Saturday, December 16, 2017


Aggressive woman at the ready! Leaping from one extreme to another, white women have gone out of the way to be measured by men as equals to the exclusion of their essence. This radical change is perceived as progress. Unable to find medium places to balance from the perspective of being women, white women became combative and allowed themselves to be redefined by men, medically, physically, psychologically and spiritually. Now, the spiritual part is the crucial part, the difficult part because their culture used God as a commodity. He was interchangeable. This rendered relationship with God impossible, at best, because the dispute was whether he passed the litmus test of their intellects! Just like their men, they feel the center of the world, existence revolves around them.  

How, other women dealt with this paradigm is the source of their angst. During birth this is passed down to their children. This is how we know these things in our bones.

- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
June 12, 2017

Abby Parece, a former Playboy model, advised: "Don't be an eye candy, be soul fool!
She is asking for the heart of an idea to be opened!" - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

In the context of viewing beautiful women it is natural for some men to relax into introspection, for others it just seems to be an opportunity to say something corny they believe might impress a woman out of giving them sex. But, looking into women's eyes it is hard for a mystic to not see the divine within a woman because the memories of being cared for in their mother's womb are not the exotic garden, but the making of a soul, and the exchange between souls (mother and son) as holy communion. That holiness is a mirror one cannot afford to dismiss when girl watching.

One cat, Willie T. Stoddard pointed out while looking closely at Playboy model, Abby Parece: "In Mahayana Buddhism, this idea was extended to assert that Buddhas exist in a purified sphere of realization that reflects their blissful, enlightened perception of reality. Free of all ignorance, aggression, and attachment, this environment is called a pure land or Buddha-realm."

This high thinking escapes crude men and ruthless women, who attract these type of cats. The small reserve of men pondering these landscapes easily see where these musings come from and the links between sexual appeal and high spirituality are simply too obvious. The young cats reading this should be excited with the opening of their consciousness, and take a moment to engage the words of gratitude with their new awakening. Young men need the older cats who know these things to guide their thoughts and actions towards pure states of being to clarify the purpose for living.

Yesterday, after a sweat lodge ceremony talking with a mother of three daughters about the sacredness of being a woman, and a mother the long subject came up about her being ready as a Sacred Mother to have a son, one day and a husband to pair with on a Sacred Path, in ways that would outshine 'mere expectations'. It led to hard talk about absent fathers, and what they feel in their souls separated from their children for whatever reasons for long time periods, that often lead to never. Hearing the man's side told is one thing and hearing women react to what men won't share with women is hard because the missing components of the coming together father and child need, and the communities need are: initiation, a re-established Elder practices, and reconnection with the Ancestors, on a daily basis.

Women need hope that a man is being prepared to serve high purposes in life. Men need to be prepared for such tasks in the union of marriage; not marriage American style, but the style sacredness requires of Sacred Souls.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
[June 12, 2017]

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