Saturday, March 5, 2016


I have to defend the legalization of Mary Jane, not because I am a user, but because it logically makes sense. The War on Drugs was a means to increase deaths among targeted populations, and as money makers without taxation a few of the many profiteers profited beyond belief, and tens of thousands died violently as casualties of undisciplined lives, and uncaring governments, and corporations did illegal drug business without consequence. Holding a standard against the legalization of marijuana has brought nothing of value to the populations of any country. It has been a long protracted war upon people who were only cannon fodder in the estimation of the profiteers.

Now the discipline of usage is squarely upon users, and their parents, and the communities they come from. No longer can people rely on outside forces to spiritually discipline a weed smoker. It has never worked out for the benefit of all concerned about the quality of life to develop one's maturity from a distance. If there is anything to be upset about let it be the lack of skill in self-control, and the impeccability of a Priest-Warrior not taught to our young people! - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.3.14

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