Friday, May 11, 2018

the Advantage of Knowing.

"God's are not found in theories or systems of thought. They are deeply personal and intimately woven to one's own seed descent.

Ancients and ancestors used symbolisms as guides and sign posts though each unique one comes to the Gods, the multiverse and humanity in their own way. There is no forced uniformity nor is it valued as a social good. It may be useful in the early stages of pedag
ogy... though it will soon become obsolete when self mastery is attained.

Discussions or observations about God's is not a rejection of other beliefs here. It is instead a reminder to restrain oneself from imposing a belief system on anyone.

Ancients and ancestors caution against demeaning others in their beliefs. I am instead reflecting on many many attempts on my Soul sovereignty by people calling themselves christian. In reality it is a violence against my sacred responsibility to walk in my own truth."
- Mereana Taki, October 8, 2017 

[This] painted sepia beauty in the space of light and colors is energy to be defined, not by words, but emotions and knowledge of self, and other ingredients we need to know each other and ourselves... - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 5/10/18

Please accept My advantage in knowing all gender realities. If you do, you can help anyone who is struggling. Leave Mother God out, and I am half a God, a solo parent struggling to support Her children. Why not let God in the Feminine directly support women? As a Mother, a unique Mother, I am capable of what no human mother can do. I want to Parent you. And if you want to add value and give more than yourself, allow God to dwell within you. When the heart of God is beating within you, this rhythm empowers the spirit world to support you.
Expect that God will talk to self, weighing options, considering a huge and massive amount of information for the most productive of outcomes, specializing in personal interest, whenever possible. Only God knows, when and where too much starts for you. But, being God, is fraught with problems if people deny the MOTHERING aspect of God, if they set me on a throne, only to hold the King's hand.
Human families are designed to seek advice from both Parental aspects of God. Because I am one, I don't have a problem ascertaining personality for Myself. However, if people trust God they can understand that the masculine aspect of God can commune with the feminine and the other way around. So, laying your burden on the doorstep of Heavenly Mother does not exclude Heavenly Father and all His perceived strength." - Adruma Victoria (5/10/18)  

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