Tuesday, February 23, 2016

HE Spoke Into IT!

Art by Corinne Reid of man crying

Sacred Masculine tears healing the collective 

"As it deepened, I came to the certain conclusion that this healing phase was not just about my personal healing. I was not just crying for me. This ocean of tears was just too vast for one soul alone. I was also crying for Sarah and the entire collective. In the same way as we had entered the collective heart when we fell in love, we had also touched the collective wound. In the same way as our ecstatic moments had elevated the collective vibration, these moments of release contributed to its healing. I cried for my loss, her loss, your loss- all those moments when humanity had longed for love, retreated from love, lost love before it could be fully lived. 

Oh, my God, there is so much unfulfilled love on this troubled planet. So much. All the salt water in the oceans must come from the unshed tears of humanity. When will we learn to honor love when it comes?

~ Jeff Brown 

Art by Corinne Reid

Art form of a Black Woman 

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