Sunday, July 14, 2013


Zimmerman. The name has become a character's name. It is a vilified name. "The Zimmerman" is a cultural hero for the millions of Americans who need to be able to kill at will in the righteous fight to protect land, and property from those of the darker hue beneath 'them' in their estimation!

That is the deep feeling in the Black community, and the Hispanic community? I don't know, but they need to take themselves out of the general feelings about race that were key to getting American citizenship, and think deeply about the roots of this country's mores, and psychological bend towards amending righteousness to a nefarious agenda when necessary.

I didn't follow the Zimmerman trail, nor did I follow the OJ Simpson trail. It wasn't important enough to follow because spectator sports have little merit in the work of reconciliation. If transformation is the goal of social activism, and spiritual work, and the social patterns of a society remain unchanged the outcome of sensational trails more often than not have little, or no transformative action upon the logic and thinking of the majority on both sides of the questions. This trail is no different.

- Gregory E. Woods, 
Keeper of Stories 7.14.13

not guilty

George Zimmerman Trial
photo by John Raoux
demonstrators outside the Seminole County courthouse July 13, 2013
in Stanford, Florida react to the verdict. 9 of 91

People react after hearing the news that George Zimmerman was found not guilty in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin, in New York
photo by Eric Thayer
7 of 91
July 13, 2013

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