Friday, December 1, 2017


Tao Te Ching

The oldest and major source to Taoism is Tao Te Ching (also spelled Dao De Jing), which translates to The Book on the Way and Virtue. It was written by the legendary Lao Tzu (Lao Zi) somewhere between the 6th and the 4th century BC in China. The old classic still has a lot to teach us.

       Tao Te Ching consists of 81 chapters about the Way: its mystery, its cosmology, and what it teaches us about how to conduct our lives the wisest.

Misungui Bordelle by Marco Helena

The Sayings of Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching

Here are 388 quotes extracted from the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, the oldest and most important source to Taoism. The Tao quotes are sorted into 19 major topics. Each quote has a link to its chapter in the book. 


Japanese woman by Nobuyoshi Araki 荒木 経惟

When everyone in the world sees beauty, then ugly exists.

The highest virtue is not virtuous. Therefore it has virtue. The lowest virtue holds on to virtue. Therefore it has no virtue. [Tao Te Ching chapter 38]

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