Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MANHOOD TEACHING: dialogue between Elders

Femi Boma Ibim as art

Selu, Corn Mother

“It is the Mother's energy that generates the life forces dormant in the men of their lives. The story of Adam and Eve has done enough damage to the psyche of people, and killed enough women, and demonized enough life affirming rites of passages, ceremonies, rituals, and essential teachings into and from the higher mysteries of Life, and foiled the dreams of Life lived more abundantly. It is time for a Creation story that will enrich and inform life from a light source without the destructive elements that has killed the wombs of our Mothers, and our Mother, the Earth. This is alive at the core of my Medicine, my teachings. This is fundamental to the birth of man. This is the introduction into the manhood you, and many other women are praying to see.” - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

"The shame of Man is not that He commits unclean acts upon Women. It is that the masculine energetics of this worlde are so readily dedicated to the destructive force against the Sacred Feminine of all Life. In doing so Man destroys all that makes Him sustainable as a Lifeform.” –Ngaronoa Mereana Taki

“Yes, it is true. We are also in a time of the Shaking of the Old Ways. It is a frightening time as those old paradigms are being unlearned one man at a time in one circle after another in various parts of the world we live in...” - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

“I will not dance to war drums. I will pray.” – Adam Aba-Husain

“I will dance. I will pray. I will speak the truth, and to dark powers I will continue to speak the truth, and teach as best I can under the threat of death, and the promise of light.” - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

“I think at our core, the core of our being creation stories are alive and directing our thoughts, and actions. If anything changes it starts from the deepest places within us. At the beginning is the truth of our story. At the beginning of our story is the truth.” – Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

“We must first understand the separation, then the duality and Oneness. We separated from what was known and within that separation we loss the balance of self, true love of self and our connection to All things. I think we must first understand that story is a part of our DNA, or human record, and I too believe it is at the core. Now! I do think we must first find true love within in order to KNOW the balance. Once we have done that we can show then tell. Most of us have known so much despair that recognizing true love is hard. I am not using unconditional love because I do not think it walks far enough.” -Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver

“You don't think unconditional love goes far enough?” – Dawn Wolf

“No. Because True Love is the All Unconditional only defines a part of human values. True love need no definition because it is TRUE.And we know true…True love KNOWS respect, compassion, service, peace, joy, etc.” – Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver

Femi Boma Ibim as art

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