Friday, October 11, 2013

"Nigga please..."

Pure Talent (sketch) by Steeve Pacman Verna

"I dig the skill of the artist, but I think from spending so much time working with young toughs, as depicted here, who don't know sheep boo boo from apple butter; I've seen through the facade into the ineptness, and insecurity and worse of all the lack of dignity passing off as 'cool'. It wears on me from a global perspective.

As US citizens we need to be global thinkers, but alas it is but a dream. Young cats like this are thrust out to the world as the example of Black young manhood and boyhood. The slothful image comes from a spirit and returns as a spirit to their bodies many of our young men refuse to check and 'see' what stories their image is actually telling. It is an endless cycle, and in sessions and sacred circles I rarely bring the subject up because it is pointless to tell someone with a low estimation of self too many things that are not on higher vibrational levels of thought and being." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories  2.24.13

Checkmate by Travis Prince

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