair question. But, it is somehow easier to ask the hard questions of someone when they are dead for many people. It is cowardly. The truths and insights revealed upon people's faces is more powerful than second guessing, re-evaluating their written words, or listening to their recorded speeches, if they made any. 

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 5.26.13

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