Tuesday, May 22, 2012


mikaela crank red nations model

I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.  We must sail sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it, but we must sail and cannot drift nor lie at anchor.”

 –Oliver Wendell Holmes


  1. Greeting Mr. Wolf, could you please remove this photo. It is a copyright violation. Thank you.

  2. Please remove this image from your blog. Thank you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Are you the photographer? It is hard to find authorship nowadays.

    3. The photographer is Larry Price. He has copyright to this photo.

    4. Alright. I need clarification. I grew up thoroughly understanding copyright law. It was part of public education. This cyberspace thing is not in league with it at all. In 'public' space, from a site with no indication of ownership and no idea where to find, or how to find the photographer what is a person to do.

      For one thing the photographer, Larry Price, has not come forth. I am grateful and glad some anonymous person informed me of this, but why is an anonymous person speaking for Larry Price?

      I will search and find him and ask permission, but isn't the display of print and photography and art online submitting to sharing? It is my concern as a writer.

  3. The photographer is Larry Price. I am the individual in the photo and would like it removed immediately. I will have the photographer contact you as well.

  4. Please remove. Thank you.

    1. OK. May I ask why? I am looking for insult to person, or image. Did I, in this blog, offend or take away from your positivity, or reputation? I am trying to gauge people in cyberspace. Here I've met so many inexplicably overly sensitive people react to innocuous things as crisis. For me it is baffling. Maybe you can shed light?

    2. I have sent you a more detailed explanation to your Wolf Run Gatherings web contact page. Yes this image impacts my professional image and I would appreciate the mutual respect in understanding that. The photographer can be reached at nativephotographer@gmail.com if you would like further insight on copyright.
