Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Look at the Big Picture

The McPete Sez Lingerie Newsletter

 January 4, 2014 

"If love is blind why is lingerie so popular?"

An interesting sales pitch, but a puzzling outlook. Love. Blind. Lingerie. Interesting connection made, but within this concept where is the strength of love if love is blind? The connection between blindness, which implies helplessness and love, which is an action is non-existent. The two together cannot possibly produce the strength and magic of love in its deeper forms.

But, that aside the photograph masterfully dismisses introspective thoughts about the wording, the sales pitch. It is brilliant an approach and as basic as one can go to sell the idea of exquisite beauty and poignant moments to come in the eve of a day. - Gregory E. Woods, 1.18.14

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