Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CLEANINESS, a historical fact

I noticed, as a young man, white people created terrible, and beautiful lives for themselves, and other peoples as they kill, conquer and suppress the globe into their image, to the best of their abilities. For reasons I can only speculate on they consistently write their stories, plans, conspiracies on paper and publish them. They leave traceable evidence for the interested to follow if so inclined. For example, singer Jessica Simpson admits she doesn't brush her teeth all the time, and many times will not wash her hair until it starts smelling.

When the Irish pushed the black African conquerors out of their homelands after hundreds of years of domination one of the first things the white citizens did was to destroy the baths their former masters had built. In the 20th century several American, and European authors wrote Western novels vividly describing the revulsion American Indian tribes experienced smelling, and interacting with the white settlers who did not bath, or believe in bathing. One story written by an author from the northern part of Europe wrote of a band of Indians who had captured some white women. When the captors tried to cross a river the white women went into convulsions fighting to get away from the water. The leader ordered the women to strip the white women's dresses off, and everyone reeled back in horror when they realized the women's bodies were moving. When the People realized the women were cover in lice they were thrown into the water and vigorously scrubbed clean as the white women fought with all their might to get out of the water!

There is a spirit to one's history, and the why of it lies deep in the soul of the people.” - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

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