Sunday, September 8, 2013

what negroes fear

Lioness Daiba Sala
Sept. 8, 2013


... These discussions are  pointless and predictable. It is the way powerless people talk to themselves and each other. It goes without saying, Black Americans are powerless and disconnected from their roots, and seem content with it as evidenced by several things.

"The first lesson of power is to unlearn all you know."

Collectively and individually Black Americans cannot approach this level of spiritual work to become powerful as is designed within our ancestral lines. We prefer to play with ourselves, play word games in endless conversations around powerlessness. Until re-birth occurs and adulthood is embraced, pursued, and embraced our conversations will continue to parrot the sound of insecure teenagers clamoring for attention and identity. - Gregory E. Woods 9.7.13

Nigger shit

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