Tuesday, July 14, 2015

body of unawareness

Bottomed Out

Lilah Babi Dolla's body counts coup on unevolved men. 

We have come to a point where esteem has been determined by superficial appeal and a willingness to be accessible in exchange for monetary gain, notoriety, and something many women dare not admit. There is a primal need to be accepted, but there is one primal need for survival that clouds the essence of what a woman is on the one hand and on the other what the Sacred Feminine is within the evolution of Being. 

I have noticed, as you put it, "Little boys grow up and become pro ball players. Have we come to the point in our society where little girls want to grow up and become eye candy models?" how this plays out in this society and others, but I've also paid close attention to the lack of evolution within boys and men fixated in a vibration that resists evolution of spirit, emotion, and intellect. Unable to make the connections in what little I've revealed many men reading this will dismiss it all, and never grasp, or embrace the essential elements that make a boy a man, and cause a man to enter into the mysterious of the spiritual sciences of masculine energies. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 9.24.13

bad ass
Oct. 11, 2012

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