Monday, August 2, 2010

black woman of power



Black American women hold a special place in the lives of the Black community that describes itself as ghetto. The brunt of their force is in their nature that protects them from the “dick” that doesn’t discriminate from a precious girl, a whore, or a woman who can make something of life one day. Even among those women unable to articulate it is a drive to make sense of their sexuality that cannot contain the beast of a man to beat the hell out of them for the most frightening of reasons: dominance. Within these women’s souls is the vague knowing of a power within that gives from the soul element the deepest part of herself to the man she loves. It is baffling, for them, unable to make the psychological, and intellectual leaps from their knowing down to the stupidity, and brutality of the pimp culture that has taken up residence within the male culture of ghettos across the country.

As black women from the ‘hood look between their legs at any given time in their day and ponder the complexity, and the contradictions their lives have taken on since they became sexually active the questions fall into the hollow places survival cannot measure, or spend time with as they battle from day to day to feed children, appease or worry about men, or prepare the next ‘niggah’ who tries that shit on their babies that was done to them! These battles were not meant to be part of their existence. They were not suppose, they dream, to birth the bane of their existence from their own wombs! Not from the perception of the Goddess who is as distant to these women as the Holy Father is distant from the local cats in ‘hoods across the nation.

Poor Black women have no choice but to deal with survival living in combat readiness. The core of their Africanisms lives and breathes next to the compromises of lives around and within them. But African priestess have been banned from African-American life, and Christianity has not spoke of itself in the context of its African genesis so they, poor Black women, cannot grasp the spiritual tools that will return them to the core of their African souls. African priestess are hard to find, and after centuries of rape and repression Black woman are unable to relate to the African mothers, and Ancestors who can teach their daughters the ancient ways of living, survival, being, loving, and birthing.

Big legged women with their dark thighs, big lips, and ample bottoms are as African as can be, and because they distinguish themselves from the self-absorbed pretension educated White women and educated Black women value they flaunt it in ways disgusting to their counterparts who wage the same battles to protect themselves. Where is the common ground American women can group and discuss in secret and across the divisive lines separating them? –Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 4/27/10

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt

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