Sunday, August 15, 2010


"I believe that we are all light workers, here at this time, to bring light to the world through, wisdom, insight, healing and the power to transform the earth and all of its life.

War fragments the soul and it imprints the earth's energy. All things are made of energy, and energy can never be destroyed. It can only be transformed. We can not fight war with war; it only creates more of the same, it feeds it. Just like we can not fight fear (terrorism) with fear. We have to be alchemist's and transform the energy.

When energy becomes out of balance, we as the light workers need to bring in light through a higher form of energy to create the balance that is necessary. In order to find this balance of energy we must first find the balance within our own selves. This is not an easy thing to do because it means we have to find the "root of all evil" and that root is within all of us. We would not have war, if it wasn't within us to fight, we would not have hate, if we were not capable of hating, there would not be murder, molestation, or any other crime if the root did not exist within all of us.

When we fully realize what we are capable of our core beliefs begin to break down, and when they break down we will realize the truth of what we think we are, verses, what we really are. This is the melting of the ice, and the breaking down of the walls of denial. It also eliminates the need to accuse our brothers and sisters, the government, or any other source for man's inhumanities to man because "we, all of us," are the source.

We are spirits living the human existence, and before we came here our higher self decided what was necessary for our ( spiritual) evolution, and we planed accordingly to what was needed. If we needed to work on fear, fear was planed into our lives until we are able to see it as the illusion it is, and conquer it. If it is hate, we will be subjected to hate until we are able to recognize the illusion and transform it. This is the power that we have and if we are capable of the worst of the worst, then we are capable of the best of the best, so change your beliefs and the world will change." ~Donna Weinheimer, healer

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