Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Teach Your Self

Innocence in a sense of self
Ego is one of the hardest human traits to come to terms with. For many Ego can be thinking they are better than anyone else, being loud and boisterous so attention is drawn to the person, or as subtle as feeling like someone isn't paying enough attention to you because they may be having other things that need accomplished or are happening in that persons life. Some say when walking this path you should follow the Spiritual and nothing else should interfere.
I disagree, we are all physical beings and it is important to find a Balance between the worlds. We cannot live in just one world and experience our full potential and Many times Tunkashila will bring people together for his reasons to accent each other's abilities and help each other to grow; as no matter who we are, we are always growing and learning.

Have a Great Evening Everyone and Please, Think about this. Mitakuye Oyasin - Thomas Seegraves 4.14.15


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