Thursday, August 30, 2018

the Complexity of Stories

the innocence of Miler Miya by Pierre Granger.
The model is Ukrainian and the photographer's page is Kapturphoto.

This image of Miler Miya is a sensitive portrayal of a wondrous thing: the embryonic stage of womanhood! The question to follow is found in how this stage is seen, appreciated, understood, probed, and valued. How it is devalued begins with projection into beliefs one carries from the fundamental contempt for the female principle embedded in Western ideology! Freedom begins acknowledging the origin of the lie, and in this case; this evil's indwelling presence within the falsehood of unbalanced humanity, a disrespected essence, and a disembodied integrity..." - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 4/9/18

The Desire of Want is a thought. The thought of a developed Black American woman is a genesis, an awakening. A wise woman's thoughts are above the expectations of adolescence. Listen. - Gregory E. Woods, (Dawn Wolf), Keeper of Stories 4/9/18

Music of a woman's soul is gently heard.

"Bathing in a river. It is the most natural cleansing from birth throughout one's life. White men's non-belief in the sanctity of the Female, and her essence spoiled water. Water became commodity, and the focus of wars to come..." -  Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 

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