Monday, October 5, 2015

Thought around Rachel Dolezal

Rachel Dolezal by Justin Bishop 2

There is a community Facebook page called I Stand With Rachel Dolezal that simply says, "This page is for people who support Rachel Dolezal. If you do not support Rachel. Please do not post or comment." As a consequence to date only 82 people have 'liked' the page.
To get a better understanding of her complexity her dissenters need a voice in this forum. At the least, Black Americans need to be heard on each side because the subject of "passing" is the central issue here. Rachel Dolezal is on the other side of "passing". And the question "Why" has grave impact because white Americans have had the upper hand in the identity of Black Americans and Black Indians like myself. It is a cruel subject Rachel Dolezal brought up and having a forum that favors only those who are for her is the language of white Americans fighting for something outside the reality of major players of this paradigm.
Even Cher's comment, "Why did Rachel Dolezal's parents out their daughter? It was cruel. I don't know why she chose her path. But who doesn't want to have Black cool?" is the same kind of thinking that Blacks endured from whites before law changed Jim Crow into a subjugated spirit. Blacks speak amongst ourselves with unbridled resentment about Cher who thinks she is hip, or 'one of us'. Whites here in the States fence themselves as a means of protections by words like this because they can pretend that race does not matter when it does by their own design and convienence.

Now that being said how does one side support Ms. Dolezal and create community? - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Rachel Dolezal by Justin Bishop 4

There is a story about Rachel Dolezal written  here worth reading. The story.

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