Thursday, August 5, 2010


spirit of a woman

My uncle Frank was 96 and he was high up in the Rosicrucian's. During one of our visits, I asked him about a recent hospital stay, and he replied that he and his family thought that he was loosing his mind. I asked him what was happening, and he explained that as he looked into the space between things, he could see shadows, and when he focused on these shadows, they would take form and he was seeing unknown places with people he didn't know. I asked him to focus, and he explained in detail what he was seeing as we sat together. I told him that he wasn't loosing his mind, he was lifting the Veil and seeing the other side. I asked him if he ever tried to communicate with these people in his visions by tapping or blowing or even speaking, and he said no.

The next time I saw him he was all excited because he took my advice and started to communicate with this other dimension.

Last December he went to sleep one day, and passed away, and I was distraught because I didn't have a chance to see him. About a week after his passing,I was sitting in my living room about a hour before daylight, and I heard a tapping behind me. I got up to look and saw nothing, but the tapping continued. My husband got up and he heard it too and flung the door open to seen who was outside, there was no one.

This continued the next day early in the morning, and this time I stood near the tapping and realized that the sound was in the space in front of the door, and not on the door. It dawned on me that it was Uncle Frank.

I said, "Uncle Frank, is that you?"

I could feel him laughing.
The noise then stopped. 

-Donna Weinheimer, healer

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