Monday, April 19, 2010


Kate Beckinsale in 2010 wore the same dress Demi Moore wore in 2009. Is that news? In the glare of savagery, and spiritual illumination upon the planet, and the evolving consciousness of economies, families, nations, and millions of men, and women; is it news that two famous actresses wearing the same dress almost a year apart is worthy of commentary? Tea partiers are crying foul rallying around a banner of trust deficit, and the memory of President’s Clinton and Bush’s administration’s major contribution to what is profoundly wrong with the economy today, the loss of our credibility, and the money drain of wars is not their issue. History is not a tool they employ or delve into. Nor, on the other side of the political spectrum is history used as the best guide to understanding, and effective action.

Liberals, and other supporters of President Obama don’t know enough (myself included) about what is really going on in the White House, with our economy, and the nature of business that is pulling us into a hellhole. The foundation of the crisis we are in isn’t taught in schools, or universities, and American news is slightly above the tone and caliber of gossip. Our schools graduate millions of students without the prerequisite understanding of finance, and how money, and currency works. Without that knowledge we make judgments and decisions that affect our lives, the longevity of this nation, our grandchildren’s lives, and the standard of life for the globe.

In the midst of this hopeless banter some things are still available to all concerned and adult enough to probe: libraries, books, the internet, and knowledgeable people the world over who have connected the dots, done the math capable of creating a legacy of knowledge, and right action. Instead of an education for the times we live in, and an education of mind that understands money, and currency we are given unimportant things, trivia to worm through our thoughts, and enough truth to swim with misconceptions to help us vote against our best interests.

Most of us do not understand that President Obama has men responsible for the current financial crisis working within his inner circle to correct the structure they help forge. Most of us don’t understand what we give up in exchange for the comforts we treasure, and the technology we adore. Without understanding we dig our graves, we bury our ideals, we blind our eyes, rally around the cause of our problems as if they are our saviors, and we consistently vote with our emotions to our inevitable shame.

Does ignorance hold our allegiance? Is it comforting? The Apostle Paul said to study to show thyself approved unto God, but mis-education is the banner of the day for Tea Partiers, and the rest of us, on either side of the questions of survival, and existence, stand before the world as American citizens. What is our responsible as citizens of the only “super power” to the world? -Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Demi Moore in same dress as Kate Beckinsale !!!!

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