Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Medicine Wheel Garden: identity


Sometimes the Creator leads us to ask the right question at the right
time. I believe your question was one that needed to be asked or you
would not have gotten the response that you have gotten. Never look
at a question as being wrong, but what has been learnt from it. How
many people did your question touch, lead to a better idea, help in
making a step closer to walking in the footsteps of the ancestors.
Many of us have taken many steps along the New Age road hoping to
find our way. It took my Grandfather over 3 years to get all the
trash out of me so that I could remember what I had been taught the
first 18 years of my life.

The New Age movement is not a bad thing because it is people looking
to come back closer to themselves, nature, spirituality. But it is
not the way of the ancestors. There are hundreds of thousands of us
who are of mixed blood, who have no connection to our heritage that
have this gaping hole in their soul that needs to be filled. I am
very lucky, I had a Grandfather that was raised traditionally and
passed that on to me. I look as white as the next person, and I am
not accepted at all Indian places, but here in MO they know me and I
am accepted and in parts of OK I am accepted. The true traditionalist
will never accepted the New Age learning due to they feel it is just
another way that the white world has found to rip off the Indian. It
may take many months or years for a person to get past this, but with
respect and an open heart you can overcome this obstacle.

Today I must go out because I have plants that I must gather today.
Take each day as it comes. Learn a little each day and ask lots of
questions and hang on for the ride.

20 Mar 2004

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