Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Sacred form of a Black Woman - Sophisticated Seduction


"The Dwat was conceived as being on the other side of the stars that we see when we look up at the night sky. The stars were imagined as being on the flesh of the Goddess Nut, and the Dwat was in some sense behind or within the world of which the stars demarcated the outermost boundary. It was not just the Sun God, however, that entered the Dwat at the end of the day. All creatures were believed to return to the Dwat at the end of their lives, pass into its dark interior, and were born from it again, just as the Sun God was born from the Dwat each morning. There was thus a very important mystical threshold between the outwardly visible cosmos, the stars on Nut’s body and what exists invisibly in her interior. It is a threshold we all come to when we die, when everything becomes concentrated in a single point, (THE BLACK WOMB) and then disappears from view."

"The Sun God's night-journey through Nut’s body, as he travels from death to rebirth. Knowledge of this interior world of the Dwat was considered by the Kemites to be the most important, most profound knowledge, f o r p e o p l e living on earth to acquire. The Dwat was not only the realm of the dead, but also the realm of the Gods and spirits and, furthermore, the realm from which all living things emerge. All life issues from the Dwat. To know this mysterious interior world was to become truly wise, because then one knew both sides of existence—the invisible along with the visible."

Sources: http://www.touregypt.net/nut.htm The goddess Nut in The Temple Of Dendara.

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