Black woman undressing |
breasts of a Black woman held by her |
Sampson stood between pain and belief, love for, and service to his People, the God of Creation, and the fires boiling in him for the woman he loved, and had to be inside of, and lost a conflict. The conflicts of great men are different from regular men steeped in mediocrity and the mundane. Their conflicts are of a complex nature because of the dual tasks of being ordinary and approachable, and dark and deep within the responsibilities of the strong man of God, and country. If it has taken centuries to retell and fathom the complexity of Sampson how much study of self is required of the strong men in modern times?
Spiritual sciences advance ahead of the intellectual developments of mankind in some seasons, and in other seasons it is the reverse. One element often out of place within men are the emotions. The intelligence of emotions is in the landscape emotions dwell and occupy with imagination, and deception. They are led by a wise Eunuch sometimes who has no commitment to the directions he can lead a soul. Other times emotions are led by a steely brand of soldier, and there are the multiple times emotions are led by women in command of the forces between their legs.
Pussy and divinity; one comes from the other. Which came first?" This question came to me in my Dreamtime some years ago,and it is a question Sampson had to answer one way or another. For Sampson Delilah's pussy and her love for him and what she could do to a man was intoxicating to both her and the mighty Sampson. How he answered the question without counsel undermined the inner strength he possessed that was balanced by several sources of power from elements that sustain Earth, Dreams, and Creation. Coming from different places Sampson was created by prayers, love, angst, pity, sorrow, brutality and revenge. The divine source of his being came from and was captivated by the strongest source of power upon the Earth: the Womb of his Mother and the Wombs of his lovers.
A woman is never the weakness of the man's strength. She is a weakness to weak men, but to strong men the essence of her being is primal to his thinking and his existence suckles nightly on who he is man to, and during the day burns a fire he cannot quench when her legs open
unto him the secrets of divinity, spiritual resources of camaraderie, and give him access to the higher creatures in the higher realms. There was nothing simple or childish about Sampson as a man, a Judge over Israel, or as the savior of his people. Jesus also deserves fair assessment as a man by men in these times as manhood is dragged before a league of nations to be judged for past misdeeds. Those misdeeds center around the penis, and men's inability to take on the mantle of
strength of responsibility and be a Protector, a Priest-Warrior, a good son, wise husband, and a friend, in the deepest sense of the word. Worse of all was the unacceptable misunderstanding of Power. For that men are judged by the energies they created through rape of children, women, and other men.
Manhood is a deep calling from one lifetime to another. It is not a wonder why some in between worlds cannot amass the courage it takes to be a man in any lifetime and seeks to cross the gender lines in this lifetime because science has merged with soul loss and created a technology without the guidelines of divinity.
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
breasts full & big |
Asian woman Genevive Valante |
Black woman's perfect form!!!! |