I need to make a few things clear..."United Urban Warrior Society" is its own group/organization...We are not A.I.M.( American Indian Movement) We don't answer to A.I.M. We do support A.I.M. always have and always will, and will stand with them in times of need.....We are not into competition with A.I.M. In fact A.I.M. was the inspiration of forming "United Urban Warrior Society". We have and continue to support and work together with a couple A.I.M. Chapters and or support groups, as well as many, many A.I.M. members, supporters. & leaders. There is no animosity's towards A.I.M. there is some issues with a couple rouge groups and miscellaneous, individuals...as with anything in life, there is always someone that has a issue, they know where I am and how to contact me...We really need "Unity & Solidarity" amongst all our Warrior Society & Groups. We will be tested in the very near future and we will need each other, as well as everyone else to step up and either join our ranks, support us and at the least pray for us...(all of us) No one group can do this alone...U.U.W.S. is growing and we are here to stay! we are not going anywhere! So please encourage your group members and or friends that we need Unity amongst ourselves. U.U.W.S will join in the efforts of any legit activist group including our brothers across both borders...U.U.W.S. has started and will continue to support and recognize some of these other groups in the Fight for Peace Justice and Equality all across this nation. We will make our stand! we will step up! and we will stop asking and start demanding....Talk is cheap and we are tired of just talking...Some big changes coming to U.U.W.S. this year as we move forward out of our infancy stage and into a maturity stage for the group in General, we will start filling in the blanks...We also have a couple more chapters in the works...and will have to make adjustments as we go...Lets not forget all the Sun Dancers out there...Always keep them in your prayers...I will be in Green Grass a two Sun Dances this weekend and on sunday Arvol will bring out the Sacred Calf Pipe...I will bring all this to the pipe........
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin "we are all related"
James "Magaska" Swan
P.S. Here is some status information on our Chapters and other misc support and projects.
United Urban Warrior Society Home page "Like" https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_349784343825&id=10150213187568826#!/TrueSundancer
1) Black Hills S.D. Chapter
2) Indianapolis In. Chapter / L.P.D.O.C.
3) Florida Chapter / L.P.D.O.C.
4) Seattle Wa. Chapter
5) N.E. Oklahoma Chapter / L.P.D.O.C.
6) Hot Springs S.D. Chapter
7) Manatoba Canada (Afiliate)
8) Montana. Chapter
9) Orange County Ca. Chapter
10) Patrick Springs VA. Chapter
11) Portland Oregon Chapter
12) U.U.W.S."No Warriors Left Behind" (online support group)
13) Leaders page (secret)
14) Massachusetts Chapter
15) U.U.W.S. Leonard Peltier Project (online support group)
16) U.U.W.S. : Stop XL & The Pipelines Project" (online support group)
17) Sioux Falls S.D. Chapter
18) Washington D.C. Chapter
19) Nebraska Chapter
20) Austria...Support group
21) Wisconsin Chapter
James Magaska Swan (President/Founder)
United Urban Warrior Society
P.O. Box. 14
Rapid city, S.D. 57709-0014
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