"Elizabeth Taylor, the actress, but mostly Elizabeth Taylor, the woman is an ideal, an American ideal. The ideal of America was forged during and after the nefarious deeds that tainted people around the globe, and their various cultures. Once the supremacy of the idea, and the fact of white America, and Americans became a hammer above the heads of subjugated nations it became a gospel that fear enforced, and the images that came from this ideology became the additional lure of Elizabeth Taylor, the ideal. She was elegant, and beautiful in a magical, and unapproachable way. Women in other cultures exposed to the American culture learned to despise, and re-define themselves, and their men learned to gauge beauty by the Hollywood standards penned, and directed from those studios. At the top of the heap of idols, and inaccessible Goddesses reined Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Joan Crawford, Hedy Lamarr, and on and on into the present we can go to find their inheritors. They were a small elite group, but they shaped the images in millions and millions of minds into what they were not: white."
©Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
Elizabeth Taylors' tiaras were world famous.
Indeed these women were beautiful, but their beauty made the rest of womankind feel, less than. Yes, they made our men gauge us by the beauty of those in the public eye. It is hard enough to feel adequate in our mans eyes but these unattainable women of the screen, make the normal woman feel inadequate when we look into our own mirrors. Thank goodness for the autumn of my life, I see a woman in my mirror who has SURVIVED IT ALL....I am happy with my reflection....Love your Keeper of the Stories, Gregory