Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Orunmila, IFA, & Babalú-Ayé

I Never Surrender..MΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

21 mins

Orula is the orisha of great divination. He is the divine and wise man that knows the future of everyone one and its existence. He consults through the Ifa divination and is very accurate on his readings. Orula is the first prophet that came upon land. He was sent and given that gift from the great Olofi. He was instructed that through his Ifa oracles he will entrust the safe being, the wisdom and the clarity within humans. He is there when a spirit in reincarnated in the flesh of a human. He instructs and guides the spirit to the world and gives them a list of what should be done. It is that spirit who makes the decision that everyday man does. Orula was said to be walking amongst the 16 ancestor spirits that make up the Ifa divination oracles. With these oracles Orula can see the past, present and future.

Orula is the knowledge and intelligence that is used to govern the people and triumph over all evil. Orula was with us while Olofi was creating the earth. He is the great witness of Olofi’s work. He even saw the creation of the orisha. That is the ultimate reason why Orula knows our entire destiny. He is a great counselor and his words are of good teachings. Ones who do not follow his words will deal with the wrath of Eshu.

Orula is good friends with the orishas but most of all with Chango. Orula and Chango go hand in hand as Chango also has the knowledge of divination. His trusty friend as well is Eshu who testes the faith of mankind. Orula knows all within mankind. He knows the beginning and end of all humans, animals and all existence. - from the House of Shango this wisdom channeled here to you. 
Orunmila of Wisdom, Divination & Foresight

Orisha Babalú-Ayé


In the religious system of Orisha worship, Babalú-Ayé is the praise name of the spirit of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease, and healing. He is an Orisha, representing the deity Olorun on Earth. The name Babalú-Ayé translates as “Father, lord of the Earth” and points to the authority this orisha exercises on all things earthly, including the body, wealth, and physical possessions. In West Africa, he was strongly associated with epidemics of smallpox, but in the contemporary Americas, he is more commonly thought of as the patron of leprosy, influenza, and AIDS. Although strongly associated with illness and disease, Babalú-Ayé is also the deity that cures these ailments. Both feared and loved, Babalú-Ayé is sometimes referred to as the “Wrath of the supreme god” because he punishes people for their transgressions. People hold Babalú-Ayé in great respect and avoid calling his actual name, because they do not wish to invoke epidemics.


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