Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Working for a living is the slave master's preamble to keep the slaves "working" for them. The wealthiest don't work, but reap the benefits of the masses who do. There are so many ways to avoid being enslaved by this system of servitude, but if they let it out, then the system would crumble and that is not the desired outcome. So they stiffle kill, threaten and thwart any technology that will give the masses freedom. On the other hand, doing creative things to bring about sustainable existence is different from working 9-5 on the slave ship. If we know how to create with our minds we can have whatever we need and do it peacefully. There is certainly the issue of environment, particularly in the jungle, but even in that light, they too could be taught to exist harmoniously in nature and have all they need as well. Just saying. - Nana Baakan Agyiriwah 

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